The Music Industry Is Mind Control - The Beatles, Beyonce, Bono Are Not What You Think

in anarchast •  7 years ago 

Anarchast Ep.421

Jeff interviews conscious music DJ, Mark Devlin. Topics include: we are in essence free sovereign beings, mind control through entertainment, lifetime actors, culture creation, social engineering, Edward Bernays and propaganda, military industrial complex, people in the public eye are not who we think they are, the control of celebrities, trauma based mind control programming, occult practices in high circles, music and human psychology, celebrity bloodlines and military connections, Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa, Mick Jagger, Cliff Richard, Paul McCartney, Bill Cosby, Roseanne Barr, Kayne West, independent music, famous people are not your friends!

Mark Devlin's website:

Musical Truth on Amazon:

The Sound of Freedom Podcast on Spreaker:

Mark Devlin YouTube channel:

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for covering this more in topic Jeff. I know you have mentioned it before. HELLY-wood is a bunch of satanic and pedophiliac people in power. The people who have submitted to them have sold their soul to the devil! They have even said this in their interviews! The Beatles and Bono had a lot of things handed to them on their way to "success".

I've noticed you've gotten a lot more creative and your thoughts seem to be more free-flowing now that you are abstaining from alcohol. Congrats.

You shouldn't elevate anyone to a special status the cult of celebrity needs to end we are all humans!

In my opinion, I've heard many things about this subject and also watch videos on YouTube and sometimes truly it reflects as the Film Industry is not what we think and in movies and in musical videos we see symbols and signs which we cannot digest as normal and if we carefully analyse now it's slowly becoming normal and this evolution is unusual and many talks about the Pyramid subject in Film and Music industry, i don't know what is the truth but what we can see it's sometimes not feels normal.

Thanks for sharing this video with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Cool video <3

I think for this information is true!

Like :D

I'm more and more against the mainsteam media everyday. Thanks for the post. Hopefully others learn to actually use their voice and vote with their money. We have power but we never use it.