Light is Faster than Lead: Why Ideas Bring Peace, and Why Violence is Never a Legitimate Solution

in anarchism •  8 years ago  (edited)



It's like flashes of black and red. I can feel my father's anger and I think I am going to collapse under it. Put my head down in the car and let the rush of fear just wash past my mind. I can feel it in my stomach and in my head, like a kind of black vertigo that comes close to obliterating me, but is all the more torturous because it never actually does. It is usually I who attempts the obliteration through small, but very consistent acts of self-sabotage.

At times like this it seems like the fetal position is the best bet, but even that won't do anything. How did I deal with this when I was actually receiving the beatings? Disassociate? Go to some fantasy land where I am king, and no one else is real? Now I am 32 and have to go back up to the apartment.


Why do people believe that violence ends violence? Self-defense and defensive force can stop it, but defense is not a violation. "We need to be violent to stop people from being violent." Any culture based on such an absurd and illogical belief is doomed to fail. The holy book of so many proud Americans says "God is love" out for the beatings. If you get struck down, it was something wrong with you that brought it about. Not God. How could God ever be wrong? This is how we view our parents when we are children--as Gods. As GOD.

There is a brain inside my head. It has helped me to survive for 32 years now. Funny that the state, my family, and the very religion that promised to bring me the truth, told me to never trust it. Well, I will turn their own holy book on them. "Every good tree produces good fruit, and every bad tree produces bad fruit." How can you tell who is a scoundrel? "You will know them by their fruit." What is the fruit of statism, then? Of compliance achieved through violence and coercion? Well, just turn on your TV.

I don't know about you, but I see charred bodies of babies in the Middle East. I see dads rotting in jail for possessing a plant that grows in nature. I see men dying in the backseats of cars because they "reached for their waist." I see masses of people saying that a mother of two "deserved to die," because she didn't wish to have her car and her family stolen from her. What are the fruits of a culture that says that violence is a necessity for peace? Well, the answer is pretty obvious: more violence.


Kill him. Kill you god. Make up a new story and get out. Trust your own mind and find out that reality actually makes sense. It was the polluted water they made you drink that makes you feel like the room is spinning. The room is actually not spinning at all. It is in your mind. Your ideas create your perception of reality,and even reality itself.


Look around you. Everything you see is, in essence, an idea. The computer I am currently typing on? What would it be without the vision that first conceived of it, and put concrete materials to its service to build it in the physical world? With no human mind, it would just be raw materials in the dirt. Your toothbrush. Your sofa. The little spiky things you put on the ends of your corn on the cob. These did not just happen. Human minds conceived of them. After their conception there was a ripple effect which inspired more creations, and on and on it goes, ad infinitum.

Some even say the universe is the "mind of God" or an intelligence in the cosmos. This goes beyond the scope of this article and I do not wish to take a position on such an abstract notion at present, though, so I am sticking with what we know.


Well, what changes you? Has violent force ever converted you to anything? Sure, you may pretend to go along with something to avoid being punished--my parents always bragged about how "well-behaved" I was in restaurants, but I am certain it wasn't because of my natural, "in-born" sense of table manners and etiquette--but is that ever a true, mind-level, core-level positive change in your being? No awareness is to be had here. To illustrate this, take the child who is made to practice piano daily, but has no interest in the thing. His mother may scold and scold, but no matter how abrasive the language, no matter how forceful the tone, if the child does not like playing the piano, no real change will be affected. For the child that understands the instrument and loves it, no amount of scolding will turn him away. It is the same with things like war and "criminal justice."

If we want people to stop killing, harming, defrauding and basically just destroying each other, no amount of killing, harming, and destroying those people is going to make it better. To "reform" anyone it is critical to first understand, insofar as possible, their ideas.


Why is there war?
Many people believe and have the idea that war is "necessary."
Why does the serial killer kill?
This individual has ideas which are not in tune with reality.
Why do couples scream and fight with each other?
They have different ideas of what a relationship should be. What a partner should be. Of justice.


Well. I brought the storm back upstairs. My father's hurt comes out through me, and my wife channels her parents' bad ideas on what a relationship is, and the turmoil that was in my mind in the car a second ago manifests in reality. Once the storm clears, and all we are left with is our ideas, compared to reality, they fall apart. They don't fit. These are bad ideas. Toxic ideas.

Most of the world now believes that war is necessary. Have you ever seen a war bring about real change? Lasting change? Ideas are everything. They are everywhere. They are the key to the evolution of consciousness which will finally enable a majority of individuals to say "No thanks" to coercive centralized government (statism). Light is faster than lead. A bullet may end a life, but it can never end an idea that has been transmitted. So, speak up! As fast as the signal is flashing through fiber optics cables to transmit this information right now, when someone hears (sees in their mind) this message of freedom and understands it, that light, that idea, is in their mind forever, whether as a massive revolution or as for now, just a tiny seed. It matters not.

We are on our way.

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nice post bro I love it

Cheers man, thank you.

To start off with nothing and gain everything is but one path. The other option lies in the opposite direction.