I have a dream,....

in anarchy •  8 years ago 

No, not that one,....

A dream that we can all just get along.

What would the world look like if instead of gouging each other to pay the lowest wages to create the most goods that we sell at the highest prices we can get in search of the greatest profit so that we can emulate the evil that is currently atop the crapitalust pyramid?

Do the wealthy really need to take another quadrillion dollars from the labor of the poor?

Are you sure that that is the paradigm you wish to support?

What would a world look like that wasn't controlled by the wealthy and their banksters?

It would look a lot like the world that Eric Russell described in 1951.

And Then There Were None,...

I don't think it would look exactly like Edward Bellamy described in 1887.

Looking Backwards

He gets bogged down in details better left to the locals.

Maybe it will look like today, just without bills to pay.

Instead of having to account for things in dollars, giving half the value of the things we create to people that did nothing more than keep the books, we just keep working, but stop paying.

The math is pretty simple, if finding the numbers is not.


That is total hours of production divided by total population between 20 and 50 equals total obligation.

In other words, we divide the work equally among those 20 to 50 to determine the base line that is expected from everybody to maintain our current levels of consumerism.

From this baseline we can subtract the work done by those under the age of twenty that produce things, and those over the age of 50 that continue to do the work that they love to do.

We can refer to those numbers as gravy, and not count them, but they will affect the overall numbers, perhaps significantly.

For instance, locally grown food will likely be contributed to from workers outside the 'working' ages.

Why would you give up fresh eggs when you've had chickens since you were a kid?

Why would you not go down to the local collective and chip in to whatever work was being done just to get out of the house?

Why would folks, that could be contributing to the collective standard of living, be tasked with work that can be easily accomplished by those outside the productive ages?

These things can be worked out locally by those directly involved.

We don't have to have a central authority to force folks to do things, simply the moral fortitude not to be a bum.

Many of the homeless/unemployed I have known would gladly go to a central place to be tasked with work that needs to be done, but can't hold jobs because they are not capable of sustained efforts.

Perhaps they would only work one or two days a week, but that is more than we get out of them now.

We already carry the bums, along with the gov't structure that services them.

If we just let them go to the stores and get what they need we can eliminate all the costs associated with those gov't 'workers'.

They could all be employed in productive labor, thereby reducing the overall workload in proportion.

And the bums would still eat, have shelter, and perhaps feel shame at being a bum.

Or, we can continue the current paradigm,...

It will be up to you to continue as we are, or to find something better,....

You can watch this video compilation to see what continuing to support the paradigm has gotten us.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Have a perfectly peaceful day!!


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Interesting. I like the image with the donkey's working together :) Oh I think your video link is broken atm.

Thanks for your kind words.

They have an issue with the thumbnails since the update.
It's on GitHub.

ahh yea it was actually my end with the browser. Just needed to restart.

Do you get a thumbnail, or a greyed out play button?

thumbnail, but when I played I gotten a playback error. It was my end. I had to reboot and it's working now. My apologies.

Hmm, I am still getting a greyed out play button.