The Statist Root Causes of Black Lives Matter

in anarchism •  8 years ago  (edited)

I grew up in inner city Baltimore, home of the Freddie Gray riots and the setting of The Wire HBO series. Black Lives Matter is a movement that I can closely relate to, yet also not completely support or be against. They pointed out the problems of police brutality and bias, but their solutions call for further increases of state power rather than solving the root problem of statism itself. Particularly, nobody mentions that perhaps the authoritarian nature of the public school system is the greatest contributor to racial inequality and the oppression of poor people.

A typical neighborhood in Baltimore City

Although almost everyone in Baltimore is a Democrat, the systematic racism is worse than anywhere else I've ever been to. Everyone is superficially anti-racist, but many people covertly exhibit very racist behavior. There's never anything anyone does that can be considered explicitly legally racist, but you feel trapped in a racist system that is hopeless to escape from. I remember that people were extremely excited for hope and change when Obama was first elected, yet 7+ years later, there has been no real improvements, in fact, racial tensions have only gotten worse.

The biggest threat to racial equality is not rednecks waving Confederate flags and making a few ignorant jokes. The biggest threat is statism. The state indoctrinated arrogant pseudo-intellectuals actively support paternalistic systems that oppress minorities. There is the Implicit Association Test (IAT) [1]; it turns out that liberals perform no better than conservatives on it. Hypocritcal liberal whites simply do not practice what they preach. I've seen them acting all self righteous and supportive in front of minorities, yet make fun of them behind their backs. I believe that this cognitive dissonance and backstabbing arrogance is the worst threat to racial equality in the modern age. This behavior has been coined the white savior complex [2]. This patronizing attitude originated in ancient colonial times and continues to persist in modern society, especially among liberal Social Justice Warriors.

The worst racist is the feminist statist who claims to look out for the rights of minorities in an ironically paternalistic way. They think they know what is good for minorities better than they know themselves. This is a disgustingly patronizing attitude that I've encountered frequently over many years from white progressives. They always think that they know what's better for me than I know myself. If the white liberal expands big government more, they will forever belittle blacks as infantile victims who can't take care of themselves, keep them systematically oppressed, and amplify the horrific school-to-prison pipeline [3].

Feminist statist with strong white savior complex thinks that eating sushi is cultural appropriation. How about just stop your patronizing ignorance and let people decide for themselves how they wish to make a living on the free market?

Authoritarian School-to-Prison Pipeline

Nearly every teacher and administrator in the Baltimore Public School System is a Democrat and some are extremely authoritarian. School wasn't a place that fosters independent thought and curiosity. It was a place where teachers give students busy work to keep them from committing crimes. Some of my middle and high school classes were pretty much ran like prisons. Huge emphasis was placed on blindly obeying authorities or be heavily punished. My childhood was spent in constant hatred and fear of the authoritarian teachers and administrators.

When kids lived in constant disapproval of the authority figures, it is understandable that they would want to rebel. The toxic public school breeds strong distrust for authorities and incentivizes people to commit crimes rather than learning and building up their own communities. This persists into adulthood and manifests in increased crime and increased distrust of the police.

If you attended an inner city public school, you probably perceived more incentive to commit crimes than to advance to higher education. Why study when you can make cash so much quicker by selling drugs?

I do not understand why BLM is teaming up with Hillary Clinton. She is the root of many of their problems and a huge contributor to the school-to-prison pipeline with the 1994 crime bill. The Clintons and Joe Biden were the biggest proponents of the bill, which continued the destruction of the black family and increased the imprisonment of blacks for nonviolent crimes.

This is a woman with no empathy and will do anything to screw people over to get her way by abusing the power of big government.

The Clinton Foundation's scandal during the Haitian earthquake crisis is another example of the perpetuation of white supremacy. They received all the credits to satisfy their white savior complex while in actuality screwed over the people who really needed the most aid.

Bill Clinton explains that to advance in politics as a Democrat, you had to be in the KKK. When Robert Byrd was 27, he was still a vehement supporter of segregation, and when he was 35, he simply "lost interest" in the KKK.

Some people debate the legitimacy of this quote, but keep in mind that LBJ had voted with the segregationalists every single time before he became president. Regardless of the veracity of this quote, this is the line of logic that statists use to control the common people.

Future Solutions

Until we take down the authoritarian public school systems, people will continue to be trapped in communities full of hopelessness. Today, we are beginning to spread knowledge alternative to the propaganda narratives of public schools. Before the Internet, this wasn't possible. Now with podcasts and platforms like Steemit, Youtube, and Quora, finding knowledge from alternative perspectives has gotten a lot more accessible.

One of the solutions that my friends and I are building is SteemIQ [4]. Currently, it is a simple and imperfect tool for predicting the quality of posts, but the future implications are much greater. If we can incentivize people to free themselves from public education through a bottom up approach, we can free more and more people from statism.

There are a lot of problems that distract us about statism, but I would say education is the root of many of the other problems. If you can free yourself from state indoctrinated schooling and state approved certification, you can completely free your mind and free yourself from the state. This requires a massive grassroots educational overhaul blockchain style.

For now, we can try to get people in impoverished communities to join Steemit to learn and acquire an extra stream of income. Next step will be building a MOOC platform inspired by Steemit.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. If you enjoyed this post, follow me at @limitless


[1] Learn more about the Implicit Association Test here:

[2] White Savior Complex:

[3] School-to-prison pipeline:

[4] SteemIQ:

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Nice post.

I do want to point out that you (and a lot of other people, to be fair) talk about Black Lives Matter as if it was an organization with a specific platform and formal leaders. Really, it's not an organization at all, it's a social movement. It's an ad hoc phenomenon that draws from a wide range of people with varying ideologies and intents. Saying "BLM is teaming up with Hillary Clinton" is sort of misrepresenting the situation.

The people I know who are involved in BLM (and I myself have been a part of some demonstrations) tend to be anarchists and socialists, and I find little to no love for Clinton among them. They are all very aware of her history and have a strong intersectional analysis of white supremacy and its role in sustaining capitalism.

Politicians are always going to try to co-opt social movements. There is almost always somebody in the crowd that you can find to support the establishment. So even if they want to find some token participants in the movement and make a big show of it, be very skeptical and don't assume that is an accurate depiction of what's really going on.

This is something that happens all the time, so I'm not just talking about you here... it comes up again and again, and it's rarely questioned.

Thanks for the clarifications!

Your posts always amaze me !

Thanks! :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Here's an anecdote: If you're walking down the street and see a gang of black youths coming your way, how do you protect yourself? punchline: throw a basketball in the air. A simple racist joke. And yet this was exactly the policy prescribed for inner city youth(code for black) in the 1990's. The now even more controversial Clinton Crime Bill had this as a program within the bill and it became the lightning rod for the parties to argue over. That type of program was instituted across the country even before the crime bill and many lauded its success in dropping crime. Yet where's the studies of what it did for the actual participants, I doubt very much. Instead of re-examining crime, inner city living standards and race and social-economic inequalities that state offered a racist patch in the midnight basketball program. It was a small dollar amount in the bill but I believe a perfect example of the states ineptitude for dealing with issues largely of their creation. These failed policies never seem to get a top down review they're simply always regarded as underfunded. Sadly its just one of many programs that should disgust the very constituency its created for yet they seem to just garner more election victories for elitists like the Clintons who see no area of life that the state should not be involved,....and don't get me wrong the Republicans are right there with them.

Man I don't know what to even say about this. Thanks for the insights as always!

So good ! Sorry I overlooked it but with the new feeds feature I can see more posts 🌸

Wow, @limitless, I'm so glad I followed you and got a chance to finally read this. This is just phenomenal stuff! We have the same exact goals, to liberate children in order to free the world. I am very interested in learning more about your ideas pertaining to education through the blockchain.

That's awesome to hear! We definitely have a lot of opportunities for collaboration.

I made another post about education on the blockchain. Let me know what you think!

Forgot to post this. I believe that covert racism is far more dangerous than overt racism. Half of the stuff on this graphic are non-issues, but the general concept is good.