Most us have family members with us for days at a time. Some do the "Friendsgiving" thing. And Black Friday is a horror show. So comes the question, How does the US Government celebrate Friendsgiving, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday?
They drop poison bombs on their "enemies". Yeah! That's a new one. Sarcasm aside, I came across an article about another bomb on Aleppo Syria. I will include a link below to the article. It really is horrific what governments do to others.
Makes me wonder, what are they capable of doing to us? Seriously think about everything they currently do. Flouride in the water, chemtrails in the ski, and just for kicks, gmo food. I can remember when I was in school there was one girl who had a serious health issue. Out of 500 to 1000 kids one had juvenile diabetes. Now about one out of every ten kids have health issues like food allergies.
Now we have a situation at the border which was engineered by the Open Society owned by George Soros. The puppetmaster of the politicians and let's not forget the Rothschild family. This pack of inbred lunatics must have financial domination over the earth.
I did come across some good news on A former ex-OSCE Assembly VP which stated that 'Europe should abandon the US war track. Don't get me wrong, I love the everyday folks here. Along with everything the Constitution stands for and we will be better off to get back to it. Willy Wimmer is right. The sooner Europe walks away from the US Government's war track and regime change mantra the better off they will be. And maybe the better off we will be, the everyday proletariat.