in amun •  last year  (edited)

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Interesting video about Supreme deity Amun/AmunRa and mention of attempts to fuse AmunRa with Yahweh starting from 900 BC (30:03 at the end of video*) which corresponds to my earlier estimates of 860 BC the time when Akhenaten actually was around who was the prototype for biblical Moses, not his priest as some have suggested. I tend to believe Emanuel Velikovsky's theory of added five+ centuries to the traditional Egyptian timelines, thus also affecting ancient Greek and Babylonian timelines, which would explain much of still raging controversies over the historical dating of these and other periods. Anyway, it confirms, rather surprisingly, my own suspicions in that regard.

It only makes sense that after outlawing the worship of Amun the Atenists have attempted to pass his powers to Aten (solar disk) aka Yahw (its light) claiming Jehovah, I am that I am, to be equal to Supreme deity Amun, whose name literally means hidden while Aten with its light is very much visible aftermath of what first takes place in the primordial darkness which Egyptians called Hmnyw, Greek Ogdoad, Amun with his consort Amunet being part of it, preceding the Creation, thus prior to any disk and light in existence.

From Hmnyw through Amun who has transformed himself into Ouroboros, serpent biting its own tail, a metaphor for formation of primordial toroidal topology, "formed by a surface of revolution about a central point, for example, rotating a small radius disk about a large radius of revolution will result in a doughnut-shaped toroid with a hole in the middle"**


Read the Nature magazine article by Andrew Forbes (22 July 2022) titled "Stractured Matter Created Toroidal Stractured Light", it describes the attempts to recreate scalar wave pure light, traveling faster than the speed of visible light, while what is called matter is that light slowed down to Herzian wavelengths, traveling slower than the visible light.

So somehow ancient Egyptians knew all that and in their own terms have expressed same scientific concepts. Theirs however is more detailed description.

Thus from hidden Amun forming the magnetic field along with dielectric centre, that stores energy capacity by means of polarisation, a primordial capacitor, emanates pure thought of Ptah (Great Architect) followed by Atum (means complete as creative aspect of Ptah) who is a metaphor for scalar waves that in turn create pure light, Ra (mind / revealed truth) who is Egyptian equivalent of Canaanite El (Most High / El Elyon / Allah), therefore being both hidden and revealed (truth) as AmunRa.

Then AmunRa becomes KheperRa (forms of Ra) as scalar waves traversing faster than the speed of visible light slow down to Herzian waves forming matter.

From Atum / AmunRa / KheperRa comes forth Ennead, gods of matterial world, the seven Canaanite Elohim children of El, as seven colours of light, that reveal the visible light (Yahw) of god Aten, Egyptian equivalent to Moseretic Jewish Lord God Jehovah aka Yahweh aka Yahw.

While Lucifer as light barrer is a metaphor for the visible light descending down on earth, the bottom end of the infrared spectrum is identified, in reality, as I am that I am of self awareness, Egyptian Nuk pu Nuk, which forms our base root chakra controlling survival and procreation, attack or flee responses and five senses of the left (male/animal) part of the brain in charge of wapping 10% of it. Hence the meaning of paying 10% tithings, to the right hemisphere (female/God) controlling 90% of the brain. Hence why Lord God Jehovah is Alpha and Omega... first and last ends of the light spectrum.

The Christ, or the Osirian trinity, is metaphor for the journey of light back to reunification with the Most High at the Source by way of generated by light life force that transforms it into pure Consciousness thus enabling the return of prodigious light back home.

The Nature of Truth. I already wrote an article on this topic, so I will just summarize the gist of it. The hidden and revealed truth of Supreme AmunRa at the centre of all creation (positive charge) is that of his dichotomous consort Amunet/Mat, Mut (origins of word mother) as the manifestation of Absolute Peace (negative charge and circumference of all beingand creation), thus the Absolute Truth is confirmation of Peace to be in reality true and undisturbed.

This checking on the status of our peace is what running subconsciously in the background every moment as our instinctive self is constantly verifying if we are safe, secure, not about to pass out or loose anything important which would disturb our sense of peace, one of three divine senses and constants: Truth (centre /Father / divine masculine), Peace (circumference / Mother / divine feminine), and their Love for one another as the Holy Spirit (radius / Child / divine unity, androgeny). The feeling of Love is the unity of true peace with the realization thereof. Peace ♡


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There are two creations of mankind in the bible, Genesis 1:27 where the original androgynous mankind both male and female is created in the image of divine Mother and Farher, confirmed in Genesis 5:1-2, and then there is creation of man from the dust of the earth, Genesis 2:7, "And the Lord God (Jehovah) formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Here we have Lord God not Most High God who is making a man, the flesh body, mimicking Most High's creation, for God who creates while Lord God makes out of what has been created. The man that Lord God has created is Adam, first man of flesh, while Adam Kadmon is the original mankind both male and female in the image of Most High God.

Therefore, the following rib story taken from Sumerian narrative is continuation of Lord God's making whose Sumerian equivalent is Enlil, god of the sky and thunder, also known as Shatan in Sumerian texts translated as administrator, with later Hebrew interpretation as adversary to God, Satan. Not that Jehovah is adversary, he represents the other end of divine dichotomy, with Most High on one, top, lets call it the beginning, while Jehovah represents the opposite, bottom, lower, side of the same, call it the end. Hence why he is both Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, albeit as the first creation of Supreme deity AmunRa, aka Father of the Beginnings / Abarashit, and last light lingering in life.

The Satanists have removed the opening Aleph from the first sentence of the Bible thus changing the meaning, from original "Father of the Beginnings has Created the Elohim, Heavens and the Earth", to what is currently and since Babylonian exile days 580 BC, "In the beginning created Elohim the Heavens and the Earth, which is grammatically broken sentence while plural masculine word Elohim is inaccurately translated as singular masculine word God. Reason being is that Moses has decided to part from Abrahamic worship of Most High in favour of worshipping Most Low divine light of Yahweh / Jehovah / Yahw / Yaltabaoth / Sabaoth / Samael / Salkas / Ramphant / Keivan / Satan / Demiurge / Fallen Archangel / Cronus / Saturn / I am that I am / Nuk pu Nuk etc...

So, what Lord God has made is basically a golem, while his father Most High God has created mankind who is both male and female, meaning androgynous, in the image of Most High God and Goddess.

Btw, the Goddess Asherah was methodically removed from the scriptures starting from 2 century BC, when sole worship of Jehovah was beginning to be enforced. Thus in Latin Vulgate translation of the OT bible all references to Goddess Asherah, consort of Most High God El Elyon, was removed or replaced with words such as grove or groves, reference to plants, pomegranate, flowers, grape vines, etc... leaving her only as subtle whisper, hint, and preserved as Shekina, dovine feminine, in Babylon Talmudic Rabbinical Kabbalah mysticism. Even there, "while shekhinah is a feminine word in Hebrew, it primarily seems to be featured in masculine or androgynous contexts referring to a divine manifestation of the presence of God, based especially on readings of the Talmud."

So there you have it, the Babylonian Satanic Khazarian heretics have reduced divine Mother to a feminine word which they only use in either masculine or androgynous context describing the presence of God. God forbid they mention anything to do with the Goddess or women. Enough said.











The Origins of the Bible - Dr. Ashra Kwesi

Jordan Maxwell - Astrotheology The Root of All Religions (two hour lecture)

At 42 min into the lecture, Jordan Maxwell is giving an example of metaphor with a story of race between hare and tortoise, with slow tortoise endup winning the race. Jordan however fails miserably to explain the actual meaning of that story. Out of curiosity, how many people here know the meaning of it? I will let you know the answer morrow to give you time to research it and to respond.


The laws started from 147 Negative Confessions of Goddess Ma'at (truth) whose two feathers are on top of Supreme deity Amun (AmunRa), stylized in the form of two tablets like shapes.

The Hammurabi Code of Babylonian Laws (1755–1750 BC) is "written in the Old Babylonian dialect of Akkadian, purportedly by Hammurabi, sixth king of the First Dynasty of Babylon." - Wikipedia

So the Babylon laws follow ancient Egyptian lead, then Moses comes into the pictire (c. 860 BC according to Velikovsky or 1350 BC mainstream chronology) with his ten commandments borrowed from Egyptians.

By the time of Babylonian exile (597 - 538 BC) the original ten commandments have ballooned to 613 Laws of Torah (Law), and even more were added in Talmud and other "holy" books. However, while Babylonian laws were about relations between people and the syate, Egyptian laws were focused on the individual's standing before Supreme deity AmunRa rather than sociopolitical management for the benefit of the ruling elites, not the individual.

Thus instead of divine laws of liberation the subsequent Babylonian and Moseretic laws, that later gave rise to The Republic of Plato (375 BC) at Classical Greece, "his actual name was Aristocles, son of Ariston, of the deme (suburb) Collytus, in Athens," were designed to enslave. By this time Free Masons were already well established since the days of Pythagoras (500 BC).

Being born and raised in Egypt, royal court no less, Moses got his ten commandments from ancient Khemet, short list, where I did not do something statements from the first person weew replaced with second person prohibitions of thou shalt not do or do something. Once in Babylon, the followers of Akhenaten aka Moses found themselves in intellectual home resulting in fusion of two cultures with their religious cults.

Men are genetic mutation from women not the other way around as the Satanic bible will have you beLIEve.

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Professor Kabakamane
Watch this video on Facebook

This is very good explination of Thebes cosmology of which am tracing my priesthood lineage on my father's side, around 3,000 years of it, and main reason why am in opposition to the hostile takeover of the original black House of Acob by the heretic king Akhenaten with his Atenist Moseretic Satanic Babylonian religion and following, being descendant of Aaron who was his brother.

So while all other white fake Khazarian Jews who are of other tribes cannot lay the claim to be part of Israel since their tribes are all black originally and have nothing to do with them, more so since they switched to only recognize the mother's mother line ignoring father's side completely, thus only the House of Levi can claim connection to the original black royal House of Acob / Israel, as it later was renamed by the imposters, because High Priest, aka Cohen Godol, title is passed from father to sun as is dedication of the eldest son to the Service, part of it is to keep the truth of what has transpired as well the Big picture of esoteric nature, cutural ceremonies and traditions. Part of that tradition is wisdom passed from the original teachers at Thebes to the initiates.

When patriarch Abraham invaded Lower Egypt at the start of the 12th dynasty, becoming king Amenemhat I, his name means Amen (hidden [truth]) am (is) hat (first) because he was initiated at Thebes by my line of priests of Amun with whom he made the Covenant.

As a living High Priest of Amun, I trace my line to the original priests of Thebes, as well king Abraham of 12th & king David (Tuthmose III), Solomon (Amenhotep III), & Akhenaten of 18th dynasties, and that's just on my father's side, all because being a royal High Priest of black House of Acob was highly regarded title that was carefully preserved & passed on from father to son ever since religiously regardless of the changes that took place around us, culturally & religiously, we still maintained this ancient tradition that we are the priests of Israel.








The Sphynx has a face of a black goddess, representing the casp between the ages of Virgo and Leo.

The Four Laws of the Sphinx:
To Know (water), To Dare (air), To Act (fire), and To remain Silent (earth).


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