Anarchapulco | Quick Thoughts

in anarchapulco •  7 years ago  (edited)


Every time someone asks me about Anarchapulco I tell them it is actually the best conference I have attended. As a business consultant, I get to travel a lot and see many conferences, but nothing ever like this…

Why? Easy, most days you go about your life wishing you could hang out with the people you talk to online but most times those friends live 1,000 or 7,000 miles away from you. Anarchapulco creates a solution to this need in the market! It brings about a lot of learning from the best speakers, to connection with your friends… YOUR FRIENDS.

We work hard as speakers to produce a great result showing people what we have to offer, and that is always a great thing. We get embraced by the hundreds of people who come from all corners of the earth and after the work is done, we get to party and hang out with one another… which is not something you usually do at other conferences! Here, we hang out at the bar, the beach, pool, someone's house and we just connect at a deep level with individuals that hold similar beliefs and ideologies.

This exercise is sometimes difficult to accomplish in our natural habitats because we pick our houses due to work, financial level, and neighborhood and sometimes our neighbors tend to be 180 degrees from us. Fortunately, at Anarchapulco, we populate an entire resort and everyone is family there! Last year we had 600 or so individuals, this year we reached about 1,700. I am guessing next year we'll have close to 4,000 if my Fibonacci mind sees this trend correctly.

Another wonderful thing that happens is that we are in México! In a place where you can do basically anything you want without being afraid of getting shot by the cops. Acapulco is, according to the US Government, the 4th most dangerous city on earth, however, you do not really see this because it is mostly rubbish. The violence that takes place is between cartels and they respect civilians and even more so, tourists.

I cannot hardly wait to next February to come share my journey with another 4,000 people and connect with several more. I hope to see you there!

Luis Fernando Mises

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Would love to have you involved with the fork next year. This year proved the concept worked, now we just need people to share the things :)

I will be happy to. I just need to know in advance so I can move my schedule.

This year will be planned far in advance, so everyone that wants to fork will be able to fork :)


interesting ... good friend publication

Was great to meet you! keep it up... mr. beautiful energy xx
