Puppet Hillary Clinton has nothing left in her now pulling out the Alex Jones card!

in anarchy •  9 years ago  (edited)

   Hillary Clinton's campaign has nothing left the are done! Using Alex jones in her speech today to say Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory! trying to get you off the emails and overall hypocrisy! while giving her masters talking points to the media for the next week or two as they don't ever stop when CNN aka Clinton news network gets ahold of her masters talking points.

  Hittlary is done and she knows it this is the last ditch effort to save (her) campaign). (3 DNC staffers killed in last five months or so)  no one likes her everyone knows she is the most corrupt, incompetent, immoral, inhumane, illegitimate, ill healthed, PUPPET in the United States if not the world. 

  In her Speech today she said Alex Jones was Conspiracy theory lune liar. I have watched him from time to time and he checks out along with a lot of his guests. He is wrong from time to time i'm sure we all are. he might expand the truth to sell products. I don't know and don't care because over all he checks out. Overall he is trying to send her to prison and get the country back from the hell hole we are in . Fox news had one of his banners flying above the DNC saying Hillary For Prison infowars.com.

Trump has a chance to change the two party duopoly in the country or maybe he wont but we do know. Hillary will destroy US ALL! 

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