Are you a true blue, died in the wool commie hater?steemCreated with Sketch.

in anarchism •  8 years ago 

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I'm running into a lot of people that run with the definition of communism as given to them by the krapitalust kontrolled skools.

I'm sure if you are on steemit that you are aware that the skools in 'murica are more about turning out good little taxpaying order following automatons than they are about educating anybody in critical thinking skills so that they can work out their own solutions, but you may not have sources of information that didn't come from the rockafellas and red shields.

You can't know what you don't know, or even that you don't know it, so read a book, huh?

Preferably from before WWII.

What happened in Russia was not communism.

Emma Goldman, leading anarchic speaker of the day, was deported for rousing the rabble in NYC.

She got to Russia after the revolution and reported from the scene what she saw.

If you would like to know the truth and not the 'truth' taught to you by those that will kill you to control you, perhaps you should read some books not on the skool's approved reading list.

Prince Kropotkin        Gets two.

Ben Tucker

P.J. Proudhon

M. Bakunin

Emma Goldman

A. Berkman     Gets two.

If you are calling yourself an anarchist and haven't read any of these authors please take the time, your lack of information is hurting the cause.

It's an infowar and if you don't have good info, we all lose.

If you don't like what you see when you look around at the world remember that you support crapitalism and crapitalism is what has brought us to this.

Not because it is flawed, but because this is what the rich want.

Crapitalism is functioning exactly as designed.

The rich get richer, and the poor do all the work that makes them that way.

The uninformed are slaves of the rulers because they are batteries in the matrix.

If you would like to see what an anarchic world might look like here is a short story and a novel.

E.F. Russell 

E. Bellamy

Were you to take the time to read this light scratch on the surface of anarchic thought you might be ready to unplug from the matrix.

When you have digested the weeks of reading I have given you perhaps you will be ready to lead us from this krapitalust dystopia and into utopia.

The revolution is in our minds.

The reason the authors above never saw their works come to fruition is largely because the structures needed to distribute goods absent wages was non-existent.

Today we can just co-opt the big box stores and distribute goods for free.

Keep working, stop paying.

Tell your friends?

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  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

What makes you think am 'fallen'?
Gov't does suck.
Communism doesn't allow for them.
What happened in Russia was state owned krapitalism.
I'd be mighty happy to know that my money troubles were over.
You'd find me on the beach in Acapulco.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Yeah, you are right.

I notice that 1) you don't actually define "communism"; you simply put it off to other sources; 2) you do the "that's not real communism!" with regards to the soviets and the like but then completely handwave capitalist's insistence that what we have now is not real capitalism.
So what is communism? What is capitalism? Spelling things with K's to imply a KKK connection is cute and all, but it doesn't define the thing. Adding an "r" to make it sound scatological is humorous but logically void. I've run into this with all your postings and comments on my postings; you seem unable to define, let alone defend, your actual position. All you can do is assail others'.

What will it take for me to make you happy?
I call it my proposal, but the closest other people definition is communism.
As such, communism is not well defined in the vernacular.
Folks say this is and this isn't.
So, what info can I give you to better help you understand my proposal?

As for the word coinage, my buddy coined survivalism, now crap-, and krap-italism are mine.