Death to the old Paradigm!

in anarchism •  8 years ago  (edited)


The Revolution is here!!!

Use these Awesome programs below and sign up to gain bitcoins which you can then change back into fiat or other cryptos if that be your desire. But the name of the game is to acquire bitcoins first and foremost. I'm not the type to sell anything I'm personally not involved/invested in or don't truly believe in. Looking for good people to build a team with who really want to affect change in their life and who have a positive and real desire to help others achieve and succeed.

So, Join the movement and My team and get 3% back on your Bitconnect or Control Finance deposit when you sign up under my promo link. Also use the Hashing24 Cloud mining link and get 4% off your deposit using this promo code "U7DHESVC" to mine freshly minted bitcoins that you can either re-invest to increase hashing power or stake the coins back into your Bitcoin wallet, which if you wanted, turn back into Fiat until full ROI on initial investment is achieved and after that point it becomes passive everyday income for life if you continue to mine. But we want to use the power of compounding. After all it's the 8th greatest wonder of the world and what the banks use to keep US enslaved.

BitCoin is the new money and path to a passive income that gives you the power to be your own bank!!!! Let's take back control of money and out of the hands of the corrupt banking system.

If you sign up under me just email me your public bitcoin key to this email ([email protected]) and I will send you the 3% off the commissions I generate for the bitcoin you deposit into the programs. This 3% in return will be in your BitCoin wallet within 24 hrs. So you instantly from me start gaining interest on that first deposit in which you can re invest, or cash back out into fiat if you desire.

Let's build together and achieve the Economic Freedom and Value Revolution WE ALL deserve.

Any questions please email me at the email above and we can connect and build a robust team. Let's get it!!!!

Hashing24 start with only $25.00.
Bitconnect start with only $100.00.
Control-Finance start with only $10.00.

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Checks out, @lhill40. Damn cryptos :^). I want to see more folks like You on this channel.
Currently I am curating inteviews with blockchain people and also steemians.
So question: Who would you like to see approached in a life conversation?

If I could have a life conversation with someone it would have to be Malcolm X or James Baldwin. They personified revolutionaries and don't really get the due they deserve.

Well that's gonna be a tough one. Alive folks, by any chance?

Actually, an alive person I would actually wouldn't mind meeting and talking to the creator of Steem itself, "Dan Larimer", he seems like an interesting fellow.