The Quest for Natural Amphetamine | #1 | A Leaf? Seriously?

in amphetamine-substitute •  7 years ago  (edited)

The intentional use of Amphetamine for partying has become a widespread phenomenon. Suddenly one feels awake, focussed and full of energy to celebrate through the night. What Europeans refer to as "Speed" has become more and more popular in the party scene in recent years and decades. However, Amphetamine's eventual downsides for the user's health and its serious implications for a good party-vibe have made the search for natural substitutes imperative.

Is there really no good substitute for putting questionable powder mixtures into our noses?

Well, after several years testing in the field I can say I have successfully found mine, and I'm never going back. It's mindblowingly awesome!

White Vein

After years of overlooking it, I finally came into contact with Kratom in a smartshop in the Netherlands in 2015, where the lady at the counter explained the differences in Kratom strains to me after I had asked her about the offers in the shop.

"Well, red Kratom can be a really good Cannabis substitute, it helps some people calm down and focus on the task ahead of them."

"Hmm, so what about these strains then? Are they all similar?"

"Well, red vein Kratom is more of a sedative for relaxing and a state of tranquility. Green is somewhat of a mix between energizing and relaxing, and white - well, the men in here always say it works like natural speed."

"Say whaaaaaaaaat?"

"Oh, you're one of those! ;)
They say it gives them great energy for partying while staying clear of speed and other chemical stimulants."

"Sounds awesome! I will have to try it!"

So how does it compare then?

Though not an amphetamine, the effects of white Kratom were precisely what I had been looking for in a plant. (White) Kratom's intensity curve doesn't peak as early as speed's does, but it seems to be more steadily spread out over the next 4-7 hours, leaving me feeling content with where I am and how I feel, despite an almost eerie sensation of readiness for activity. Manual tasks become fun to perform - have to clean your house? Awesome! Neighbor need a hand for his move? No problem! Need to walk the dog for 20 miles straight? Let's do it!

- Crossing the street on white Kratom -


White Kratom can be so energizing in fact that certain mindtasks such as calculation, detailed work or writing complex texts can become almost painful because the body would much rather enjoy doing something physical than mental.

White Kratom can be easily taken orally, mixed in with a juice, some chocolatey drink or even mixed in with food.

Its taste is reminiscent of green tea and algae, but could also be compared with simple dirt. It tastes like "Earth" more than anything, and only low doses are required to feel the desired effect. Whereas normally people take doses of about 5-8g, I find doses around 1g to be optimal, especially when the Kratom is fresh and still highly potent.

Most importantly: I feel great the day after. There are no hangovers, no feelings of "unsuccessfully looking for myself" and no itchiness. Quite the contrary, I have taken Kratom for days in a row only to find that I was really looking forward to taking a day off and not be so "assertive" in my behavior as in the previous days.

In this, white Kratom can help its user through a demanding time if taken with care and predefined intentions. Shamanic dancing sessions are a most ideal use for the plant in my book, and many people I have asked about their experience say they prefer it over speed because of the natural rich vibe of energy it gives to the user while never putting him beside himself in the mind.

As for precautions: Kratom dehydrates the body slightly so naturally drinking water is a must, much like with any other substance one uses while partying (like alcohol for example).

Long before an overdose, the body will start to vomit and get rid of the Kratom for anyone who seriously managed to drink that much of the stuff in one go. Its rough taste and sheer quantity for a regular dose greatly helps keeping the doses small and applicable for their intended purpose. Overdosing on this stuff seems way less likely than with taking lines of powder, not even to mention the constant possibility that the white powder might be laced with other toxins that don't give energy but drain it.

A major upside is also that the oral way of consumption is much more comfortable on the body than snoring powder through the nose. Apart from the leaf's taste there will be no pain felt, nor will the leaf attack the inside of the body like Amphetamine often does inside the nose on repeated use.

Kratom is easily shareable and is still categorized in a legal grey area at this time, though there are clear moves by the powers that be to make the plant illegal (and curtail its amazing benefits). As such, I find it essential that more people hear about the benefits of the plant before it is taken away from us again by the same people who allege cannabis has no medical potential and who help tirelessly to keep alcohol as ubiqutously popular and available as it is.


Dancing optional but almost impossible to resist

When I have arrived on Kratom and there's good music playing, I really have to muster energy to not move to the beat. Its effects are long-lasting, its level of focus does not lead to mind hangups and eye contact on Kratom is superb with the rest of the floor crews, allowing for organic movements that are a huge notch more energetic and impactful as in the sober state of mind while never quite cutting you off from the other people.

For its awesome amounts of energy and vitality, white Kratom could become one of the prime substances used in the party scene that would make many drug problems obsolete while also helping to solidify the human connection that so many powders seem to undermine after a short time.

Kratom brings back the realization how effortless and amazing simple movements can be to a rhythm, and how much fun it is to explore motion with other people under the influence of the same auditory field of sounds and music.


As we will compare in the upcoming part of this miniseries, there are ample experiential differences between people on white Kratom and people on Speed, differences that can make or break a party and that have.

And any natural substitute with better effects and less negative ramifications for a shamanic purpose is totally worth exploring in my book if it helps the party vibe along as much as white Kratom already has.

Check out part 2 here:
The Quest for Natural Amphetamine | #2 | Maintaining A Resonant Connection

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