The following is a quote from the terrific crypto-anarchist novel, #agora, authored by Anonymous. Along with A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, this is a must-read for anarchists seeking to build the #SecondRealm.
To provide some context for the below quote, Caty is introducing Daniel, a new potential recruit, to the philosophy of #SecondRealmers.
And, she is definitely right; government schools teach individuals the gospel of statism, obedience to authority, and to classify the collective as superior to the individual. As her and her colleagues demonstrate, just because most individuals will never break free from this anti-propertarian mindset rampant in the First Realm, it doesn't mean "we" as believers in freedom and autonomy must remain in a system contradictory to our ethics, ideals, and values.
It's time we create pockets of freedom (#SecondRealms) wherein individuals can flourish, innovate, and truly live free, whether in the digital or physical space.
For more information on the #SecondRealm and how to build them, please check out our "Building the Second Realm" series over on Liberty Under Attack Radio.
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