Better known as 'Voluntaryism' (or being a 'Voluntaryist) because we believe in 'Voluntary Societies' (instead of governments by coercion which ultimately just means the immorality of having a gun put to your head as we've long had and have now) I'd like to provide 'reason' as to why I am an Anarchist believing in Societies of 'voluntary self-government via the long established Laws of Nature'.
First of all however, being an 'Anarchist' does not mean I want to put on some hood and mask and begin acting like an enraged monkey that has escaped its cages and been loosed in the streets. Nor does it mean that I hate and wish violence on police or people who work in government. In fact the day I realized I was in fact an Anarchist never meant that I had to hate anyone!
These types who do wish to call themselves 'Anarchists' while acting like thugs by jumping up and down on cars, smashing out windows, flipping vehicles over, and lighting them on fire, or blocking people in the streets are usually completely ignorant as to what things like 'Freedom' and 'Liberty' mean. In fact it's been my observation that they're usually just ignorant kids pretending to be opposing something, while not realizing that if they were in truly Free Society and acting in this way, they'd likely have our lead pelting them in their asses while running down the street for their lives! Nobody who advocates Freedom and the state of peace she has to offer us is going to tolerate that kind of nonsense! (Actually though these likely wouldn't exist since a truly Free Society would mean they'd be busy providing for their own lives and have no political leaders to 'protest')
But as a kid raised 'Republican' who then 'dropped out' of the two party system only to discover what it mean to be a 'Libertarian', and eventually an Anarchist (or Voluntaryist) I believe the way I do for the following:
I came to understand that there can be nothing more foolish than human beings who've already been endowed with the ability to govern their own lives under Natural Law, to instead seek to relinquish those rights, and that Freedom and power (which are essentially all the same) over to a few so that they can write the rules for the many. And this is especially true when we consider just how many times history has shown us that it's only a matter of time before these seek to write these laws in favor of themselves, and begin their marches upon the Earth of enslaving their own populations to them, just as we're watching take place here in these United States! (Do not be so foolish to think you need to see men walking in step with tanks to think it's not already happening)
IT IS BECAUSE I believe in true peace and Freedom that I am an Anarchist, and because it is absolute insanity to think that because fallible people cannot govern their own lives, that a few of these fallible people can govern everybody else instead!
The incessant writing of 'laws' in the false pursuit of trying to perfect society through them WILL NEVER END! And if so then at what point will the great and wise 'law-makers' say, "Okay, we've finally achieved that perfect society, we therefore have no need of writing any other laws!" Allow me to save you the suspense, they won't! Always there will be some new law that must be written, and I can't emphasize enough that as more time and corruption ensue, these will often be at the expense of our rights and liberties that the Laws of Nature have already entitled us to!
Many still foolishly believe, (just as I once did) that 'some government' is necessary. The problem is that there is roughly eight billion people upon this planet who are never going to agree on what exactly constitutes 'some government'. Even 'Democratic Socialists' (who do not know they're begging for more power to the state at the cost of their own rights and liberties) will tell you they have the ideal on just how much government is necessary.
You can't pin-point 'some government', because every single person's interpretation is going to be different, and just like our law-makers, even their own principles and solutions are going to continue to change like the wind! You can however identify what pure and total, absolute Freedom looks like, and it is every man and woman, governing their own lives! It does not promise 'perfection'. But it certainly doesn't create the entities that almost always end up in nothing but corruption, and control through tyranny and despotism!
I believe in an intelligent Creator. Perhaps you do not. But what I believe in defends your right to also believe as is pleasing to your perception and intellect. (Just as I believe this Creator I believe in intended for all his Children) But it is part of my faith in this Creator that I see that perfect Order and true 'Government' (of Natural Law) that He has already established. And you cannot tell me that men in all their selfishness and conniving, in all their endless self-seeking, meddling, and tinkering, know how to create a system more fair and perfect than the one He has already established!
"But the Constitution is the greatest documents ever written". First of all, that's not a real statement of any kind of fact and you're just engaged in what I call 'blind fluff praising' (to excite oneself or an audience over baseless claims) And secondly, this just means you're too entrenched in the worship of it.
Humans love things that are 'tangible'. They also do not want to reconsider something they've already accepted, (such as the sentiment that the Constitution was the thing we should forever pursue if we want to experience 'some' of our Freedom) And so they'd quickly relinquish something as great as their own Freedom for the false and fleeting guise that a piece of paper written and signed by men was 'the greatest thing we could ever hope for'. Not me! I found something better and it's been there long before any man or woman ever breathed upon the Earth. (I'm talking of already perfect Orders of Natural Law)
Governments by men are simply one group of people ordering the rest of society around, while perpetuating the front (con) that they are needed, and that your society cannot thrive without them. Oh and if you disagree don't worry, they have plenty of 'laws' they've written that say that opposing their rule over your life is more punishable than had it been simply opposing your neighbor! (This is because their lives and the lives of those who enforce their laws are more important than us commons of course!) And if you don't believe that government is slowly bringing us closer to despotism and tyranny; if at the very least you haven't yet seen that this 'government' has really meant nothing less than a political position that has enabled corruption to ensue and get away with it, I'd beg to say that you haven't been paying attention!
But I ask, what has a piece of paper done to stop these the rise of a police state or at the very least if that's too much for yourself to accept, than at least blatant corruption around us? The simple fact is there can be no greater example that governments by men (the things that cancel out Freedom by their mere existence) can exist harmoniously among humanity which was intended to be Free, than our very own government of the United States!
No, being an 'Anarchist' does not at all mean I walk around 'hating cops' or somebody because they work in government. I do not wish any violence upon them. Nor do I seek to 'burn the flag' or 'trash the Constitution' if even in symbolism or jest! But I do believe that governments via men are the biggest fraud and scam ever perpetrated upon man-kinds existence, and I too see how foolish I once was to believe in them! And I just hope to see that day when people become so liberated and Free in their minds, when they accept their responsibility so much (because responsibility is the cost of Freedom) that they have no need of being 'policed', because they have become willing to protect and 'police' their own lives precisely as the Laws of Nature have already ordered and intended!
The simple fact is that EVERYTHING from roads, schooling, medical rescues and hospitals, telecommunications, security, and on and on, EVEN THE PURSUIT OF JUSTICE FOR UNJUSTIFIED ACTS OF WAR UPON THE LIFE, HEALTH, OR PROPERTY OF ANOTHER, can be effectuated in a society that is 'Voluntary'. And there can be no greater form of Freedom than every man and every woman retaining what the perfect Laws and Orders of Nature have already prescribed to them, and that is their own King and Queenship; the absolute right to rule and govern their own lives as they please, and do with what they have been willing to work for and create themselves without it being seized at gun-point by another!
Anything else is nothing but a part of the biggest scam in history, perpetrated by the most deceptive con-artist, greatest thief, destroyer of Freedom, and enslaver of humanity that has ever existed: the Political State or what you know as 'government', by man! Yet we continue to fall for it!
Just some food and Freedom for that dome of yours!
Shane 'Liberty' Braden <3 ~A~ ;)
(I don't know who made this meme, but it's one of the best statements concerning Anarchism I've ever seen!)