How far would you go to live in a world without war? What would you endure? Or even give up?
An article I came across in Pravada based in Russia asked this question of people in the smaller towns. ( These folks know how to endure through severe hardships. Hardships most Americans couldn't handle. I don't mean to sound like I am demeaning Americans. There aren't many survivors of the Great Depression left, but these people learned how to survive.
Russian people went from a Czar which was clumsy and not the most confident guy to a dictator which promised equality and brotherhood. NO! They got everything but that. They got equally poorer and starved. They were forced into cannibalism and often murdered by the state they were told was here for them. Yes, the communist did teach people to read who had been forced to be illiterate because of the laws regarding servants. It was permanent and hereditary.
Now let's take on the elephant in the room. Yes, they killed many people. Over the last twenty years alone, capitalism has killed twice as many people than the communist did over a forty year period. Now think about this, capitalism has been around for two hundred or so years. Communism has been around for about a hundred and a half. I don't know who had kept count, but who says that communism has killed more people than any other system is wrong.
So I ask you again, what would you give up or endure for peace? Real peace, not this none sense if you do what we say and there's peace. If not, look out.