AM Scribbles Day 11 - Dream View

in amscribbles •  7 years ago 

AM Scribbles Day 11 – Dream View

Looking at a view of the ocean in a dream or a memory of a dream

It began as simple dots

Blue wash


What memories of your dreams come back to you while you're awake?
Have you ever "dream-linked" with another person during sleep?

Thanks for stopping by! See you again soon for AM Scribbles Day 12.

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Great job! I especially like the waves in the water, very well done :)
I have very vivid dreams, and I mostly always remember them; I used to keep a dream journal; I'm not sure what you mean by "dream linked"? Is that like lucid dreaming?

Thank you, as always ☺
Dream journal...I've considered creating one myself. Do you still have any of your old dream journals?
"Dream linked", a term I made up. Yes, like a co-lucid dream with another person.

that is actually a good question, I'm not sure if I do....But it's been years since I last did it; I got tired of actually trying to write stuff right after I woke up (I mean in the middle of the night, I wake up all the time, so I would write it right then - the penmanship was so bad....)

This brings up some good questions....are you referring to the astral realm? do you think the people can actually meet in the same place using some sort of spirit body or consciousness or something? I've always thought lucid dreaming was an individual only type thing....because you'd have to "meet" somewhere, which would then lead me to the astral realm....I don't know, I want to hear your thoughts.

Personally, I haven't done any extensive reading or research on the subject of lucid dreaming, so I'm not speaking as any kind of expert here, just a person who sleeps every night.

In the not so distant past, I attempted (<---"trying" is such a thorn in my side) agreed to meet someone at a previously chosen dream location after we both fell asleep. We did this for a week or two, and did not manage to meet at the location we'd chosen. What was interesting is that we met in other places in our dreams, just not at the previously agreed upon location.

What about your vivid dreams? Any points of interest you'd like to share? ☺

Just to clarify when I say vivid I mean the types of dreams where you think it is real (but different than lucid dreaming, because I am not aware in my dream) and then wake up and are either shocked to find it was a dream, or actually think the dream happened lol I remember one time when I was younger (maybe 12) I dreampt (is that a word?)that I was at a circus in my hometown and I had found a tin can stuffed with cash inside it, I debated what I should do - turn it in somewhere or whatever - I took it home and then hid it in my room. When I woke up, I really believed this was a thing that had happened the night before and I went to where I hid the can but it wasn't there, I looked around for 20 minutes because I was positive this was all real; eventually I sat down on my bed, thought really hard about it, and concluded it was a dream lol. Nowadays, the dreams are kind of worse because at times they still feel like reality - I got divorced about 7 years ago and I will have a dream as if we are still together and then wake up and find out it was only a dream - talk about a terrible feeling to wake up to!

I used to practice lucid dreaming (only a little, not an expert) many years ago but I stopped doing that for various reasons. I believe in Heaven/Hell; Angels/demons, etc. and I think that lucid dreaming/astral projection is kind of a middle ground in experiencing other spiritual entities, and I'm not entirely sure if that is a good thing or not....and so I stopped, I suppose out of "caution". But, this is a topic I love b/c I find it fascinating; I love any and all spiritual conversations :)

This is definitely a fascinating topic, largely because there are few concrete scientific answers, in my opinion. Maybe your brain is tuned so you experience dreams in a more real or vivid way than others. It sounds like you have had a lifetime of very realistic dream sessions. Since childhood, I have wondered what the implications would be if 'real life' was actually switched with our dream world lives, so our dreams would be our true reality and this earth life would be a lifetime of dreams.

That last sentence seems confusing...Yes this is a deep and fascinating subject to say the least! Thanks for sharing your dreams here ☺

Wavy! Simplicity is key. I can stare at this for ages, a piece that triggers your imagination.

Somewhere between reality and dream land ☺ Thanks @benja!

Very nifty drawing. Like the dots. Reminded me of being in a tumbled bush in Florida, looking out at the ocean-beyond before lunch.
As for dreams...I do like to remember dreams, and if I have trouble sleeping, I replay dreams I've had in my head. And it helps me to go to sleep. Think it is because they are not 'real', in terms of visuals, as they were made up in the mind, rather than through the eyes. So they don't take other parts of the brain to process, thus allowing one to fall asleep.
Sometimes they conjure forth easily, other times, not so much. Oddly. Not exactly related to your ??, but sort of...( :

I appreciate your feedback!
Yours is a pleasant-sounding method of falling asleep, the opposite of going into that re-living stress feedback loop so many become trapped in before bedtime.

im really liking all the dots... they make good backgrounds.. and foregrounds.... and objects hahahaha

Using unexpected items to make them is fun too.