Can We De-Program the Brainwashed?

in anarchy •  9 years ago 


The major problem that we have with spreading the message of liberty and freedom is the fact that the masses of people are so damned brainwashed.  Here in the U.S., the proof that we are not a free people stares us in the face daily, yet the average U.S. citizen still believes that we live in the greatest and most free country on earth.


I mean, look.  Our income tax system denies us the right to keep what we earn, and gives government the right to extract money from our paycheck before we even see it.  Western ranchers who tried to defend their right to earn a living have either been murdered by the federal government, or are being held as political prisoners.  Every single thing that we do in life in regulated by some level of government, and every regulation that government implements just makes matters worse.

And then, don't even try to tell the average U.S. citizen about how our government's policies of waging unjust war against other countries or of overthrowing their leaders have created most of the problems that we currently have with other countries.  Oh, no.  All of our government's past mistakes have been flushed down the Memory Hole, and we are told that America is the most moral country on earth, and when we wage war it's always for the good of mankind.

Where's the Outrage?

Oh, there is plenty of outrage.  Just show a picture of an Olympics athlete refusing to place her hand over her heart during the playing of the national anthem.  Suggest that maybe it's actually anti-patriotic, rather than patriotic, to salute a piece of tri-colored cloth while reciting a Pledge of Allegiance.  Say something critical about either our cops or our military.  Any of these things spark outrage amongst rank-and-file Americans.

But, when it comes to government activities that deprive us of our liberty, you might see some occasional pockets of outrage, but nothing really widespread.  In fact, the average U.S. voter keeps calling on the government to step up its game, to enact more laws and programs that deprive us of even more liberty.

Is there Hope?

The mainstream news media, government-run schools, the "conservative" talking heads on AM radio, all have a vested interest in keeping the masses brainwashed.  I mean, look at Rush Limbaugh.  He's made a fortune by telling people just what they want to hear in an entertaining manner.  Telling the truth about the actual state of liberty in this country, and about how the Republican Party is just as corrupt and anti-liberty as the Democrat Party would cause him to lose most of his audience and his income.

The harsh reality is that we'll never be able to fully throw off the chains of government until the vast masses of people finally come to realize that we are all slaves.  The big question is, "How do we de-program the masses?"  I wish that I could wave a magic wand and make it happen, but I can't.  If you have any ideas, please feel free to post them in the comments.

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The only way it seems to happen is when everything fails in there life do they want to change .

The other is only talking about things they hate about the system to plant seeds in there minds .

the way that worked best for me was magic mushrooms as that leaves you in a hyper state of suggestibility