RE: Good Intentions + Politics = Evil Crap

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Good Intentions + Politics = Evil Crap

in anarchism •  9 years ago 

Everyone wants the benefits but they don't want to pay the price to get those benefits.

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The only benefit I want is to be left alone. That's free so I would gladly pay the price.

And what about a police force to protect you, a fire department to save you, and a school system to teach you? Not to mention maintaining roads and bridges so you can actually drive to where it is you want to be left alone...

The free market is vastly superior and more accountable than state agents with whom you get little to no say:

You beat me to it! Thanks. And there are a lot of private fire departments already. Why would it be harder to imagine a decent service provider that people can CHOOSE to hire, as opposed to one they are FORCED to pay for?

@rekt, was opposed to when governments become corrupt? If the WORSE you can think of when freedom i allowed is what we currently live under, then I say we won. If we are correct, then more freedom would benefit you. If we are wrong, then you get the status quo that you want. WIn-WIn on your end.

Should security companies become corrupt, competition always stands to arise in favor of the market. With private firms, you can withhold your monetary support. With government, you get what you get with a typical Goodfellas response:

And when those security companies become corrupt?

Here's a radical thought: How about letting people CHOOSE what goods and services they want, and let them VOLUNTARILY buy whatever they want? Those who want "government" want OTHERS to forced the things THEY want. Pretending that those who oppose mass extortion are somehow the greedy freeloaders is ridiculous.

Where there is a market, there is someone in waiting to work those things out in a manner they can sell to the public efficiently, especially if they have a ready source of competitors looking to innovate.

I like to draw the example of Pharma Bro when it comes to the market vs. government intervention. When dude bought the "AIDS" drug, there was a big stink over him increasing the cost of the drug exponentially.

The likes of Bernie Sanders couldn't wait to politicize the issue and demand government intervention. What happened instead is something I predicted: the market responded in a manner more efficiently than any bureaucracy ever could without punishing anyone but Pharmo Bro.

That is, a competitor started producing a generic of the same product and offered it for cheaper than the original price before the hike. That same quarter his company posted about a $14M loss. Such is the beauty of free competition.

See previous link on how private police forces can work, to include providing supplement for the poor.

As for roads, no they don't have to be toll roads. A business is not going to plant itself in the woods with no access. They would build the roads and factor that into their business plan; come out through your purchase of goods and services.

I know people who live on private roads. They pay for their own roads and pitch in when they need repairs. Between the two, you would easily have a bulk local network. It's a good bet that interstates would either be toll or factored into commodities like gas. Best thing is, you're not paying for roads you're not using.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

how would private police forces and fire departments even work?

also would that make every road a toll road?

I am in agreement with you btw in principle, but it is hard to get some of the specifics worked out

Government police that protects you? You're kidding right? Governments are the greatest threat to the people's safety and security. Who protects you from government?

262 million + people have been killed by their own governments in 20th century alone.

You confuse us being against something to be provided by government, with that we are against it to be provided at all.

I don't want government enforced monopolies supplying computers and food, because government forced monopolies always result in low quality, little choice, high prices. But I do want both food and computers.

Oh and free education? You can google all the education you want totally free. Public schools are brainwashing centers for slaves.

I agree about being left alone but, sadly, getting to such a state of being ain't free. However, there's a certain grim satisfaction to be had in making life as difficult and unpleasant as possible for the various types that do business as 'government'.

Obviously, YOU want the benefits, but you don't want to pay for all of them yourself. Why not just pay the people who actually produce the benefits you desire? Could it by that you think you can get more "benefits" by forcing others to pay for them than you could by paying for them yourself? How does that make you different from any thief who wants to consume more than he earns by taking from others through violence?

Wow. Switch to decaf man. Post had nothing to do with my personal feelings but more of a statement regarding people in general. Thanks for contributing.

"We the people" can get everything we want/need without resorting to the initiation of force or fraud. That is a fact that is denied and labeled as anarchy. But how do people explain all the communities (Amish, etc.) that provide for themselves without govt. or any violence?
If you want to live under the boot of govt., that's your right. But you have no right to force it on me. You are not my "keeper", nor do you get to gang up (vote) and magically obtain that right. Got it?

I want to pay, but not at gunpoint. And I don't want the benefits secured at gunpoint. Why is that so hard for statists to understand? Is it willful blindness? Is voluntary social/political interaction threatening to them? I find their initiation of force/fraud threatening to me. We can both have our way, if they would just let me live my way; I would let them live their way. But no, they want to force me to live their way. They have no respect for my rights. or theirs. They are only happy when everyone is enslaved, and they call it "freedom".