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This is an old recording. I hope Ross gets out of jail, just like the countless of others that are in jail for victim-less "crimes"...

Please tell Lyn, that one day I saw a woman walking with a "free ross jacket" just in front of me outside of my home.. so yes, people are aware and want to help.

Jeff, Thanks for your Videos and information. I found you about 3 months ago and I have watched you change over the years with your Videos.
My wife and myself will be at Anarchapulco in 2019.

fight for freedom - upvoted

Buying drugs online with crypto was a game changer for me


fight for freedom - upvoted. Thank you.

Very useful, thank you for sharing with us

Free Ross Ulbricht, his case is a proof of injustice towards Agorism and we all know that the drug war itself is seriously just bullshit! I posted about this case a while ago, thanks for sharing this case Jeff! Good work as usual...

Judge Catherine Forest = Gov't Stooge.....

Judge Katherine Forrest = Gov't Stooge.....