The way to greater anarchy is through improvement of ourselves.

in anarchy •  3 years ago 


I'm not an anarchist. Not intellectually. Not in my head even if kinda in my heart.

But when Nozick asks "If the state did not exist would it be necessary to invent it?"... the answer is the question "for who?"

When Thoreau said "government is best which governs least... government is best which governs not at all; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have"?

Humans will never be ready for it, at least not in our lifetimes or our children's lives.

The way to greater anarchy is not through violent revolution or gradual policy change, certainly not through voting. The way is through the improvement of ourselves, and using our self improvement to inspire others to do the same, until what government policy actually is becomes so irrelevant that it's not a major threat.

It lies in unselfish self sufficiency and the willingness to extend the way to those around you. It lies in making your local society and community so strong that it won't crumble without a central authority subsidizing dependency and poverty.

If what anarchists truly desire is not a lack of rules, but a lack of rulers... many are gonna need to adopt better rules for themselves if they've got any hope at convincing others to let the state wither away. Ironically, an ideal attractive to some because of absolute freedom requires self and society to adhere to the responsibility required, even if it ain't enforced through force.

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