What Anarchism Is and Is Not ~

in anarchism •  7 years ago 

I am writing this blog post in order to dispel some of the misconceptions regarding anarchism. I think the popular misgiving is that anarchy = chaos.

This has been a popular misgiving propagandized by the mainstream media throughout the years.

Anarchism is not terrorism nor is it primitivism, or egotism.

Anarchism is simply the rejection of the state, the rejection of coercive government.

Listen to one of my favorite authors, Robert Anton Wilson, on the idea of anarchism in the following video:

Here's a blog post that helped me in better understanding the concept of anarchism -


What are your ideas on anarchism? When did you decide to become an anarchist? If you don't call yourself an anarchist, why or why not?

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I heard a joke a few years back during my conversion from right wing Republican to Libertarian. It goes: what is the difference between a Libertarian and an Anarchist? About 6 months!

That was at least 4+ years ago and during that time I have went from Minarchist to Anarchist to Voluntarist. The last step to Voluntarist was because of the realization that anarchy is not sustainable. My current position is that of wanting to be left alone. I am still a proponent of Libertarian values and as Mr. Wilson says, “the key to Libertarianism is logical consistency”. This, to me means, that as long as it wrong for an individual to conduct such business or actions then it shall be for the state as well.

I say that I realized that anarchy is not sustainable because we have been conditioned to accept the belief that we NEED rulers. (Not anarchists or Libertarians but the general population) Just as I talk with my friends, family, and colleagues I can read them as if they are frightened by the thought of personal responsibility! They are full of what ifs and imaginary evil that COULD happen instead of dealing with that when the time comes and being prepared. They need the safety net of public protection and ridicule us for having the logical consistency to say that taxation is theft.

Very well said, and I like that your brought up the idea of anarchism not being sustainable. You've motivated me to brainstorm on ideas regarding voluntaryism for one of my next posts.

well said by both of you as well if not for the continuation of MSM propaganda and saying anarchy-=chaos like they usually do and still do to this very day they love to demonize anything not within their immidently control or agenda there wouldn't be this big misconception of anarchism so all people need to do is explain to the general population that anarchism just means without politicians tell us what we can and can't do with our relationships or our own very lives and they need to take responability for their actions both whether its general population or police officers they both need to understand that they can't no longer pass the buck anymore to blame politicians or anyone else for following orders or barking commands anymore the days of barking orders and be ruled by mere mortals and busy-bodies are number although we are a small minority it's growing tremendously and they can't do nothing to stop the momentum either so they already lost the narrative and its up to both police and general population to owe up to their both personal and professional responsibility as both an individual and as a person too aka maturity also person accountability. :)

You definitely helped explain some solutions - first step is taking personal responsibility. I can't control other people, but I can control my own actions and reactions.

Voluntaryist is an uncorruptable word.

I lean towards more to saying I'm anti-state than anarchist but is pretty much the same thing .

Anarchist is from the Greek, Anarcho, which literally translates to 'without rulers.'

True and to the point.

That is correct but when I say that anarchy is not sustainable I mean that if the absence of rulers happened there would be a vacuum of power. Since we all know that people need to be ruled (not all of us but most) and the handful of people want to rule over others the vacuum would be filled by the strongest.

The strongest may not be any better than the previous regime and may be more immoral while being less effective.

I'm not so sure that most people need to be ruled, I don't think I need to be ruled because I have enough common sense to know right from wrong, what to do and what not to do. Unless you're saying that the average person doesn't have that same common sense.

You are correct in saying that YOU don’t need rulers. Have you looked around at the general population and talked with them about freedom? They spin it around that WE are the crazy ones for advocating self reliance and personal accountability!

Yes, they do indeed try to scape goat those who don't go along with the program. Just the other day, I had someone on another site whom I don't personally know commenting on a post I had tagged a couple of well loved friends about Steemit and how he thinks this place is a scam. These are the types of people we are faced with trolling and just doing any and everything they can think of to sabotage whatever an individual is doing.

That's a logical fallacy @superdavey. You're positing that you don't need a ruler but someone else does. Hasty generalization.

@pittsburghhodlr, read above. I am not saying that someone else does, THEY are saying it when they say “who will build muh roads?” “call a crackhead instead” “why do you want your kid to be stupid without an education?”....

Never in my life, never in my thoughts, I never research it... But looking back made me realize that I am one, not because I am rebelious... It's just because shit made no sense...

Would you consider yourself a voluntaryist? Personally, I think anarchism makes a great deal of sense, especially when you think of color revolutions and the Eastern bloc. Check out the movie, Land and Freedom and you'll see what I'm referring to.

nv777. What is your take on Adam Kokesh's effort?

Really hard to say as I don't know him personally, and I hate to base my opinion on comments I've read online.

Ok. Let me reframe the question. When I am asking you about his "effort", I am speaking more about his plans, strategy, views on cleaning out the LP from the garbage stagnating it for 40 years, and the desire to attract millenials. Take Adam "personally" out of the quotient... assuming anyone else could employ his plans. Are you in America?

It might actually work, although I don't personally have any intentions on voting. I wish him the best in his efforts. I do live in America, and I am all for spreading the message of voluntaryism, anarchy and agorism. I live in a small town on the border of North Carolina, officially South Carolina and am originally from the state of Virginia.