RE: You can't trust freedom when it's not in your hands,...

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You can't trust freedom when it's not in your hands,...

in anarchy •  8 years ago 

So, do you think that miniscule amount of time under your belt qualifies you as a penal expert?

If punishment was going to solve society's social ills it would have done it when prison was the holding cell outside the arena.
We are not going to law and order our way into any semblance of coherency.
Rule by force is the disease.

If you are locked up when is it a good idea to ask the guards for anything?

When is it a good idea to force compliance on the outside?

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Personally I don't believe in prisons and I never claimed to be a penal expert.

Prisons should be abolished as should fines and replaced with Caning. If a crime is so terrible that society doesn't think caning will justify as punishment then permanent exile or execution should be the punishment.

Lol, caning?

I'm with you on eliminating the criminals, but maybe we should eliminate the system that creates soooo many of them first.

The founding fathers certainly would have their hands full hanging everybody today that they would have hung back then.

I never claimed to be a penal expert.

Ready to stop advocating for the rearrangement of the deck chairs?

If you want to read your way out of the programming forced onto you, this book is a good place to start.

Nope we are evolving as a nation. We just created snowflake rights! Now we just need to expand congress to 1:30,000 that's not rearranging that's a wave to wash away the special interests.

As far a programming is concerned. I'm very much aware of the fictions we swear fealty to. As I've said before it's better to swear fealty to the fiction rather than a charasmatic person claiming to be a monarch.