RE: Auctioning My Domain To Help A Friend In Need / All Proceeds + Steem Dollars Donated

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Auctioning My Domain To Help A Friend In Need / All Proceeds + Steem Dollars Donated

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

I'll bid $100.

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I'll go $110.00

Congrats @sgtkickarse77 you are the winner!

Can you please send me an email through my site's contact page, and we can coordinate the payment and domain transfer details. Thanks.

Sorry man I forgot to check back in on when this ended. I will follow up this afternoon and

Thanks for updating. Let me know as soon as you're able. Thanks.

I emailed your site page for contact and payment info. I can complete everything today if you are able to

All set. Thanks, and enjoy the new domain.

Btw, how are you getting so many upvotes on your comments!? Kind blowing me away.

Hi @sgtkickarse77

If you would like to make payment directly to @mikeonfire you can send crypto to him at: "I have a Dash address (XqPj3Jb1dJVCArbgGwYwuJ4417CAfng67r) and Bitcoin address (1CQGYzpRt4biX4L2x7dwJuC6gvy3d4PLpr) for anyone who would like to donate that way." .... and post the transaction ID for verification.

The domain is currently held at You can sign up for a free account to receive the domain there, or else I can email you a transfer authorization code to receive it at another register. Let me know. Thanks.