Experiment: only supporting VEGAN content providers?

in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)

After watching some of Gary Yourofsky's videos like this one:

I am experimenting with a change in strategy in the game By supporting vegan content producers only here.

I have only been vegan for just under a year, but as I get more into it, I realise how insane my behaviour was for most of my life and that I was a serial killer and torturer of animals by proxy and I want to support only those fellow humans who have woken up to the madness and stopped their involvement with murder, torture, theft and bestiality - raping of cows so that they lactate, and playing with their nipples to steal their milk.

I would like to encourage other vegans on this site to do the same and when SMTs start to be used, perhaps we can create a token that can be used to reward people who want the same freedoms for our fellow animal beings as they do for themselves.

Let me know your thoughts.

Blessings fellows


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I think it's important to watch and pay attention to other content creators outside of the vegan community. Whether your hobbies be alternative media, cryptocurrency, or make-up tutorials (hey, those are popular!), If you limit yourself only to vegan content creators you will be missing out on information and context that can add value to your life.

That said, I interpreted your post as meaning... Support, meaning upvotes and steemits/btc etc. Meaning material support. Also emotional support.

But that doesn't mean you can't watch and pay attention to what's going on outside of the realm of people you ardently support who are furthering your vision for the future of your community and this planet.

If you are looking for some new content from an up-and-coming vegan YouTuber, check out Red Pill Vegan http://www.youtube.com/c/RedPillVegan

That's me... I do videos on food industry analysis and critiquing quack doctors and celebrity personalities who push animal products and unhealthy food choices.

Thanks for that and I am now following you. I wasn’t suggesting paying no attention to anyone who isn’t vegan. Of course they have a huge amount to offer. I just meant concentrating on upvoting those who are.

Yup. Vegan is the least we can do. Peace begins with the Plate.

I think it's beautiful to support like-minded people, and vegans certainly share a nice system of values. That said, I think it'd be a mistake to exclude or constrict our support to others. As we know, there are many people worthy of extended encouragement here, regardless of their diets. I'm thinking of @quinneaker, for example, whose content is full of love and lightness, even if it includes shares of the sustainable feasts with animal products. Just a quick note, from one conscious consumer to another. Wishing you a great day.

Hmmm. Sustainable feasts? Would you say the same if he was feasting on sustainable human products?!

Quinn calls these "sustainable" feasts because the food originates on the land at @gardenofeden, or else it is rescued food that has been discarded by grocery stores. I feel triggered by your reply because it is a horrific thought, and I wish you would resist the urge to plant such terrors in people's minds. That said, I understand you are coming from a place of passion and that's a good thing. FYI, both @quinneaker and @gardenofeden are speakers at SteemFest 2, well-respected in our community here as thought leaders and trailblazer in sustainable living, so I think your peers here will agree that they are human beings worthy of your support and mine. And after all, aren't we all worthy of love? Peace.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very good! I choose to do that to the best of my ability - in many cases though I simply don't know about the choices people are making in this regard, so the best I can do is deliberately not support those who are overtly carnist and deliberately support vegans. Vegans will be around longer and be more balanced and capable of achieving real greatness in life anyway.. so why back entropy? <3

Your words resonate with me Danny... I have only been vegan coming up to 3 years now. My old behaviour also seems crazy to me now, so yes it is kind of like waking up, most definitely looking at the world through a new paradigm.

Its the extent of our programming that still surprises me. I asked somebody the other day if they would rather drink human breast milk, or cows breast milk, they gagged at the thought of drinking human breast milk. How have we been led so far astray?

thank you for standing up for the beautiful animals on this beautiful planet, Danny
and providing an easy solution for discouraging people from investing in needless animal suffering
but most importantly reminding people that we can live in a world where we don't have to sacrifice animals (or even plants for that matter) for our own nourishment
and that we have had the technology available to us (not to mention breatharianism) to make it easy for us to sustain ourselves on foods and liquids that taste (nourish) even better than the "real thing"!


100% behind you Danny. Despite the croissant incident ;)

There is a thriving vegan community in my Facebook group (Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins) who will all be very interested to hear this!

I will pin this post at the top of the group so others may learn of your experiment....

I don't use animal products and part of me loves your idea but I think it's unlikely to win hearts and minds and may portray us as just the sort of intolerant bigots many accuse us of being. Of course I do support any animal friendly content I come across.

Wonderful speech by Gary Yourofsky and yes I did cry at the slaughter house scenes and wonder how the hell people can collude in such barbarism.
It still doesn't convince me though to withdraw support from the many worthy people here simply on the basis that they don't agree with my way of life.

I understand how you feel @dannyshine. I have been vegan for almost 18 months now. I feel bad that I did not turn vegan much sooner. I also know what it is like to be blind to the cruelty. This cruelty is not just to our animal friends but to other human beings as well. I'm an economist and I cover a broad range of issues, one of them being the vegan lifestyle and approach. I also investigate a lot of areas as well such as the manipulation of humanity by Governments and large corporations.

I believe it is best to keep an open mind. There are many good, insightful and powerful posts that are not directly vegan related but contribute to the bigger picture of creating a kinder better world for us all. I urge you to support these posts and authors as well.

mh ... viewed, voted, commented, followed and re-steemed ... i'm not a vegan, however and i wouldn't like people forcing me to be one ... that's extremism .

anyone follows me i'll follow back within a few days but as far as i'm concerned steemit is already dead ... given the nature of the game if it takes only two people out of 400.000 with a couple of votes to halve your rep then its more like a trap than an opportunity imo, good luck anyway ... but what does this have to do with anarchy ???

Hi @dannyshine!

I'm happy to include this post in the next CTR Crossword Puzzle No.-6. This post will be linked in all related CTR Crossword posts . All participants for this puzzle will land on this post to find their answers to it

Thank you for creating awesome content which is just perfect for our participants!

Hey Danny, I have enjoyed and fascinated by your yourtubes for some time and glad too find you on here after seeing your Steem ytube. Im still not fully understanding the format on here but it has some great content all the same including Sebcam & Samstonehill. Even better news is that you are awakening too to veganism. Its certainly opens your eyes to the cruelty and the injustices of how we treat our fellow animals.

Great idea to support our fellow vegans first, by all means read other blogs but lets save our steem for the vteam!

Peace (does indeed begin on our plate)

Maybe a bit collectivist to only support vegans but I do definitely agree with the sentiment of being a bit more firm with the promotion of veganism. I'm basically new on steem, I created my account a few months ago but I'm only starting to use it as of today. My youtube channel is: youtube.com/veganfootsoldier

I sent you a message on the chat. Check it out if you have time.