How The United States Government Uses Deception To Enslave Its Citizens

in anarchy •  9 years ago 

As a kid I never really got along with authority figures, in fact to this day I still don’t. I never clashed with the police or blatantly broke the rules , I just always questioned why others believed they had power over me or my actions. As a sometimes arrogant little kid this got me into trouble during school with my teachers, but I would usually apologize and everything would be forgiven. As a kid, your school and the authority figures within it, surrogate as your government. You do as they do with no questions asked and those who don’t get put in line. This system relies on a perpetual belief that the school and the government knowing what is best for you, but in reality they don’t. They put you on a “one size fits all” conveyor belt and spit you out to be an obedient member of society that questions nothing. They could care less about what is in your best interest, just what will give them more power. I want to talk about why the government does not have your best interest at heart and how you are deceived into playing their game of life. Take in mind much of this is a ramble so excuse me if I trail off a bit.

Breeding Sheep

There is little doubt that the point of the public education system is to breed workers that fit snugly into a role within an economy and for them to do that role for a lifetime. We’re taught to play by the rules, not to be disruptive and do everything that a teacher, the government or your boss tells you to without question. If we follow the rules, get good grades and a college degree we will be able to buy that nice house with a white picket fence, have a beautiful wife, 2.5 kids and a golden retriever. Most of all you will finally be able to achieve happiness, with all these things filling the holes in your life.

Yet as I look around me, I see no white picket fences and I definitely see no happy people, so where are they? This lie perpetuated by authority figures and people we should supposedly emulate is sickening. People end up throwing their lives away getting beaten down by the system only to realize at 50 that everything they were promised was a fallacy. People that played by the rules and did as they were told, got punished for it. All around us are the signs of this deception, yet we continue to believe it.


In order to distract you from your unhappy life, you look to media, an industry that caters to the viewers yearning for something more. We find solace in that fact that our lives aren’t a complete mess, an idea backed by reality shows like “Intervention” and “My 600 Pound Life”. And yet we are also kept playing the game by the media building up this idea that we can all be rich and have whatever we want. We are pumped propaganda of the rich and famous through a digital IV so we continue to believe that one day we will be where they are if we just work hard enough. But the game is rigged and you and me aren’t on the winning side, if we were, we wouldn’t be into crypto.

On top of these show distractions, the news media is constantly egging on a war between classes so we are stuck blaming each other rather than holding the government accountable. Despite 4 news stations all being owned by one corporation they broadcast news differently and strengthen the current divide.


Politicians rally up support and split people against each other based on beliefs that are tiny in the grand scheme of things. They call themselves representatives of the people, yet both sides Republican and Democrat actively represent corporate interests that go directly against yours and mine. The illusion of democracy makes people feel like they have a say but when the politicians make deals in the shadows, accept millions in campaign funds for reelection, there can’t be a truly unbiased politician. People argue over facebook about which president will do more for the common man, but the reality is, these politicians don’t give a fuck about the common man. Politics is just another distraction to give you the illusion that you have a say.


I believe taxes in small amounts to offer things like infrastructure and basic needs is a good thing, but our current tax system goes above and beyond exploitation. You spend your days doing mindless work, only to bring home an income so you can purchase or buy experiences that will make you happy and the government takes 30% for the privilege of being a slave. Instead of putting the money to proper use, they spend trillions upkeeping a massive amount of armed forces that do nothing but beat their chest at other nations. If they truly cared about their own people they would use the money to enrich their own people.

Absurd Amount Of Laws And Mass Imprisonment

The amount of laws in the past 50 years has skyrocketed to the point where you probably break a decent amount daily , unknowingly. The government pumps out ridiculous laws that dictate how people can live their day to day lives so everything has complete order. If you refuse to follow these laws you are thrown into an overcrowded privately funded prison that has no incentive to let you out. If you cant afford bail you will sit in a prison until your trial date which could be months to years depending on the case.

I know this post was a bit rambley, but I might go in depth further on some of these ideas in the future. I just wanted to put out a basic outline. I wanted to end with a quote from the “Game Of Thrones” book, “A Song Of Ice And Fire”, where one of the characters makes an observation of where power lies.

“In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a sellsword, a little man of common birth and no great mind. Each of the great ones bids him slay the other two. ‘Do it,’ says the king, ‘for I am your lawful ruler.’ ‘Do it,’ says the priest, ‘for I command you in the names of the gods.’ ‘Do it,’ says the rich man, ‘and all this gold shall be yours.’ So tell me – who lives and who dies?”
If power lies with the men who carry swords, why do we pretend that kings hold the power? Power, he argues, is ephemeral, a shadow – “power lies where we think it lies.”

If we stop believing in the power that the government makes us believe it has, we can change current problems in our society. If people started to work together it can be cut down in size to a smidgen of what it is now. They government thinks we are sheep, but they should fear us.

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Great post. People are constantly looking to government to solve their issues for them which increases the government's power, which further enslaves us in debt, and dependence. Our founding fathers would not be happy...

Agreed. In my lifetime I have never seen a problem solved by increasing the government's power.

Steem on,

"If we stop believing in the power that the government makes us believe it has, we can change current problems in our society. "
Very true @calaber24p, but there are 300 million of us in the US alone.
To remove power, most of us would need to agree.
Too many cops and career military craving paychecks to ever get this accomplished. When it comes to having next week's check or not, they'll murder us.

Agreed, this is harder said than done. I think there needs to be a push that will make people realize its time to fight back , but I dont know what that event will/could be. People right now are not content being worked to the bone and having nothing to show for it, but they live comfortably enough that they arent willing to take a stance. In another post I talked about how I think the mass automation movement and a resulting skyrocketing unemployment rate could trigger this but its just a guess.

Nice read, oh the govt... The only thing I'd add is citizens are never slaves, citizens are persons created and controlled by the state. They don't need to be slaves, it's like owning a bike. That bike is my property and I can ride it, or place conditions on its use whenever I so choose. That's how jurisdiction to the federal venue is established first before anything else every time... "I.D. Sir" why did they ask this? To identify federal property and make sure they have initially established jurisdiction, nothing more.

Now do cops know this... I doubt it, I've talked to quite a few and so far not one has even a minor understanding of the fundamentals of law and the establishment of jurisdiction. They just say "if you don't wanna get arrested don't break the law", or "I'm just doing my job". The only one I've ever had a quality convo with was an older retired city cop, who was so reasonable with everything. The dude is on par. He gets it, he actually gets it, but he has specifically told me that the new meat being brought up in law enforcement are nothing but drones, soldiers willing to take orders without question. Over the last three decades he said he's witnessed the force go from people genuinely giving a shit about the citizens to power hungry individuals wanting "authority".

I guess the one major distinction id like to make abundantly clear is, we are not citizens, we have a citizen, we don't have to have a citizen, anyone can resign from that position, whether we operate through the citizen or not and how we operate with that vessel or not is our choice.

Nice point about citizens not being slaves. I think in some cases cops can be just as enslaved as the rest of us. Some genuinely joined the force to do good and once they realize that it is corrupt cant go back and do something else because they have a family to support. They are stuck doing their job like the rest of us.However, I also think that many abuse the power they are given to get what they want.

Sorry I have to clear my ambiguity when I speak. I'm saying citizens are pieces of paper, contractual agreements memorialized, and they are 100% slaves/chattel.

we have given freely and willingly the power to control and dictate our lives . We have become distracted by cheap parlour tricks and hypnotic flashing lights and have truely forget who we all once were and how we came to be. The hour is late but not to late, yet. For the time will come when the hour has passed and we will look back in horror at how we allowed it all to come to pass.

We strongly agree with your post @calaber24p, and it's why the Garden of Eden exists. That way wasn't good enough for us, so we live solutions to these problems and demonstrate that a better way is possible. We don't say that anyone should do it our way; we're simply here to inspire potential. Almost anything is better than the current system most sheeple are trapped in! This exchange of ideas and possibilities continues to be one of the most exciting features of Steemit for us.

Very in depth study. I think Steemit is a start in the right direction, don't you think?

Self absorption and a horrible smartphone kind of "me-ism" has become the new zeitgeist in all privileged western societies and sadly this has meant the demise of the all the great collective movements against war, social injustice, inequality, racism and sexism. MLK is indeed truly is dead.

They do fear us make no mistake.

I liked this blog. especially the part about the taxes are use for the military to beat its drumb at other nations.

Wow! I guess I'm an anarchist, because I dig everything you just wrote.. Thank you for that

The government is just doing what they believe is right without consenting what the people may feel. They aim for the development of the country not for the citizens, it doesn't matter to them how we feel as long as their view and rules will be implemented.

I agree with a lot of what you have said. I feel like Bitcoin has used deception while telling its users that is anonymous. I talk about this while visiting Area 51.

I agree... but what can any single broke nonparticipating person do about it?

I agree 100% with your post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!