BE ABOUT IT: Agorist/Musician traveling the US and giving back to local communities with Steem!

in anarchy •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hello! I'm Jeffer Thomason, an agorist and musician who for the last year has volunteered at an urban farm in Houston's 5th ward. The mission of the farm is to supply organic produce to the area's poorest residents who are currently living in a food desert as well as give them the opportunity to become farmers themselves. I'm also a member of an activist group founded by Derrick Broze called the Houston Free Thinkers which currently helps create local spaces for live crowdfunding events, music festivals and skill shares as well as bring awareness of all things agorism/crypto to residents of the Houston area.

Tomorrow I will be embarking on a journey around the US for a month. I'm blasting off from Houston and heading to Denver/Boulder for the first few days with the intent of soaking up the landscape and playing my music in bars and coffee shops. I plan to go through New Mexico, Arizona and travel up California then up to Washington before looping back through various states towards my final destination of New Orleans.

I've been excited about this trip for the last month, however in my mind there has always been a missing ingredient to it.

Stumbling across Steemit today because of a Jeff Berwick post on Facebook I had an "aha" moment and I am acting on it before I go.

As an agorist I've heard all the typical, "who will feed the poor?", "who will build the roads?" arguments for years and for all that time agorists have had no clear response because, as of now, there are no systems in place to compete with the inefficient government systems currently carrying out these roles.

As technology advances I see this being less the case and so I want to show people how we can get there.

In this article I wrote 2 years ago for The Conscious Resistance. called "Decentralize Everything: 5 Reasons Why The End of Statism is Inevitable", I explained how cryptocurrencies and apps would be key tools for redesigning the blueprint of how humans trade their time and energy with each other, leading to direct bottom-up private interactions out competing top-down government systems: like how the internet is effectively killing off cable.

The TL:DR version is that "UBERing" everything and cutting out the middle man will be the most effective way of distributing power back to the individual. Care will become a real force again and not just a marketing buzzword.

I want to show that individuals and communities can take care of themselves and that it just takes a different (agorist) mindset to show people how it can be done.

I don't expect to be building muh roads, opening homeless shelters or funding large projects right off the bat, but I do want people to see that the power to organize and make the world a better place is already in their hands: we just need to connect the people with the technology. Waiting for some type of political strongman figure to come and fix the world's problems is never going to get to the root of what caused the problems in the first place.

I'll put all the money every Steem article generates (as well as revenue generated from other social media platforms I tap in to) directly towards helping local projects in the city I'm traveling through. I'm not sure exactly how this will work at the moment but I'm sure with user feedback we can figure it out and give this journey a clearer structure.

So please up-vote me and watch the adventure unfold. The more this goes viral, the more we can show the world how humanity can take care of itself without force. One episode may be feeding homeless people, the next may be building tiny homes, the next may be funding a local urban farming project. I want the audience to have as much interaction and input as possible, so start throwing your ideas at me now. I will be bringing my video camera to document the journey and releasing the footage via The Conscious Resistance. If you want to join up and help out at any point along the way, reach out to me in the comments section and we can make the world a better place together.

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What an inspiring story. If I lived in Texas I'd seek you out and join you in helping others. It's beautiful what you are doing and I wish you ever success in making it happen. I'd love to upvote your terrific article but I don't know how to do it. Any hints? I'll keep trying. Many blessings!!

thank you. Just click on the arrow next to where it says $1.36 and you've voted. As I said, I'm traveling all over so if I'm near your state at any point, hit me up!

Thank you so much for responding. I appreciate it. And thanks for the lesson. I'm brand new here and have so many questions about how this site works, but I'm thrilled to have found your story. I'm in NJ. Have a wonderful day 😀