RE: And a fine how do you do to you, too!

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And a fine how do you do to you, too!

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

I don't have to suppose if it will, I know what human nature is like and without fail when you alienate or call someone dumb, stupid, retard, idiot even if you don't use those words they have no reason to listen to you, and that's the reality, if you cannot grasp that then you have no chance in hell to get your message to them.
I think you should revisit your entire world view of "slavery and starvation" victim stance, because there is absolutely nothing that a victim is worthy of, not even pity. Yes, that's right, victim-hood isn't going to change the world for the better when it's busy with "I'm a victim, and I can't help myself".

Activism has always achieved making groups and individuals alike into targets of the beast, so revisit that as well, because as long as you want to stand out and have the apparatus of the state gather intel while testing out their toys on you and other dumb idiots who think that petitioning the beast or holding out a placard does anything but reinforce that belief that the beast is in charge all you will do is create a more capable and thorough beast by giving it more victims and their victimized messages of I am such a fucking victim.

Yes, times change, yet we are still many and they are still few, so it doesn't explain at all why they are even a problem, and since you imply that you understand how the crapitalusts work and why, I have to ask: why do you think they will ever change their minds, seeing as they only care about profits and how do you think they will do that? If you suppose through activism, and that hasn't worked in the past, and it's a moot point in the present, then what are the other options? Force them?

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I know what human nature is like
Bernays demonstrated that human nature is malleable.
Currently bullies rule, that will continue to change as we go on through time.

there is absolutely nothing that a victim is worthy of, not even pity
So I guess we see which side you are on.

why do you think they will ever change their minds
Like bullies everywhere they will run and hide when the odds go against them.
As it is now they got plenty of folks lined up that just want to kick the victims harder,...what good is power if you can't hurt somebody with it?

If you suppose through activism
I suppose through direct action.
Just ask Bhagat Singh, or Alex Berkman.

I'll post more one day this week, when I can get uninterrupted time online.

I'm on the side of rationale and you can not expect to devalue and deprive people to victims and think they can be empowered somehow through that. The bullies are there because the victims demand them. The majority desires to be under the thumb of rulers. The real world won't change if that pivotal problem isn't address, first step is admitting you have a problem,and not to mistake that problem for a symptom of it.

The value of your arguments which simplify and generalizes the situation of those in power is little if any, you are at most an outside observer and as everything seems it's not as it seems, nor is it otherwise. Stereotyping isn't valuable or simplification of abuse.

Bittersweet Symphony.

The majority desires to be under the thumb of rulers
I think you are wrong about that, they just don't know that freedom is possible because nobody around them has a concept of what it is.
This is not it.
Many folks recognize that something is wrong.
They just don't have a solution to it.
Nor is anyone offering them one that changes anything with the way things are.

Look at Zomia, read about real anarchy in action, there is no debating that they don't want to be under the thumb or rulers.

Lets see how do we asses if the majority desires to be ruled?

Think again, because the numbers tell a vastly different story.
They just. No, nothing is simply or justly or curtailed in magnitude or complexity by such words, freedom isn't possible over here like you think, it would be a massive re education process, and considering that cognitive dissonance, as everyone is indoctrinated in numerous ways, it will be such a grand undertaking and possibly lasting generations on top of generations so that everybody has a concept of what freedom is and desire it.

Recognizing that something is wrong won't get you any closer to the first step. The first step is admitting you have a problem. You think you know what freedom is and the reason why we don't have it already, but think again, even you are captured in the same kind of folly. Regardless of what you offer or what the countless others have proposed, recognizing that the majority desire oppression, here and all over the globe, and admitting to that is the first step in overcoming this neoadiction.

freedom isn't possible over here like you think
Well, let's just experiment.
Ask some folks if they would take my deal?

20,000 hours in the 'factory' between 20 and 50, at your own pace, to never pay for ANYTHING, EVER, again.

Or the current 80,000 hours to retire to a trailer park and eat cat food?
Or a lonley dead end in a paid for house because your tyranny has driven everybody away?

How many principals that zomians hold dear do you think are taught in the 'western' school?
Didn't you jump ship when you found an option?
Why wouldn't everybody else, with exceptions for the mind control having them too invested in the status quo, ie, the poor, the ones that get tickets and have been to court, the outcasts, or just regular folks that ain't liking this version of freedom?
Perhaps when offered the option of zomia as viable they will jump ship, too.
You just need a big enough microphone, and some cat herders, imo.

Did you notice that Zomia isn't communist AT ALL. They have incentive to create art, to innovate and strive to be the best at something because they are rewarded with things that they earn not that are given and have no value in that aspect, arguably the only aspect that means anything, the intrinsic aspect of being rewarded and not simply getting by, or even worse faking it, because human nature tends to take complete advantage of everything and anything, and communism in any shape has never and will never address human nature, or greed and abuse, redundancy and cheats, so it is a farce and a fantasy that has no grounding in reality AT ALL.

Those principles that Zomians hold are counter to everything that is over here AND the rest of the world, you want illiteracy and no technology what so ever? Great, because it comes with anarchy, the real life living and breathing anarchy not the meetings and festivals over here, that shit is completely redundant in actually bringing in about change, it does help link minded people expand on ideals and approaches but it's I doubt it's ever going to have the power to challenge establishment, and regardless of your supposition that communism would EVER work ANYWHERE, let alone here.

The fact is this, you are skirting around the problem instead of addressing it head on.

There's no debating it, there is no desire to be free over here and all over the globe, even places like Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, because people think they are free, and because their freedom is pivoting around a ruler masked as "democratic", an ultimate decider.

Address that problem and stop fighting the windmills, the only issue is that they desire, no, they DEMAND, even better:

they BEG for masters, and that's not going away.

No matter how many surveys get done they will never make anyone rethink their philosophy or world view, nobody that has been indoctrinated this long will JUMP SHIP.

We were watching two planes flying at the same altitude with the same speed fairly close together, and one was leaving a LONG, VERY THINK TRAIL, and the other no trail, both looked like the same plane, and when I thought that my friends would get it then, that they are spraying on us, it was not the case, granted in that instance they thought it was odd, the very next day they had no regard for the falling contrails and went right back to parroting what wikipedia was saying, so even when they are faced with the obvious, the cognitive dissonance is so great that no matter, they have no regard to change their minds. I was always an anarchist, I was always a rebel, I was always an outcast, I was always open to having my beliefs shattered and my suppositions overturned, I was always thirsting for knowledge that couldn't be learned in ANY school or class or retreat, I was always taking things apart to see why and how they work, I never "jumped ship", and I believe this is the case for the vast majority of anarchists, the ones that do jump ship are probably going to jump again.

you want illiteracy and no technology what so ever
Never said that, don't want it.
I want more tech, and less ignorant folks.

Did you notice that your definition of communism is what happened in Russia, china, cuba, et al, but my definition of communism is the original Kropotkin definition?

I doubt it's ever going to have the power to challenge establishment
It has to start somewhere, with somebody.

nobody that has been indoctrinated this long will JUMP SHIP
Umm,....I did?
I was in the military when I found out I was an anarchist.
It was many years after that that I became aware of what crapitalism is doing to the world.

the cognitive dissonance is so great that no matter, they have no regard to change their minds
And when we get the power they will follow us.
Remember what they have is drudgery, and what is offered is easy street.
Anybody over 50 is done, unless they want to help.

I believe this is the case for the vast majority of anarchists, the ones that do jump ship are probably going to jump again.
The rub is in rule by force, if you can get them to agree that forcing folks to obey is wrong, it follows from there.
