Tomorrow we go and vote again. I have a paper for my local community and now I am allowed to vote for whom I choose instead of a straight ticket. How kind of them to let me cross party lines to vote...
To be honest I am sick of the whole dog and pony show. They are going to do what their overlords tell them. So I am going to provide below what my write-ins will be.
Governor of Michigan: Ted Nugget
Secretary of State: Bob Seger
Attorney General: Tim Allen
Congressional: Henry Ford
Rep in Congress 7th: Kid Rock
Legislative: Jimi Hendrix
Rep to Leg: Axel Rose
Board of Ed: John Taylor Gatto
Regent of U of M: Alice Copper
Trustee of Michigan State U: Gregory Mannarino
Gov of Wayne State U: Micheal Monroe
County Commissioner: Jim Morrison
That's it y'all. Those are my picks. I am done picking from crook a or crook b. Over it. I won't do it ever again. I will exercise my right to choose my official who would represent me. I know, Morrison and Hendrix are dead and Michael Monroe isn't a citizen nor is that his actual name. That's not my point.
I will be voting to legalize marijuana, and against jerry mandoring which puts politicians first and citizens last.