SCREW YOU...BITCH...(Daily Blog Number ?)

in anarchy •  6 years ago  (edited)

It isn't every day that we sit at the keyboard and our creative juices begin to flow, freely and  effortlessly. Sometimes, when it does happen though, we fail to come up with an appropriate title for the piece... That's when you should consider using that ole YouTuber trick (click-bait) here on Steemit, like the ingenious one above. 

So...if you didn't get offended yet by the revelation I tricked the curiosity response matrix of your mushy grey matter, stop reading any further because eventually you'll probably get offended by 'something' I say...

If you're not into reading off the cuff, run of the mill blogs on Steemit, at least do me 'one' favor and skip right to the 'up-vote' and comment section below...and by the way...a nice 100% up-vote once in a while from all you stingy 'slider' people would be nice.

What is it that turns some generous Steemians into frugal voters after they reach 500 SP and get that highly sought after 'slider'??? I'd really like to know...I kind of had that happen to me too when I finally became a slider.

Not that it's all that important; It was just a sudden wonderment that sneaked into my brain.

Well...I might as well get on with my daily blog, before I waste any more of your time my friends and foes alike; so, here we go...

I woke up this morning and found out that I hadn't kicked the bucket while asleep. I wasn't really sure if I was dead or alive when I first woke up, because I'd inadvertently left my laptop on nearby and a "Disturbed" (Inside the Fire) video was playing...I thought I was in Hell at first...

Talking about 'Disturbed'... Check their rendition of the old 'The Sound of Silence' song by Simon and Garfunkel below; It's the best rendition I've ever heard.

Eventually, upon determining I wasn't dead after waking up, I finally got out of bed. Made coffee...fed the cat...turned on the news...switched to Steemit, gave a few up-votes, made a few comments and then...well...nothing much happened worth mentioning after that.

So, I guess that about ends it for now my friends. I'm outta here...

See ya when I see ya.


Thanks for reading

Another Bit of Blissful Benevolence, Bestowed Upon Thee from the Mind of @AngryMan on Steemit Feb 16, 2019


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Hello darkness , my old friend .

The sound of silence , this song , well disturbs me in to tears .

It tell's the sad story of a life i ones lived with a partner and kids .
All that remains , the sound of silence ........

I have a video on my YTube , an effort to remind us of better times .
I used the original song from S & G as music and message in it .

From 2015 up , nothing nadda , just silence .....
When i have doubt about if that life with my kids ever was real or existed , i put that video on .

And the people bowed and prayed , to the NEON god they made .

Sorry for your sadness my friend...Sometimes the 'past' can seem like a dream, may be natures way of bringing us some relief from sorrow?

'Disturbed' rendition of the song is more intense and fittingly 'angry' at the truth of the direction we've gone over the past few decades. Simon & Garfunkel seem to have had a vision of the future, which has come to pass.

In the disturbed version i can feel the anger to , like why the fuck didn't yo all listen to Simon & Garfunkel when they sang it . There where many other artists from the 60 -70 and 80's that had great vision and messages in there song's , but who heard them while screaming like little girls over there fame ?
It's probably for the best , without me my kids can become comfortably numb , dump and happy like the world is for it's most part today . Because i know from my life , the truth hurts and honesty doesn't pay the bills .

Hindsight can be such a revealing mechanism for self-discovery my friend.

I was raised on the hill by a woman from the valley
I did not belong on the hill
It's mark made the valley hostile to me
As the hill always was

I can't be on the hill
I ain't that heartless
I can't be in the valley
I ain't that mindless

I can only be a mind following the heart .

Wrote this last night . My self discovery makes me unfit to today's heartless and mindless society . It is the source of my anger , anger my doc and social worker wanted to cure me from . But i have to become violence before they do a lobotomy on me . Witch i told them , to me is the only cure to make me fit in happy and numb .
Not that i would want a lobotomy , it's just a part in me longing for some happiness between the crowd . I mean , lets skip drinking in to Korsakov like so many did before me . Believe me i tried , i got sick and puked al over , i sadly do not have a alcohol absorbing body and always remember it all in to detail .
Red pill blue pill , i did not choose , somehow by accident i took the wrong one ;-)