$24 Million Wasted

in anachyland •  6 years ago 

Why is it we are okay with the idea that $24 million has been wasted on the Muller investigation? However, don't ask for more money if you are helping the Veterans of present and past. Don't ask for extra funds if you are feeding the homeless veterans.

Yet, when Muller asks for more money, it's handed to him. No problem. You want to drop a democracy bomb on someone, no problem. Feed and house veterans, sorry no money. We are wasting money on this bs investigation of rather Russia interfered in our election. Why not investigate what role the Rothschilds play in our affairs? No money for that.

I watch the French who rioting over the declining standard of living and over taxation. And the Hungarian people were rioting over the weekend. We see our vets get craped on and do nothing. Even the U.S.S.R. treated their WWI and WWII Vets better than we ever have. Ask the bonus army if you can find one alive. Or someone who was a child of a Bonus Army Vet. Google it, I dare you. Or read about them at the link below.

I first heard about this in a documentary about the Great Depression. I shocked and horrified at the way the WWI Vets known as Bonus Army was treated by Truman (later President Truman) and Patton. Yes, General George Patton and WWII Vet hero. They both went to their graves believing what they did on that day saved the Republic. From what? People who needed the bonuses earlier than planned. While Washington DC parasites knew what was going on with Wal-Street, they did nothing to stop it nor did they do anything to help people who lost everything. Nor did they really investigate. One man went to prison. I wonder if his payoff to take the fall was worth it. I hope so.

I wonder what will it take to get us to riot. We have been consuming fluoridated water with a cocktail of hormones. We see how well that is working out. GMO foods that are killing us slowly. Yet we aren't rioting. Just shut up take you pharma pills or smoke your whatever, and go with the program. Just don't wake up and riot. I see this $24 million being wasted on an investigation for something that did happen just not by Russia.


Eyewitness to History


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