Declaring yourself non-existent to the state?

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

In recent times, Croatian political thinking pot has been enriched by new flavours - be it on mainstream or marginal scenes, nevertheless.

When it comes to mainstream actors that are attributed for contributing to this are mainly and probably mostly Živi Zid, a left-leaning populist political party that seems to find a way to capture the "angry" and "protesting" votes of Croatians, serving as an alternative to /age-old/ HDZ-SDP duopoly with whom people are obviously being fed up with.

However, on the outskirts of the political space, there is a notable amount of people amassing who believe in ideas of anarchy and not complying with (some of) the law of the sovereign state, or in this case - for these people - breaking the "agreement" with the state.
One Zadar resident particulary has been noted by the media in recent times who declared his "non-existence" to the state, therefore, not obliging to obligations which are backed by state, such as for an example registering a personal vehicle.

Interestingly enough, the state seems to be in state of confusion considering this case. The jurisdiction has not yet found an answer to this kind of statement, as shown by this example, by responding with a lack of official response. Meanwhile, the non-existing man is winning lawsuits against the police and "picking" which benefits of being in a state he will enjoy voluntarily, presenting an example of the state flaws to his fellow "living people", encouraging them to do the same.

This is a very interesting topic which seems to periodically stir up the imagination of public. Mainly because the legitimate existence of a state and its creation has always been questionable to reasonable men but also because of the many compulsory payments many Croatians seem to either do not want to pay for or do not have the money to pay.

For further reading I suggest the original article:,

"The bell of the thruth" site:

For the questions of legitimacy of the state I suggest looking up voluntaryism and anarchy.

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Ovo je stvarno prebolesno, kad zapneš svim silama sve se može. Malo prebrutalno za moj stil života, ali podržavam lika u potpunosti i sve one slične njemu.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do you have any info on how to actually achieve it? I would like to do the same. Think it's a great idea to show a big fuck you to the state that does nothing but enslave us since the day we are born with their useless laws (that apply for only us peasants that don't have the cash to buy out of troubles like the elite can) and taxes (theft). And what do we get for all the taxes we pay the government?

A broken health care system where you will probably go to a private clinic when something happens because the government healthcare is too slow or bad. And the government indoctrination camps they like to call schools. Also the fact that they are constantly pushing us to the ground while lifting up themselves to the skies. I'm sick of it.

Yes - I do. Here it is - this is the final part of the "tutorial":

I recommend you use this article as an indicator for further readings:

If you plan on doing this, please remember not all laws are useless. One of the functions of the state is to give proper cure to crime, and to keep people safe, protecting lives and private properties. There are many more - I'm sure we could discuss about the flaws of our state and government but as you know, declaring yourself "non-existent" will undoubtedly lead to consequences so please bare in mind the pros and cons of the state.

I have no problems with laws that keep humans for being barbarians and killing and raping each other. Those I would always respect as they are natural laws and should be followed without questioning.

I got problems with other laws above-mentioned that only enslave us peasants and make insane profits for the elite while barely leaving enough for us to survive.

The system they built in the past couple of hundred years is like a modern prison, without visible limits or bars keeping us in, but we are still here, can't go far, and only thing we can do is grind away and make money for the elite on the top.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is a strong statement especially here in Croatia, it so ironic making it even more hilarious. The states impossibility counter him with any arguments or law paragraphs, cutting off his ties to the establishment tax, car registration. It is the strongest fuck you to the Croatian government I have ever seen. I met the man a few times when I was living in Zadar and his actions suit him.

And I agree with you the government here is destroying their own people for their own small and petty interests.

Odlična stvar poznata priča kod nas. Samo nisam cuo ima li još ikoga ko je to napravio? Sve u svemu da im je do znanja i time poručio jedno veliko jebite se.

Postoje ljudi međutim nisu dobili pretjeranu medijsku pažnju. Evo jedne zanimljive priče:

Ljudi u komentarima spominju da je čovjek imao problema zbog toga no dobiva podršku od drugih. Bilo bi zanimljivo saznati što se na kraju dogodilo sa cijelom pričom, jer je naznačen datum 9. mjesec 2016. godine.

Isto tako, u komentarima se čini da postoje još najmanje dvojica "odjavljenih" !

Što se tiče ove teme, važno je napomenuti Udrugu za promoviranje pravde, istine i stvarnosti, koja je osnovala vlastiti Arbitražni sud koji je zakonski sasvim legitiman (preporučam pogledati i taj dio stranice):

navodno ima 200 takvih ljudi kod nas, nasao sam i negdje stranicu od lika koji se bavi time dosta al nigdje info kako to napraviti, poslat cu ti link kad pronadem

Mislim da je u pitanju, autor je na steemitu ako se ne varam pod nickom @vladimirperic ali nije aktivan.

I mene to zanima :)

excellent subject the government takes everything at their whim, they treat us as they want, everything at their whim.

Prava stvar čovik je car. Kapa do poda ovo bi trebali napravit svi mi kokuzi pa da vidimo kaoliko elita može izdržat bez nas.

Takva jedna pojava, da se znatan broj pojavi i organizirano čini ovakvu vrstu "građanskog neposluha" sigurno bi bio jedan trn u oku vladajućih koji bi morali uložiti određene napore (kakvi god bili) da utišaju takav pokret ako naravno ima legitimne zahtjeve i zalaže se za neosporiva prava.

Pitanje jest - je li ta mogućnost ideal ili pak nada koja stvarno postoji u ljudima današnje Hrvatske političke realnosti?

Pa evo covjek je dokazao da je to moguce napraviti. Na nama je koliko ce se to odraziti i podržati u društvu. Steemit je svakako kao platforma vrlo blizu toga. E sad da to napravi masa od jedanput sigurno bi bilo problematično to zaustaviti i osporiti jer svako osporavanje bi bilo skoro pa na granici ropstva.

Very interesting. Thanks a lot for publishing this story.

Now all we have to do is form a company to offer these services and form a community to live out of official life :)

Can we do this on Steemit first?

@ all
We can discuss the details and create it on Steemfest Balkans :)

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Hvala. Jaka priča. Realizacija slijedi na fešti :)