The True Ark of The CovenantsteemCreated with Sketch.

in anarchy •  8 years ago 

 Welcome to a Unique Sociological Event. 

 (JAH's Sociology Lecture given at Maynooth University in Ireland.) 

The Ark of The Covenant, what is it?
It is a hotline to the Ruler of The Universe.
However it was not built by E.T. to phone home. It was built by Moses and Aaron to phone home. Phone home? I'll come to that later.
Where did the building-plans come from?
What does it contain?
Why does it still exist, after millennia?
As the Ruler of The Universe's witness against His people Israel - you here today - I'll come to that later too:-
Deuteronomy  31:19 Now therefore write ye (Moses) this "Song" (Covenant) for you,  and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this  "Song" (Covenant) may be a witness for me against the children of Israel - you.
31:24 And it came to pass, when Moses had made an end of writing the words of this Law in a Book, until they were finished,
31:25 That Moses commanded the Levites, which bare The Ark of The Covenant of the "I AM", saying,
31:26 Take  this Book of The Law, and put it in the side of The Ark of The Covenant  of the "I AM" your God, that it may be there for a witness against  thee.
31:20 For when I shall have brought  them into the land which I sware unto their fathers, that floweth with  milk and honey; . . . . .then will they turn unto other gods, and serve  them, and provoke Me, and break My Covenant.
31:21 And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen them (including slavery again and exile), that this "Song" (Covenant) shall testify against them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I sware [unto their fathers to give them].
31:22 Moses therefore wrote this "Song" (Covenant) the same day, and taught it the children of Israel.

What I have just read for you is of course on one of the original scrolls that is kept inside The Ark of The Covenant.
In  another famous Steven Spielberg film, "Close Encounters of the Third  Kind", the French scientist; played by François Trufaut; describes its  climactic event, where the Holy City, New Jerusalem, comes down out of the sky, as a sociological event.
Why does he do so?
It is because it portrays human+Beings  meeting, on Earth, the Ruler of The Universe, Who is the designer and guardian of Universal Sociology. Those  people who follow His instructions  to the letter and are TRUE  sociologists, in the eyes of the Ruler of the Universe, not the eyes of university  examiners or anyone else, WILL,  in reality, make it to the New Jerusalem, just as Mr. Roy Neary, played by  Richard Dreyfuss does, exactly as is depicted in the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".
In the film, the New Jerusalem is shown coming down out of the  sky, exactly as prophesied by Christ in his Apocalypse/Revelation to his  Apostle John in chapter 21:2; 10 and he also prophesied that it will,  at that time, have The Ark of The Covenant inside it (Apoc./Rev. 11:19). So it has to be retrieved and collected for that to be fulfilled.
21:2 "And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, . . .
21:10 "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the Holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. "
11:19 "And the Temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen, in His Temple, The Ark of His Covenant; and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings..." Just like in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
In the Gospel of John, Christ said, "I am not from this world":-
John 8:12 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall
seek me, and shall die in your sins: where I go, ye cannot come.
8:13 Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith, Where I go, ye cannot come.
8:14 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I AM NOT FROM THIS WORLD.
8:15 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am [he] (and stop sinning), ye shall die in your sins.
Before anyone gets totally the wrong idea and jumps to the wrong conclusion, and thinks about the "Heaven's Gate" people, in America, who committed mass-suicide to supposedly join a spacecraft. Christ says quite clearly that the New Jerusalem will come down to Earth to pick up the "Elect" (many are called; few are chosen - Elect), just as it happens in the famous film, where they take only the Chosen/Elect - Roy Neary/Richard Dreyfuss.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say to commit suicide; it says to crucify your "Self"-ishness DAILY and no-one can commit suicide every day.
Last month (December '98), reported on Dublin's Today/FM  Radio, there were numerous sightings of small scout-ships; who  presumably came to let people see them, or else people wouldn't have,  just as happens in Close Encounters, in order to prepare the "Elect" for  the big Day. These sightings were reported by people telephoning in  from all over Meath and no-one committed suicide. You don't have to  believe me ask Today/F.M.
Those who have seen the film "Raiders of The Lost Ark", or have read Exodus, will already have some idea of what The Ark looks like and its physical dimensions.
Will The Ark ever be found? According to God; Malachi and the French prophet Nostradamus, the answer is most definitely, YES.
Nostradamus Quatrain 1,25
Perdu trouv, cach de si long siecle,
Sera Pasteur demi Dieu honor:
Ains que la lune acheve son grand siecle,
Par autres vents sera deshonor.

The "lost" (Ark) is discovered, (after being) hidden for many centuries.
The Shepherd (Christ) will be honoured as being half God:
So that the moon (Tephi) completes her great cycle (of burial and recovery from her tomb on the Hill of Tara),
In other winds shall be dishonour (Q. 9,99).
uatrain 8,75
Le pere & fils seront meurdris ensemble
Le prefecteur dedans son pavillon
La mere Tours du filz ventre aura enfle
Criche verdure de failles papillon.

The (Cause of the) Father and Son will be harmed by,
The prefecture (papacy) within his pavilion (The Vatican).
The mother of the Overturns (of The Throne - Ezekiel 21:26-27 - Queen Teia Tephi) overturns (the Throne) by the Son (Christ) she will have in her swollen belly;
which is a grassy chest (at Tara) with little pieces of paper in it (inside The Ark of The Covenant).
Ezekiel  21:26 Thus saith the Lord "I AM"; Remove the diadem (sovereignty), and  take off the crown: this [shall] not [be] the same: exalt [him that is]  low (Line of Zarah), and abase [him that is] high (Line of Pharez).
21:27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no [more], [overturned] UNTIL he come whose Right it is; and I will give it [him - Shiloh (Gen. 49 v 10)].

Quatrain 1,43
Avant qu'advienne le changement d'Empire
Il adviendra un cas bien merveilleux:
Un champ mu, le pillier de paphire
Mis translat sur le rocher noilleux.

Before the coming of the change (overturn) of the Empire
A very wonderful event will take place.
A field (2m. x 2m. of turf at Tara) moved, the Pillar of Porphyry
(Lia Fail - Stone of Destiny)
Put in place (on the Inauguration Mound at Tara); (the empire) changed on the gnarled rock (the Stone of Destiny - as Christ is inaugurated King of Ireland, at Tara).
Those of you who heard me on RTÉ Radio 1 (the Pat Kenny Show) will know that I came to Ireland to recover The Ark of The Covenant.
What does The Ark of The Covenant have to do with Sociology you might well ask?
The answer is, "Everything!"
More so than any other object on Earth throughout all of time.

The Ark of The Covenant contains The Torah which means The Law and is in the Pentateuch or first five Books in the Holy Bible, which contain the only Sociological-system that can possibly work. If anyone REALLY wants to learn true sociology, as opposed to man's misguided idea of sociology, they cannot do so without studying and applying both The Torah and the true teaching of Jesus and not those of the christian religion, which has betrayed Christ for money; power and its own aggrandizement with its own human self-centred idea of sociology, instead of the aggrandizement of Christ; his Kingdom and teaching about true sociology.
I  have brought you a section from page 20 of a book called "Documents of  Destiny", by (F. Wallace Connon), published in the early part of this  century. The section is about science and is called The Expert:-
"It  must be clearly realized that the laws of human-relations are still  unknown. Sociology and economics are conjectural sciences - that is,  pseudo-sciences . . . that man and not God should be the measure of all.  On the contrary, man is a stranger in the world that he has created. He has been incapable of organising this world for himself, because he did not (unlike God) possess a practical knowledge of his own nature. Thus, the enormous advance gained by the (so-called*) sciences of inanimate matter over those of living things is one of the greatest catastrophies ever suffered by humanity."

* 1 Tim. 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane [and] vain babblings, and OPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE (knowledge), FALSELY SO CALLED:

"It would be far better to pay more attention to our 'selves'  than to construct faster steamers, more comfortable automobiles,  cheaper radios, or telescopes for examining the structure of remote  nebulae . . . There is not the shadow of a doubt that mechanical,  physical, and chemical sciences are incapable of giving us intelligence, moral discipline, health, nervous equilibrium, security, and peace."

"Still more harm is caused by the extreme specialization of the  physicians. Medicine has separated the sick human+being  into small fragments, and each fragment has its specialist. When a specialist, from the beginning of his career, confines himself to a minute part of the  body, his knowledge of the rest is so rudimentary that he is incapable of  horoughly understanding even that part in which he specializes. A similar  thing happens to educators, clergymen, economists,   and sociologists who, before limiting themselves entirely to their particular  domain, have not taken the trouble to acquire a general knowledge of man.  The more eminent the specialist, the more dangerous he is."

Another body of people, who fall into the same category and who oppose God, is archaeologists and their carbon-dating systems.

So  Science, which has actually created most of today's problems, does not  have the answers. If it did it would not have created the problems in  the first place.

Jesus, however, understanding human-nature perfectly, was the world's first true SOCIOLOGIST; who came 2000 years ago to abolish churches and all priests, other than himself alone and bring people back to God and The Covenant which is in The Ark of The Covenant, which is the blue-print of true sociology, as he himself prophesied he would do  through the Prophet Ezekiel in chapter 34, in order to stop priests  from exploiting the fears of men for money; power and control over them  and he gave his life for everyone ELSE's benefit, which life was taken by the priests, and that proves the point about who they really serve - mammon / materialism not God. As Jesus rightly said, "Judge a tree by the fruit it bears." 

To be continued...

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