A second of clarity

in anarchy •  8 years ago 

Well, how do I even start this...
Let's start with the events that inspired the writing of this story.

I just came out of the movies, felt like I needed to leave the house so I decided to go watch "war dogs" by myself, a small spoiler-free summary of this movie would be the story of 2 guys who made the best out of the chaos that were the years of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars by selling weapons, ammo and different military supplies to the government of the US and made millions this way. Sounds fucking epic, right? Maybe this is a bit confusing but for some reason this movie stirred some thoughts inside of my brain. In essence and the scariest thought was that this "reality" we are living in is an illusion...
We are born into this amazing, beautiful and miraculous planet. We are allowed to exist and have this moment called life in a giant ball filled with companions from multiple species, traveling through space and time in the void of the unknown space. Please somebody explain to me, how is it that every human being is being programmed to be a slave in our own home? How are we still allowing the programing of consecutive generations that turns us all into gears of an evil machine ? Everything that we own is made possible because of earth, the elements used in the fabrication of the computer you are using to ignore this story and so on. Things that if you honestly and deeply think about it you don't even need to survive. Why do we have to be slaves in order to live in our home? Why do we have to be slaves in order to afford to get to know different parts of our beautiful world ? Why is currency even necessary ? it's fake, it's useless unless we give it power and worth. Can you even imagine a world without economy or consumerism or wars? Even for my hopeful mind it's almost impossible, why is this? What if we all decided to stop paying taxes, rent and debts? what would happen if we stood our ground and decided to say "Fuck this shit, I am done!" ? How would they force us to comply ? simple.. they wouldn't be able to. Our beautiful planet provides us with all we need to survive and have a pleasent moment here until we die, we are the creators of our own reality not the gears of one created to benefit a selected few...

I refuse to believe that the only way to be free in this system is to be a part of it by making it grow even stronger with a revolutionary new business idea. I believe we need to revolutionize our way of thinking, we need to stand our ground, we are the 99%. They should FEAR us. They should be scared of what we are capable of doing if we stand together. Together in the real sense of the word, not just side by side in flesh but also not divided by religion, politics, social status, phone we have, car we drive or neighborhood we live in. THEY are guiding us into another WORLD WAR. Ask yourself why this is happening! War is their "revolutionary business model" it has been so for a really long time. They make profit from providing murder tools to both sides of a conflict they themselves create. it's obvious and we are all allowing this to happen. Let's stand up. Let's create a new reality. Let's make their business model crash!... how can we do this? start by talking with each other. not for the sake of having an argument and defending your point of view but really listen to each other. If you have friends or family in the army, talk to them! they should be the first ones to stand their ground and refuse to take orders from murdering maniacs that use them as pawns. Back them up! give them strength and show them that if they do stand up they will not do so alone. Educate yourself , learning to grow our own food can be really easy if we stopped being so spoiled and lazy and actually invested time in researching how to do so, this way we wouldn't even need the modified food they sell to us in order to make around 300% profit from it. Get angry, do not ignore the attrocities of their actions, do not ignore the billions of lifes that have been cut short in the name of profits. Your best friend, sister, mom or dad could've been one of those lost lifes, take a second to imagine if they were... go ahead....... trust me.... imagine that the person you love the most in the world became one of the cassualties for profit.... close your eyes and make it personal.... ready to make a fucking change?... Now let's all direct our anger into the big cojones it's going to take to make a real change for future generations to come. Let's give these kids the world they deserve.

This all may sound like a rant from a hopeful dude who had a fucking second of clarity and decided to express himself.... and you're probably right... but please google the following ( ("The venus project") and tell me if it doesn't atleast give you the slightest bit of hope for a whole new reality... a whole new system...

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