RE: Libertarian Role-Modeling: How to Outgrow the State

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Libertarian Role-Modeling: How to Outgrow the State

in anarchism •  9 years ago 

The most common mistake they make that they don't see is that by voting for lesser evil they give legitimacy to the existence of the state. There are many more productive ways to improve the status of liberty than promoting the least evil candidate.

Johnson's supporters come to mind, and for Trump, I don't even know how that's a thing. Imagine all the words, time and money spent in actually promoting voluntaryism. The most absurd argument I've heard was "But we live in the real world". Because I don't see any natural reason for government to exist. If the most amazing thing about one's life is related to monopoly of force, they never really lived. Life is much more than their "realities".

I admire people like you that see state as something we should get away from, not "change it from the inside".

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Indeed, and well-said.

I appreciate the kind words as well. I've held that position ever since I've been an anarchist (and even withheld from voting when I was a minarchist), and it doesn't fall softly on the ears of those that still see viability in the political system, even if it's only "to educate."

Thanks for the reply. I'll be following your work!