Empire strikes back :D

in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)


A few days ago I went through a transformation. Instead of feeling anger for statists, I started feeling sorry for them and decided to just laugh at their childish nonsense.

Someone indoctrinated to the level of not being able to grasp logic, even when explained in the most basic of terms, deserves our compassion. They don't know any better, but to rape us with their delusional ignorance.

I cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb trees. I cannot save that fish by safely placing it on a tree. A fish is a fish. I can talk to a fish, but it is my fault, if I get angry when I expect to hear anything smart back.

Here is the fist part of my "debate" with a very indoctrinated cult member, with the most fitting name for sheeple, who decided to attack my recent post, calling me an idiot (yet another dumbass projecting), based on his self-contradictory beliefs and 0 evidence, as usual. All the best to you @baah

The article is called "Chaos for the naive"

I didn't have to wait long for the naive cult member to start defending his religion with aggression of a rabid ape, with foam dripping from his yap, while he was trying (and failed miserably so far, as always) to prove his "obvious" truth, indoctrinated into his confused head.

Here we go:

ME: and there he is, the bootlicking cult of statism victim, stating what he was taught to repeat... I feel your anger. don't worry, I am not attacking you. It's your cognitive dissonance playing with your head. so much work just to look dumb when I reply? I challenge anyone to a debate. Never lost... Next time support it with some evidence, so you are at least someone on a debatable level. I have tons to support what I wrote. I don't have time to waste on your ignorance, but I should probably return your wasted time out of respect, you did not really deserve for being an aggressive little monkey, but I like you. I learned recently to laugh at your cult. I'm not angry anymore. It is pointless anyway if you do not understand the basic logic... ah... what the hell; I will however reply to your poop as short as I can, with links for you to do your own research. I am not doing your moral duty in full for you:

BAAAAAH: /Government is established to enforce rules which are there to secure rights, without force behind the rules nobody can be brought to justice. Without rules there's no justice or order, chaos being natural to any absence of structure, people could drive down the wrong side of the road, monopolies would dominate the world without any problem and ultimately the instability of trade and economy in general would invariably lead to a lot of suffering./

ME: Say it to Nobel winning economist, professors and other geniuses at Mises. Wipe the rabid foam off your yap before.
No one likes to "debate" with an angry ape, if you had any argument at all, that is ;)


HE: /Read the Milgram experiments then tell me that it was the order givers that should shoulder the blame./

I am well aware of Milgram. How exactly did you bend logic here to fit in to your sick narrative?
So the guy bombing hell out of brown people without asking the people who pay for this, was a victim? FED printed trillions, putting every new born in hundred thousands of debt... don't you think your "poor victim dictator" should ask before slaughtering millions of people for your money? DUMB!!! And when gen. Wesley Clark said it would happen, but then Bush, Obamer, Blair etc made up all the excuses, when it was already known they planned the invasions before is what? You argue with your indoctrinated beliefs. I argue with facts and I have sooooo much more evidence, you would need to spend years to go through them, like I did. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb :D


/Equally the Milgram experiment is key here, because it wasn't government that was to blame, or the faceless entity in Don Quixote style you're titillating at, but the numerous people who simply followed orders, which isn't a good defense for crimes against humanity such as mass murder, to bad that the faceless boots that carried the orders through won't get a glance at even when you're busy calling a painter, an author and an intellectual a moron, because it was the act of a dim mind to gain control over an entire people and receive their adoration./

Germans were starving due to sanctions and other problems. Hitler said "Enough! Let's get the responsible" and angry mob followed, as usual. In case they did not, he wrote on his tissue it was mandatory and called it law.
He was a smart guy. Not much practical skills, but how to manipulate people. Just a spiritual and emotional infant, like you ;)
So it wasn't the beast of a government enforcing orders that people followed? Thay had a choice? How many Germans were shot dead for refusing? You contradict yourself. You say without enforcing law there is no obeying the law, but.. Do you even logic? What can a small angry dude do without the magic pen that turns scribbles into law? Get a face slap to calm down at most. Duuuuuumb! :D

/Logic flies out the window the moment I point out that No, bringing someone before a jury of their peers to face justice doesn't make me a psychopath or sociopath, but wrongly asserting that "ALL" interactions must be voluntary is a type of general nonsense that cannot be approached once someone brings up the fact that rules without enforcement are neither rules nor LOGICAL./

Voluntary interaction isn't logical only to people who don't do logic, but repeat some dumb garbage instead. The sect is strong with you, I see. So you are saying that people deciding locally how to deal with problems instead of centralized rule of strangers isn't logical? Not the people who are affected directly by some wrongdoing? Dumb! People can voluntarily decide by consensus what serves them. They can surround themselves with people who have similar opinions and form a community. Rules enforced by threat of death are not freedom by any measure and if you cannot get it, you are either dumb, or just very indoctrinated.


/I guess you're gonna have to consider things some more, tell me, do you have a right as a business to enforce rules both of your employees and costumers?/

Nobody has that right. This is why no one in govs can have this right, because no one can delegate rights no one has. Businesses create products or services and you choose. Employees sign a voluntary contract. You don't see the difference between voluntary and force... not sure how to deal with this. I'm not a psychologist, but I dabble... no time, sorry. Do you believe in Santa too?

And no I don't. I studied long enough, to not have to rethink logic. I highly recommend this to you.

Riddle me this :

  1. Is there any means by which any number of individuals can delegate to someone else the moral right to do something which none of the individuals have the moral right to do themselves?

  2. Do those who wield political power (presidents, legislators, etc.) have the moral right to do things which other people do not have the moral right to do? If so, from whom and how did they acquire such a right?

  3. Is there any process (e.g., constitutions, elections, legislation) by which human beings can transform an immoral act into a moral act (without changing the act itself)?

  4. When law-makers and law-enforcers use coercion and force in the name of law and government, do they bear the same responsibility for their actions that anyone else would who did the same thing on his own?

  5. When there is a conflict between an individual's own moral conscience, and the commands of a political authority, is the individual morally obligated to do what he personally views as wrong in order to "obey the law"?

/Iceland-One, you-Zero./
A trumpet is a nice instrument. I took it down to your level of arguing. Arguing with your cult is like playing chess with a pigeon. You will shit on the chessboard and walk around proud you won...


/The onus of proof isn't on anyone else, and you still have to make a case against the government of Iceland/

Government is the exercise of violence, forcing everyone to the rule of a few strangers or even if it is 99% of votes against 1%, I am as free as the least free among us.

/Except it's not Theft, it's voluntary by the election of the person and it's also the disadvantage you must bear if you use the benefits from Taxation. Benjamin Franklin said it best/

So you are a dictator now? I did not elect anyone to rule over me. I am telling you I do not wish to pay it. If I don't and it is taken from me by force, what is it? You redefine language now to fit into your sectarian beliefs? I want to decide what I contribute to, what I donate money for, instead of being threatened death if I don't give half of what is mine. Can you get basics of peaceful coexistence? Stop forcing me to your rabid ape worldview, ok?


/It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of practical importance of having a fair and uniform justice system for national tranquility, in order to secure the god given rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of property and happiness./

Fair? It is fair some strangers decide what to do to me, based on nonsense. Like growing a plant? Like taxing me for using solar panels or rain water? Are you retarded per chance?
If you order people around and forbid them to trade as freely and openly, however they wish, not causing harm or defrauding anyone, you regulate their lives, you are an inhumane piece of shit

/Except that you cannot have Private Justice, you can have private security but private justice isn't Justice but the abortion of justice./

Yes you can, as per the first 3 links I provided. You keep stating shit you have no idea about. As every cult member who invested their life in being taught this crap. Are you some lawyer perhaps?
There are so many options! You can rate people based on feedback about them from their interactions with others. Amazon does their disputes internally, Airbnb etc. Clearly it isn't working in your head. You can use Blockchain to do so. The problem is that no one would like to interact with angry little monkey like you... and this is why you need your masters to force us ;)


/When and where did the police get authority over their employers?/

I am their employer. They have authority over me. I am the one who is paying them for their "service" of protecting me. Putting me in cage if I don't pay tax for using the sun is not what I want to pay for. DUMB!

/Private protection, why didn't the colonists chose that instead of self rule? They were dumb?/

Were people a few hundred years ago dumb? No. I find that in ancient Greece, some people were very smart, BUT comparing to people today, who have access to all the knowledge of human race at a click?
The reason why US was the greatest country, was 200 years of semi anarcho-capitalism. As soon as it got more and more regulated, it became the monster we have today.

Lest stop here. I can reply to all your nonsense at some point. I have to do some other things than explaining freedom to your cult members. Digest this stuff and come back to me once you check out all the links. It should take you a few days. Argue the arguments presented in links. If you will come back and talk some shit you believe in, without any shred to support it, I will consider you not worthy a debate and ignore you completely... I might ridicule you first ;)

If you need some more materials to learn, here:

If you don't like to read:

I can give you materials for min. next 5 years of your life. Let me know ;)

Check these guys out:
@larkenrose I used his 5 questions


Let me know what you think friends.

It is still me:
And still I have not found one thing I need a government for, that cannot be provided voluntarily; better, cheaper, without threatening me death, should I disobey "the provider".

Anyone is welcome to use this text apart from the members of the most evil cult in history of human kind.

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property. I am an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I am an individual, who does not recognize your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.



If you'd like to see who I am, check out my off-grid farm at @lostambores.
Love ya!


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Consent of the governed is an oxymoron, what an idiot that Benjamin Franklin was when he let that oxymoron be the basis of the logic behind the declaration of independence.

More super evolved wisdom from @evolutionprematurely


here's my favorite troll! thank you for being easy to describe and inspiring with your stupidity :D

So once again. Maybe this time: I do not want anything to do with you, your country, people who you consider to be smart or idiot. can you or can you not give me this freedom to choose? frickin Nazi idiot? I do not know Ben. Never met him. Never chose him. I do not care for your country; the land of free range slaves and home of the indoctrinated cowards, mkay? You can take Ben and give him a big kiss on his nob if you want. I do not care what you do. it is not my business and I promise that I never will try to control your life, just do the same and leave me alone you violent monkey ;) I'm not reading anything you scribble until you get what a 5yo does

So in other words you somehow think I was forcing you to join my country, and not clearly pointing out that consent of the governed isn't an oxymoron but a simple concept of Extending Consent to Others, which you believe is always wrong and therefore an oxymoron.

what? can I not obey the rules, I never gave consent to? how can you still not understand? I don't care about jurisdiction lines of the masters you want to obey. I do not. Do I have a choice? Isn't it time to stop, before you will implode?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes indeed it's actually your duty to stand on your rights and right any wrong, because if you don't then people have every right to assume that you agree and by your silent acquiesce you allow the wrongs. But to get to the beginning :

What? Read what I said again, why do you have the impression I was forcing you or that people cannot consent to follow certain rules and be part of certain societies and you think that consent of the governed is an oxymoron?

I don't care about jurisdiction lines of the masters you want to obey. I do not. Do I have a choice? Isn't it time to stop, before you will implode?

Why should I implode, that's a Freudian Slip me thinks. You still didn't explain why you thought I was forcing you or anyone while I assume that since you had no clear, specific and reasonable contention that Consent Of The Governed isn't an oxymoron like you asserted then you agree with the same silence others approve the wrongs, and because Governing can and does happen with consent and governing doesn't mean "without consent" or through force, I think I know why you misunderstood that, because you think that a corporation is government, and a position of authority is established without any principles or logic, such as incompetence and outright fraud or treason still gives legitimacy to the position and it's not a clear case of Treason, which when not resisted it gets approved, which is why you think I have masters, despite that I am counting myself as a rational anarchist and acknowledging the truth of the declaration of independence, that I am A Free, Sovereign and Independent people, without master, or congressmen and I don't have to answer to employees as its employees that answers to the employer, because anytime I consent to certain things I automatically have masters, as if I can relinquish my own Sovereignty, my sovereignty like all my rights I couldn't relinquish if I wanted to.

What happens to me if I do not want to pay taxes, I wish to grow a plant that makes me happy and helps some health issues or if I do not obey a few thousand other rules, I do not want to obey? You are forcing me, because I do not want to obey these rules, but you want me to be threatened death if I do not obey them. You want to kill me if I do not obey them. My choice is to obey or die. Is this clear now? You are an anarchist that chose the declaration of independence to be true for me, and I have to obey or die? This does not even make you a fully developed human.


I'm a violent monkey and lack compassion while such an evolved superiority such as yourself speaks of wisdom when he extends wishes of extinction to others. LMAO.

Did I wish you death? I notice that you are not immortal and evolution will take care of you soon enough. I wish for a voluntary, peaceful civilization. Since people like you refuse to learn, they will need to die out before the obvious becomes reality. You don't see the obvious. Wake up or at least shut up ;)

You're trying to shut me up and previously you were hoping that "evolution takes care of the mother and her two children", you are so for peace and voluntarism but your vocabulary is choke full of thinly veiled attacks and ill wishes whole you think phrases such as "people like you" don't directly demonstrate what people you are, not kind, not understanding and full of hate and rage without any sense of promoting peace or voluntarism, despite your smile face gesture that posits the great joy and happiness you get from spreading your "you'll be taken care of soon by evolution" as if everyone is a idiot and cannot smell the shit you reek of when you use such euphemisms for the derision you :) to. So much compassion, peace and voluntarism from the prematurely evolved,


Why don't you take your own advice and either learn what simple things such that I freely linked and shared with you or shut up?

Obviously you do see the obvious poor choice of retort to my comment posturing you as a such an evolved being, LMAO. "I hope you get taken care of by evolution, if not you better shut up".

Shut your own self up, your unceasing nonsense is entertaining though, so do me another post honoring what you think about me, and don't dare discuss the fact that there's only lack of compassion and empathy, peace and voluntarism from your message of hoping evolution takes care of me, is that the same taking care of the mob movies always allude to when they say "well take care of that "?

Muh peace and Muh shut up LMAO.

OK. You are immortal, evolution does not unfold itself whether I wish it or not... whatever sweetie. You just get dumber and dumber to the level it is not entertaining for me anymore. Why don't you take your roads and take a nap? don't be so cranky. boobie needs a hug?


Whatever^2 idiot lmao, why don't you ask me how they force you to pay taxes again, lmao.

So your moron thinks he can escape their own actions and words? Next time bite your tongue before wishing extinctions on others, keep your derision to yourself because nobody deserves your bullshit. I must be cranky, after all, why would you spam a meme and resort purely to ad hominems? All that Peace and Compassion, lmao. I'll run into you again, you can be sure that if you're gonna stick around here this shit will be hilarious to point back at, entertainment at the expense of your foul, hate filed words.

Evolution unfolds whether I wish it or not.... (incomplete thought, why don't you conclude instead of resorting to omitting?), too bad I am not "entertaining" enough for you, is that because I deconstructed your hate filled message of "I hope you go extinct"?

Next you'll tell me to shut up, o wait, you attempted to shut me up with memespam and frivilous nonsense, don't you have some long, drawn out post to make and upvote to display your reasoning prowess of not borrowd meme anarchist thoughts of "government is force" and "taxation is force" despite that I and MANY others are living proof that neither taxes, nor licenses nor public servants are above me and other people who know their rights and don't shut up and take it without any objections.

Guess what, the declaration of independence is Anarchy at its best, it tells the king to go fuck himself and enumerated numerous reasons for that, all logical and illuminated, any Anarchist worth their salt will attest to that, while you confuse that government with the US government, which has been British controlled since its inception in 1781.

guess what, just because you start your statement with "guess what" it does not make it a fact. you are not an oracle of what is for me. I do not care for a piece of paper written by some dead guys 300 years ago. You must be retarded to be so proud of some obsolete shit, people who could not imagine one millionth of blockchain or anything we have today. Go back in time and suck them off dude. It is not my business what you do. It is not your business what I do. Do you get it? Just stay the fuk away with your stinky shoes, full of intellectual shit, from my beautiful carpet in my home, OK? And again you dumb, patriotic moron, I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY. Freedom is even bigger than your Nazi USA, OK? To aggressively defend the sectarian belief that slave-owners were the oracles of liberty takes a brain-dead moron. Were they some god-sent angels that hocuspocused rules for living my life 300 years ago... magically? I highly doubt you are not on some heavy meds .

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You hold the rights to the authorship, but I will use it regardless of your nonsense that I may not, are you gonna get the Master to enforce it when I point out the imbecility of calling Consent of the governed and therefore Self-Rule an oxymoron?

I don't even know what this means. Your rabid foam is dripping on your keyboard and you don't make any sense. where is that consent you moron? I am telling you I do not give my consent. Will you take out Ben Franklin's magic wand and abracadabra what I just said and pretend it is my consent? again I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE ANY CONSENT TO BE GOVERNED.


conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people) with authority <- this authority is being forced on me. I did not choose it. I am telling you I do not want it. What is so hard for you? Try logic dude. It will work miracles for your brain.

Fuk your flag, fuk your country, borders, troops, wars, democracy, threats, robbery you call taxes, papers, and most of all fuk you too, because your belief in this cult creates my oppression... especially if you will still try to explain to me what I want and pretend I gave my consent. How dumb exactly can you be? You can write. Can you read?

Your obtuse, where in the definition do you see forced?

Give me an example of being governed other than by imposed authority, that only a government has the legal right to impose. "Governed" is reserved to legal force of government. They governed your mente pretty well for you ;) If you can choose the authority, it is a leadership, management etc. GOVERNED is not voluntary. Unless you suffer from a stockholm syndrome, which you do

Btw I offered resources that are 1000 deep in the count and you haven't shown even a measly acknowledgement to them, annavonreitz.com specifically, I am sure you think I am Stockholm syndrome but you couldn't demonstrate that in a million years with a logically or cogent way.

You fail to recognize that warmongering, slaughter, control of every aspect of your life is imposed on human race, through brainwashing and propaganda. You fail to recognize who makes the decision, turns them into law, that lead to death of 300 million people in last 100 years alone. You defend this cancer with all you've got. You are not a syndrome, because it is physically impossible. You are a failed human. You have a Stockholm Syndrome and this is the direct proof of it.

You fail to recognize that warmongering, slaughter, control of every aspect of your life is imposed on human race, through brainwashing and propaganda.

Why and how you idiot, why do I fail at understanding that and how (two different questions so no half explanations).

I've handed you the cheat codes to the game and you cry that it's rigged, AS IF I DON'T SEE THE SUFFERING YOU SPEAK OF AND HAVEN'T GIVEN YOU THE LIBERATION FROM IT, DIRECTLY by what I linked.

You fail to recognize who makes the decision, turns them into law, that lead to death of 300 million people in last 100 years alone.

Why and how again you idiot, put up some logic and reasoning behind your hair-brain accusations, idiot, no "or shut up" because I never try to shut people up like you and claim I'm for peace and voluntarism at the same time. You walking talking performative contradiction. (hypocrite)

You defend this cancer with all you've got.

Idiots are going to idiot, thanks for your opinion of what you think is happening based on the discernment and discrimination of an moron.

You are not a syndrome, because it is physically impossible. You are a failed human. You have a Stockholm Syndrome and this is the direct proof of it.

Proof I am Stockholm LMAO. Me, who neither licensed, insured, mortgaged is a Stockholm of the system. LMAO. Idiotic nonsense, that is the proof of your lacking in logic (I assert that this, THIS, no, this is direct proof, gawd if only you could understand how hilarious you look trying to prove directly that I'm stockholmed by your mental acrobatics that assume you know me at all least demonstrate such with cogent particularity*).

I'm not a syndrome, as if I professed anything to that extent. Less me talk and more you talk and what you know and what you are doing and done, alas such talk, it's clearly nonexistent, so anything will be more than now.


Again where in the definition do you see forced or force? Or another way, what do you think you do when you Vote, or Register to vote, when you Pay Taxes without objections and do all manner of things such as licensing without objections?

Again, give me an example of being governed without the threat of violence, if I do not want to be governed. When you vote you are choosing a stranger who promised things you want. Not the things I want. He writes threats that I do not recognize as laws, that describe what will happen to me, if I do not obey your worldview. What is it?

  1. Someone takes your property without your consent and threatens you death, if you refuse?
  2. When you want to do anything a politician regulates and have to ask for permission?

Have you ever made demands and pressed on with them when they weren't met by the peeons that claim to be Public Servants and their very superiors? I've gotten away without as much as a warning when I speed through a school zone and didn't have neither insurance or license. Do you even Object in deed AND act/word to anything that you think and are thoroughly convinced of being forced onto you? Do you not recognize that consent is assumed otherwise and a number of adhesion contracts once you sign your name to a license, once you use a Social Security number or are unlawfully coerced into using one, do you even know the numerous remedies that are LAW, against explicitly and specifically that duress among a multitude of similar such coercion or you silently give your approval while ranting in some obscure corner of the internet? It's a rhetorical question, don't think I actually want to know which is which.

I do not make demands. I am a peaceful person. I look for voluntary agreements and I defend from aggression. You can call yourself a public servant or Santa. I never recognized any to be real. You can call yourself a unicorn if you want. That does not make you one. Do you demand from fake Santa too? You want me to do something both useless and pathetic? "Hey politician, did you know you are a politician? can you be less of a politician politician?" A politician is someone who is hallucinating and hallucinated to have rights no one has to give. If you believe in magic, it is your illness, not mine. I am not delusional. I do not address fake Santa to tell him he is Santa. He knows he is a Santa and I know he is not. The problem starts when crazy person imposes their delusion on me... like you and your fake Santa. Do you understand that bad things are bad, no matter if I tell you about it or if some dude writes it on his paper? Do you understand that a bad thing is still bad if some dude writes on his paper it is not and if I don't agree I will be killed? You moronic infant? I give my consent to abuse and murder, because I did not say it was bad? You are a retarded, sociopathic troll, that does not get basics of peaceful coexistence. How dare you teach anyone anything? Perfect example of your cult. Spreading ideas and discussing them using tech that can reach billions in a fraction of a second is pointless according to you? What else has ever shifted paradigms? Tell it to Luther King, Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus or anyone who had a revolutionary idea and shared it with others. Better yet go to Anarchapulco next Feb and tell it to thousands of people growing in numbers every day. Tell it Ron Paul who is respected by millions. Tell it to Dan Larimer on his platform, you twat, and all the voluntaryists changing this world for you, making the medieval atrocity obsolete. What is your solution? Make a sign "I'm angry and stuff"? Cry at a policeman to not give you a fine? Be a part of the system, creating it through your belief, which is the essence of the problem? You do the same crap and expect different results? Looking for solutions with the problem to solve the problem? You are insane by definition. Go ahead! Just leave healthy humans out of it. You are not on a debatable level. I'm done with you. You will never learn. You are being ignored from now on, dumb troll


Answer my question first, how rude can you be?

Let me ask you this, how the fuck does an idiot like yourself believe that those things apply to you? The news? school? Family and friends? Or did you question diligently those that matter in this situation and not some stranger on the internet? I'll take stranger on the internet over inquiring with the people who ought to know why and how those things you claim you're forced to do apply to you.

Does an employer EVER ask permission from an employee? If they don't do as the employer demands then they get the boot, period.

An idiot like me knows these things do not apply to me and being forced to things I do not wish to apply to me is the issue. I have a choice to obey or die. I do not negotiate with terrorists. I never chose them, never gave any consent, never wanted to pay, I do not acknowledge their right to control my life.

"Here is a contract, do you consent or would like to negotiate, based on your skills useful to the business? I offer you this position. Would you like to work for/with me?"

"Here is a piece of paper I just wrote, which means I have more right to your life than you do"

If you do not see the difference by now, you are a troll


An idiot like me knows these things do not apply to me and being forced to things I do not wish to apply to me is the issue.

How are you forced when those things don't apply to you then you moron? Exactly how, if you know that they don't? Have you objected? have you demanded clarifications for any and all things that you don't know or you simply know that they don't apply to you because you are above being part of society as if your freeloading bullshit could ever muster the gall to tell a Public Servant to come back with a warrant or kick dirt.

Hey, but I'm fomenting at the mouth LMAO, I can't read (I think you mean comprehended) and think I said anywhere that you gave consent. Idiot LMAO.

I know what I meant. you think a lot of things, just the other way around. do me a favor and whenever you think something, stop, and check the exact opposite. one day your head will be yours

Stop telling me what to do by veiling your demand in advice, and don't think otherwise until you have demonstrated to be reasonable and sensible and I come to you for specific advice.

I lowered myself to your level for your convenience.

Keep telling yourself that, it will be true if you repeat it enough, as if ANY of the dozens upon dozens of harebrained accusations had anything of substance behind their venal nonsense. Why don't you try to shut me up, that should put a smile on your face of compassion and dignity which make the firm foundation of peace/ sarcasm is an art.

I am sure your arrogance and ignorance makes you think you matter, but I do not give a shit about you, just as I ignore other rabid apes. You will put a smile on my face when you start discovering who you are, realize you are a piece of shit and raise above it. Until then, you are just a bad smell; an obsolete moron, that does not matter anymore. You belong where you live - 300 years ago


They don't know any better, but to rape us with their delusional ignorance.

Quote of the day hahahahaha

I went a few times to an open mike, but I chickened out... :D

Honestly the whole post is full of gold. You should seriously consider writing anarchist hallmark cards. If you can spit this kind of venom poetically and with a witty image on the front of the card we all win. 😂😂😂

Thanks :) I will censor my "profanity and foul language", turn every "moron", "retard", and "idiot" into "darling", "sweetheart" and "baby", get the grammar right and publish it with @omniloquent


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