Good chapter:
The first Christian's were Gnostics and likely believed that Kristos was an Aeon sent into the demiurge matrix to tell people they are prisoners of the Elohim archons. This is the only message that would have infuriated the Sanhedrin council as everybody and their brother claims to be the Messiah and they generally laugh off these claims. This is why true Christian's have to be anarchists. If this is true (and I believe it is) then Jesus didn't die on the cross. In many ways, humanity is to be pitied as we are trapped via no fault of our own and we're in a situation where we are by and largely insignificant. This cosmology is why The Golden Rule is so important to understand as Kristos was teaching the only way out of this darkened womb. The lighted womb doesn't have coercive and toxic beings and no one will get there by practicing coercion and exploitation as a general rule of living (the world system of the archons)... One can question why the Aeons allow this place to continually exist and its a legitimate query. But what is the more loving thing to do? Annihilate it and or let the distortion exist? The latter is the correct answer and any parent who is dealing with raising a truly psychopathic child knows this.