EU Army

in anachyland •  6 years ago 

This is could be a good thing for both Europe and America. One is it would shrink down the NATO forces. They wouldn't be needed.

Now according to RT and Macron Europe needs to build it's own Army. I agree. The sooner we can bring our soldiers home the better. But wait a minute, there is the Middle East which doesn't have a Rothschild bank in every country. This is where they would continue to concentrate their might.

This is going nowhere. The NATO budget is so massive because of a never-ending "meddling" by Russia. Just stay with me. Europe gets their own army NATO is gone out of the European continent. Then what? People start getting along and sharing borders. They find out there was no meddling done by Russia but rather it was the Rothschilds and Isreal. What does Europe do now? Abolish the EU, NATO and any other CIA backed branch. Admit there was never any Russia meddling. The meddling in Europe's business was done by Washington DC.

Now that we have looked at the positive end of an EU Army, let's look at the opposite side. The army becomes so big that it becomes a dictatorship. Oh, wait, that has already happened, the European Union. They are closer than ever to passing a bill which would make memes illegal. Yeah! Sign me up.

Overall I would say a European Army would be a great idea. It would push the Washington DC out of Europe. NATO would be unneeded.

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