The Zombie Farm: thoughts on complusory schooling

in anarchism •  9 years ago 

Round 'em up.

Put 'em in the pens.

Harvest personal opinion, views, and private information against will of non-zombies.

Look over shoulders of non-zombies to ensure accuracy.

Right to bodily functions, personal needs, and individual humors can be suppressed.

Forcefully extract "interest" in zombie farm topic via implicit or direct threat of social sanction.

Force empty applause via threat of sanction.

Beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep. Timer goes off. Next topic.

Forcefully break any accidentally generated actual interest in previous topic.

Must generate more interest through force and coercion in new topic.

Threaten naturally uninterested non-zombies with more sanctions, socially stigmatic in nature.



Try to zombify them.

Label dissidents--those still living naturally--as disabled, troublesome, silly, or slow.

Keep zombie farm moving.

Never stop zombie farm.

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In Soviet Russia, party members were so scared to be the first person to stop clapping in the presence of Stalin, a buzzer or bell was introduced to signify that you could stop.

Interesting! I was not aware of that.

Ah high school

The undying machine needs Cogs you cannot stop this! A conversation on controlling the populous could easily take me hrs to transcribe but simply put this society is designed for the control of people most societies are. The lack of out of bound areas on this planet that we could get to is what makes it unfair.