Seeking a DECENTRALIZED Sustainable Abundant Anarchist Society

in anarchism •  8 years ago  (edited)

"As long as there are prisons, police, armies, navies; we are not civilized. When the earth joins together and uses the Earth intelligently, that will be the beginning of civilization" - Jaque Fresco

The idea of ending human suffering was first pondered by Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha. He concluded that craving was the main cause of suffering, and came up with "The Four Noble Truths", a guide on how to end suffering once and for all. Basically through meditation, mindfulness, as well as following the "Noble Eightfold Path" you will be liberated from all craving, thus ending suffering.

I was born a catholic, I studied at a catholic school in a "third world country" (One more label that western society wants to stick on people's forehead) and I attended church every sunday, but I never really identified myself neither with catholicsm nor the bible, and although this is more of a political and cultural article, I want to contextualize you on why I changed my perspective on society.

It is not a secret that society is driven by beliefs, and it will continue that way forever. Unfortunately, people still believe in what it says in a book written thousands of years ago by who knows who, and that has since been redacted maybe hundreds of times by hundreds of people with their own interests, under different circumstances which they needed to fit to what they wrote in the damn book! I am not saying that those books be it the bible, coran, torah etc. do not have valuable teachings, they do! but if you read them carefully you will find some insane things as well, sometimes contradictory. Perhaps they want people to have cognitive disonance of some sort? who knows! As I said, they have their own interests.

So in a society where almost everyone acts upon what they believe, and upon what they crave at all costs, it's not surprising to see why there are so many wars and so much misery in our world. Not only the ancient scholars who wrote the bible had their own interests, nowadays more powerful men have their own interests and they keep using the same old trick, making you believe what they want, and making you believe that your opinions are the construction of your own rationality, though they are no longer using books to do so, they use newspapers, mainstream media, etc. 

I am not a conspiracionist theorist if that's what you think ( I do not believe the world is run by lizards ), actually the so called "illuminati", if they even exist, do not deserve the title of enlightnened, that would be a slap in the face to what buddah tried to teach, these powerful men only crave for power and money, that's the truth. Just look around, why the do we have been able to reduce by 1,000 times the size of computers in 50 years but still use the same old fashioned gasoline and all the derivates from hydrocarbons? Because clean energy won't profit THEM. Same with war, banking and many other atrocities happening in our world that have become a lucrative bussiness.

I think you get my point, and I'm sure you've already heard the same story somwhere else, I am not the only preacher of truth and justice. So, if that's really happening what can we do?

Well if you are reading this you might just have begun making a change. I hope you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast just like me, the whole concept of decentralized cryptocurrency took the world by surprise, very few people saw the potential of Bitcoin when it was first released, the whole technology behind it, is probably the most disruptive innovation of the century and it opens the doors for more technologies to be built on top of it.  I might not be a tech savvy, but anyone with common sense (that thinks by himself) can see why this is a punch in the face to the foundations of the society this powerful men want to impose in the rest of the population.

Central banks will charge you countless fees, they will even charge you for holding your own money, if you buy with credit/debit card, they will know every asset you have purchased, and to whom, charging you interest on it. They will print money out of nowhere without limit (considering earth's resources ARE LIMITED), then continue to profit on debt, and since there is not enough fiat money in circulation to pay the debt, they will take what they can that actually has value (your house, your car, etc. otherwise you go to jail).

Then there's  Bitcoin, focused on your privacy, no taxation or fees, no intermediaries (p2p) and a decentralized network that will issue a limited amount of coins, all of this running on a decentralized technology known as "THE  BLOCKCHAIN". Bam! right in your face bankers. Though it is still harmless for them and that's why they are looking on how to take part on it before all of this really explodes in their faces. But the whole Blockchain technology is something they cannot stop, now we have Ethereum, with its smart contract blockchain, allowing you to run many other operations in a decentralized network, a decentralized app or even create your own decentralized organization on top of it like The DAO's original goal was. We also have, trying to link the physical world to a Blockchain, you will be able to keep track of the things you lend or rent in a public network that runs with smart contracts. Sounds cool. But what could be next?

Well the quote at the beginning of the article is not in vain, Jaque Fresco is a visionary that resonates with many of the things I believe in (is ironic how I was talking about how people tend to act upon what they believe in), he is an industrial desginer founder of The Venus Project, that forsees a society which is not driven by money, but by resources, where there is no need of force, because laws should not be enforced. As Jaque Fresco says, laws where only made to "solve" problems that technology can't, and I believe humanity has reached a point in which we have enough science and technology to "end human suffering", to make of this planet a paradise if we wish it to be, and the Blockchain technology could very well fit this kind of society, the Anarchist Utopia, giving back the word anarchy its original meaning: "absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal"

#anarchism      #anarchy           #life


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I just saw this fab and deep article now and your shadow cash one . Can't believe you didn't get any votes on this here . Please keep on writing!