We didn't like our money, so we invented Bitcoin. We didn't like our markets, so we made a new one. And I don't like our internet.

in anarchy •  8 years ago  (edited)

So let's create a new internet.

I don't like being spied on, I don't like paying some nigh-monopolized corporation money for what should be free, and I don't like the state of things on this current internet. We need to build a new one.

To do this, we will need engineers, programmers, infrastructure builders, and of course, heavily armed guards.

If we want to make a new internet, we cannot use any part of the current one. Projects like Maidsafe, Freenet or Tor are nice, but those rely on the existing internet. Those ideas are not strong enough to last far into the future.

We need to create a new internet, and new infrastructure. We need to dig new cable lines, defend them from those that would destroy them, and make sure the internet that we craft is anonymous, private, and free, by its very nature. Those qualities cannot be dismantled. It must all be heavily encrypted, from start to finish, as well as difficult for governments or corporations to spy on.

I dream of a free internet, where ideas can be shared without fear of censorship or surveillance.

It must be free as in freedom, and free in cost, at least in the future. The first few years of its existence might be very expensive, extremely expensive, but if we can attract the right people, the right billionaires and financiers, this project could be completed.

This internet could use cables, like the current internet does, or we could build towers, and form a type of mesh-net, where it gets faster and better as more people use it. Computers are powerful these days, so it's not too much of a chore to take a bit of their CPU power to run a server, in the way that Freenet or Bittorrent does to host content.

In this scenario, each person could contribute to the network, making it stronger and more connected. It'd be easier to initially setup, requiring only a few towers be built. This would require the fewest resources. We'd only need to build and guard the towers themselves, and rely on people buying special antennas for their computers, or whatever is needed.

On the other hand, we could be a bit more revolutionary about it. This would most surely piss certain people off quite a bit more. We would have to dig ditches, lay down cables, and connect it to people's houses.

Without the authority of a government. A government would only stop us, or corrupt the project so they can spy on us, or whatever other creepy things they want to do to us, so we'd have to get rather vigilante, quite anarchist, and do it ourselves, despite the dangers of perhaps being killed or arrested.

This cannot be done with a vote. We need extremely wealthy people to pay for our lives while we dedicate ourselves to this endeavor. We cannot steal money to do this, the way a government can. We would need to fully rely on the good will of charities that would support us, people who are extremely dedicated, and wealthy philanthropists willing to contribute.

Of course I will tell you right now: this project will never happen.


We are weak. Humans are weak and stupid, and without the authorization of a government, society's approval, or some other authority's consent, we will never even bother to do this. We would need money right away, and who would invest in a project like this? We will need to use armed guards to protect ourselves, because this would be considered illegal most likely. This would be competition to the internet, and someone will try to forcefully shut it down. We would have to break laws, and do stuff that people with money don't want to deal with, that charities can't approach, and things that could ruin the lives of people working on this, if this project fails.

So in other words: Submit.

Submit to the government and their authority. Submit to the corporations who placate you. You are weak and helpless and all alone. There is no unity among free people.

There is no hope.

I dare you to try to make this happen. I dare you.


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Two words..

THere is no need for a whole new physcal infrastructure,with new cables,or meshnets,although meshnets are awesome,and not too hard to build.
Maidsafe is the solution to all of this. I don´t think Maidsafe can be taken down,once it´s properly up and running.
Give Maidsafe a couple of years,they are in alpha now.
And then re-evaluate.

Maidsafe uses a login ID and password.

I don't think it is the solution in that case.

They'll find ways to compromise this until there is no more need for towers or cables. Then all bets are off.

Oh? What do you mean?