Over the weekend we saw two events of violence. I have to ask myself, who is to blame. Of course, the easy thing would be to blame President Trump. Which is what the corporate media is doing.
But let's get real, he didn't tell these lunatics to go and commit acts of violence. They already had it in their minds to do this. KKK was committing acts of violence as far back as the 1930's. No one blamed the radio or papers for it. No! They blamed the KKK for the violence they committed. That's the way it should be.
When someone does something they alone bare the blame. Not the television, radio, or internet. I find this to be stupid. I was raised when you do something except responsibility for it. Or don't commit an act you don't want responsibility for. I have raised my daughter to own what she does and make things right.
Bottom line, we have a generation who has been raised with a victim mentality. Which has left them incapable of accepting personal responsibility? Yes, I am aware of how many times I have used that word. It's not used enough.
Enough, I refuse to accept this senseless violence and play pass the blame. The person who loads the weapon and uses the weapon must be held responsible.