Progressive Anarchism..

in anarchism •  8 years ago  (edited)

Progressive Anarchism is view of the future, a progressive understanding of what is to come, a progressive awareness of the reality of mankind and it's potential..

When you study physics and learn about entropy you have the understanding that you made above.. Everything starts from a point of order and descends or decays to a state of disorder...

There is however one exception that is universal and that exception is Consciousness..

A conscious entity can create order or a better understanding of that is we can organize...

Within the realm of everything there is law and order.. Laws of physics, thermo dynamics, electro-magnetics, computer science, natural order/law, imposition of order/legalities..
Each and everyone is there for a purpose; to teach us the abstract.

Take for instance computer science and some of the laws of coding...

  1. Code doesn't write itself.
  2. Random entries in code don't increase the efficiency of the program. That the program functions how it was written..
    Both denote a conscious entity wrote them...

The Second law of thermo dynamics entropy.. shows us that the entire universe shouldn't have any order/laws and should be completely random so where do the "laws/order" of thermo dynamics come from..

Progressive is order from chaos through conscious choice..
Progressive is seeing the ultimate reality of mankind is as according to Maslow's Hierarchy "altruistic and benevolent actions"...

Progressive is seeing both the love in anarchism as well as the inherent selfishness or better non altruistic/ benevolent action in agorism or voluntary actions that are purely based in gains that have value...

In a truly civilized society there is no need for money.. There is however a need for resources... How are resources distributed?
If for profit some will not have access to them thus the need for altruistic behavior in mankind..

I believe and have asked this question more times than I can count and every time I get nearly the same answer with the only difference being in what actions one would give attention to...

Question: If you didn't have to work for money and everything was available for the sustenance of life, educational development, recreational development and all the other necessities... WHAT WOULD YOU DO with your life????

Many start off saying I'd go fishing and drink beer, or pay video games but this is immature and really not well thought out..
"So you'd play video games for your entire life?" Really???

The answer evolves to "Hobbies" and the pursuit of learning things that each individual finds interesting...

There is a saying I love that says "the difference between a laborer, skilled laborer and an artist is a laborer works with his hands. A skilled laborer works with his hands and his mind.. The artist however works with hands, mind and heart."

When people start to do and learn out of love of doing and learning. The fact that everyone of us on this planet has different and varied interests means that everything is eventually elevated to the level of art...

How many people LOVE but lack the time for: gardening, building homes, painting, inventing, mechanics, engineering, science, furniture making, planning, astronomy, chemistry, language, poetry, coding, diving, skiing, climbing, martial arts, meditation, health, physiology, ECT.. ECT... I can go on all day with this list..

My point in progressive is that the world has the potential to become a paradise when we are united in love, compassion and altruistic behavior toward our fellow man...

It is our purpose... To develop the qualities of our abstract nature as we developed qualities of our physical nature in the previous world of our existence which was also meant for our development.. THE WOMB...

This world is a womb (the place of most rapid development) for the nature of the spirit, soul, consciousness, abstract self... What ever you want to call it... A physical entity develops by physical nourishment and exercise the same as our abstract self develops with abstract nourishment and exercise...

Abstract is non physical.. The qualities and attributes of generosity, compassion, love, forgiveness, mercy, altruism and benevolent actions...

We are all here with the same purpose... Development and if this world or the entire universe is our womb.. Then we are in fact all in the same one.. Therefore I call you brother or sister for we are all in fact family...


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