RE: The 47 anarchists to be following on Steemit (Version 2.0, Fall 2017 Edition)

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The 47 anarchists to be following on Steemit (Version 2.0, Fall 2017 Edition)

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

That is exactly why us crapitalists are automating now, so we get to keep our stuff, plus a place to keep it, and we may watch the workers hang themselves with their own rope.

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Well, that is kinda depressing, can't we find a win win?

Isn't privately owning your own property and labour a win-win? Plus you get rid of the conundrum of communal ownership that is done by consensus, which is nothing but a government by another name.

So, do you own your own labor when you are paid in currency that's value is derived by others, or are you a slave to a system that doesn't answer to you?

With full automation only a tiny fraction of the population is going to have to contribute even 20 hours a week to keep the shelves overflowing, hell they are lucky to get 30 hours now.

What do we do with all those displaced workers?
Call them bums and gas 'em?
Soft kill them with vaccines and environmental toxins?
Mouse Pox?

I say we let them lives lives of leisure growing their on food and making homemade crafts so the neighbors don't think they are bums.
At that point we could begin to populate the other heavenly bodies.

Do you really think we are going to get to mars by financing debt to the banksters?

A paradigm shift is needed, and if you explore mine, it doesn't look so bad.

You can vote for me, here.

Income tax in my country is around 40% so I own exactly around 60% of my own labour.

I'm no slave to the system beyond being forced to pay tax and being forced to answer to the often corrupt police. Why is that? Because we still have private property, although that is changing in this country in favour of communal land ownership.

What do we do with displaced workers? Why are they our responsibility?

So, you are 40+% a slave?

There will be plenty of work to go around when all those poor folks get to ordering things.
Supply crunches may occur as we get up to speed, but the world only needs so many shoes and so many iphones.
Not everybody wants a Maserati, and the neighbors may get grumpy if you order too many.

Conspicuous consumption won't be the goal when every worker knows that everything they order is somebody else's labor.
With a blockchain to record everybody's contributions and consumptions it will be easy enough to see who the bums are.
I'm sure some folks will want to help them become productive, and if they refuse they will be pariahs.

I still wouldn't deny them food and shelter.
We carry the bums now, only we add 8 social workers, their retirements, healthcare, and wages to the cost of carrying the bums.
Not efficient, imo.
We would do better just to let them take what they need.

Crapitalism is not the only way to manage the world, it only looks that way because we know nothing else.
Our great grandparents knew nothing else.
The top of the hierarchy isn't letting out any other options.
You won't see my proposal on the nightly news.

But that doesn't mean that the status quo is the only option.

But everything you order right now is somebody else's labour. It's not about seeing who the bums are, it's about preventing people from staking a claim on other people's labour. As they currently do with welfare and social security programs.

We hardly have a capitalist system, we have a mixed economy.

Yes, it is, and who gets the most from that?

Soros, Goldman Sachs, shareholders, et al.

Who gets it if we just keep working, but stop paying?
All of us, fairly equally.
In leisure and stuff.

How do you figure to maintain crapitalism without 'staking a claim' to another's labor, isn't that what the boss/owner does?
You can't stay in business paying me the full value of my labor, the math won't add.

The boss/owner doesn't stake a claim. You are free to quit your job and take up employment elsewhere, because you own your own labour. You are free to be unemployed and live off welfare too.

The boss pays you. You accept that payment voluntarily. You don't have to accept it and you can negotiate for your share. That's why Litecoin for example was started by a former Google employee who figured he can be better compensated by not working for the Gulag.

I am also a shareholder and so can you be if you choose to become one.