New Anarchist Directory Update - The “Circle of Noisemakers” Updated Info

in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)


If you are interested in learning more about #CON please see this post.

Basically, CON (Circle of Noisemakers) has a view to become an unofficial, decentralized, international and local network of anarchists and voluntaryists supporting one another in a very practical and simple fashion.

The directory is located here on the Steem blockchain, but should also be written down in a personal notebook or saved to a PC, etc.


The purpose and application of the directory depends on you. That said, here are my visions for it:

  • Provide a viable, direct connection to other anarchists locally and around the world.

  • Facilitate mutual trade and support.

  • Faciliate aiding other voluntaryists in difficult times when they need help. (NOTE: This is not a charity initiative. When, who, and how to assist anyone else in the network is up to each individual’s discretion.) Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies now make coming to the aid of and trading with fellow voluntaryists easier than ever.

  • FACILITATE A MEANS TO MAKE NOISE! Did CPS stop at your house? Was a family member kidnapped by the cops for a non-violent “crime”? You can bring your stories to the network, and we will make a shit ton of noise for you. That is the idea. To make irritating noise about these things online, in person, and in the ear of the mainstream media.

Facilitate a means of instant connection. Many of us use Signal or Wickr Me encrypted messaging services for quick communication.


The possibilities really are endless. From finding a place to stay across the globe, organizing fundraisers, and lending your next-door-neighbor a lawnmower, to making incessant noise when a fellow voluntaryist is assaulted by the state, this network is a practical idea that belongs to you.

If went offline, would you be able to access your network of friends, peers, and colleagues here? Most couldn’t. That’s what this is all about.

As @mindszai has noted, once this gets big enough, the vision is to ultimately form local cooperatives! This would be the shit! Practical and right there. Real community.

Get your notebooks out! Here’s the directory:

(To join the group please add your listing in the comments below, sharing only as much information as you are comfortable with releasing here. Please view previous entries to see what types of information might be useful. THE AMOUNT OF TRUST OR LACK THEREOF YOU EXTEND TO ANY INDIVIDUAL ON THE DIRECTORY IS UP TO YOU! BE SMART. This post is not an affirmation of upstanding character of any of listed party, though a few of them, to me, are the salt of the earth!)


Name: Aishlinn
Location: Spain
Children: 3
will update.

Name: Chad Vance (@mindszai)
Locale: Meridian, Mississippi United Society of Anarcovoluntaryists
Email: [email protected]
Skill sets: carpentry, plumbing, esoteric studies,martial artist, creative thinker

Name: Graham Smith (@kafkanarchy84)
Location: Niigata City, Japan
Family on Steemit: @mslight2016st (wife)
Children: Son, 5 years old.
Email/Contact: [email protected]
Wickr Me App (preferred encrypted chat) Username: kafka7 (feel free to add me!)
Signal App (encrypted chat) Username: KafkA

Name: Herbert Holmes
Location: Vermont, USA
Family on Steemit: Working on convincing them
e-mail: [email protected]
I don't have a Signal, but will make one for these purposes. My username will be the same as here @herbertholmes

Name: JB
Steemit: @jbcoin
Email: [email protected]
Location: Central Ohio, USA

Name: Kali Ju (@kaliju)
Location: Daegu, South Korea
Family: @hannaju + son 1.5 years old ^.^
Comm through Signal > Username: Kali
Steemit projects: @steemfleamarket (closed for winter)

Name: Michael Lai (@plushzilla)
Location: Australia (for now)
Wickr Me App (preferred encrypted chat) Username: plushzilla
Signal App (encrypted chat) Username: plushzilla

Name: Nick Sikorski
Location: Saku, Nagano, Japan
Family on Steemit: wife, waiting for account to be created
Occupation : farmer over at @potager-cerfs
Email/Contact: [email protected]
Wickr (encrypted chat) Username: nicksikorski

Name: Rutchel Macabodbod
Location: Cebu City, Philippines
Family on Steemit: @gorgeousiel, @kimrene, (friends)
Student : College student
Email/Contact: [email protected]
Username: @baebiychel

Starr (Leslie Starr O'Hara) (@lesliestarrohara)
Location: near Asheville, NC, USA
Children: daughter, 12 years old
Contact: (email) lesliestarrohara

Name: Todd Borho (@steeminganarchy)
Location: Nomad, currently in Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Occupation: Boldly attempting to survive on steem generated from writing




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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This has revolutionary potential. I look forward to making noise to help other voluntarist/anarchist. Baddrasser!

Well, if you're comfortable enough sharing some info, lemme know, and I'll put you on the directory! Would be great to have an activist of your caliber on here.

Yeah man, I'm always willing to help other activist/ free humans when government comes down on them.
This circle of noisemakers will be my first real interface with the steemit community.
I was looking for something radical and forward thinking enough for my liking. I really like where your heads at Graham you do good work. But I'm still not at the invite you over to fuck my sister level with you quite yet! lol. Yes Please do add my contact info and the bit of writing below to the directory.

Mike BlueHair
I'm here to lend my talents to help in anyway I can.
Don't hesitate to ask me anything!
If you think its in my skill set to help with your problem... I most likely will.
Loud mouth authority hater.

sarcastic Jackass.

Video Editor.


Brute force activist with emphasis on direct action.

Independent journalist with focus on police accountability.

Contact me through email
[email protected]
youtube channel/ my primary means of making noise.

This is very imressive, going to chat with my partner, I'm thinking I would like to get involved, not really got any way of instant contact though but my partner has so hence why I want o talk with him but to begin with:
Name: Aishlinn
Location: Spain
Children: 3
will update.

So glad to hear this. You guys kick ass. 🔥✌🏽🕶 Will update the directory ASAP.

cheers Graham x

This is very similar to one of the ideas behind Liberty Professionals. I hoped it would turn into a guild of sorts for liberty lovers, and it would combine charity, services, and webpages like Craigslist and LinkedIn together into one network.

Please check out the app Cell 411 as well, for you can make global cells of your friends to notify each other of emergencies no matter where you are. It is an app that helps us get back to being the first responders and not needing government services instead.

I will gladly add my name to this list. My email account is finnian dot cornelison at gmail dot com. I made a Wickr account since so many of you use it. My handle on there is simply Finnian.

I'm a private investigator in Virginia near Charlottesville, and I'm also a residential security expert. My wife has an account here as @elyce, but she does not use it. My oldest son has an account as @m1k3, but he also does not use it. Then my three little ones are too young to be on here yet.

Thanks and it's a pleasure to meet so many new friends in one post!

Awesome! Yeah, I dig Cell 411 as well. I'll add you to the directory ASAP. Cheers, @finnian.

Hi @kafkanarchy84, I would really like to see this network grow and start working on some initiatives. The first think I can think of is trying to see if we can promote this group to some of the other circles that we are in. There is a growing group over at #newbieresteemday trying to support and help new comers, and I am also part of @thesteemhouse, @steemfreepress, @steemgigs, @steemfreelancers, @steemmakers so if you have some interests in these areas then I'd love to see you there as well. Also, I have added some names here to two of the list that I am maintaining at the moment:

Looks great, @plushzilla. Yeah, I am excited for the network to grow as well. I think slow and steady growth for this specific network is probably a good thing, as trust can be built and people can decide as they communicate with new members who they want to add on encrypted chat, etc.

That steemtopia network is a great idea!

I think we are all just trying to find different ways to connect people together in a meaningful way. I noticed that some people in CON have also added their skills (which I haven't because I am a generatlist :p), and I want to get to know the people in this network better so I can see how we can support and help each other grow as well! I have had my sights on doing a stint over in Japan or Korea but I just can't seem to figure out how to do it without being able to speak fluent Japanese or resorting to teaching English (which is not a bad thing, but probably not sustainable for me).

brilliant move forward. I would love to be part of this. Anything that supplies a direct source of contact/help has to be better than what's on offer at the mo.
Name: Dan
Steemit profile: @article61
Location: Nottingham, England
Contact: [email protected] or discord @article61
Skills: Truck Mechanic, Common Law, Proactive, peaceful rebel, Helping the homeless, helping @familyprotection

Excellent. Thanks. Will
update ASAP.

A confederation of anarchists?! Hell yes.

What information do you need?

Look into joining @shadowbot. They're launching a new steem interface with groups. That'll make something like this a bit smoother instead of having to constantly update a directory.

Until the site is down...

CON is old skool, and we want to focus largely on independent networks sustained through encrypted messaging services.

Nothing wrong with pen and paper.

Will check out @shadowbot, though.

Whatever you are comfortable with providing. If you use Wickr Me encrypted chat it’s definitely a bonus, but just check out some of the entries in the directory and kind of use that as a guide.


Hi everyone! I never had a chance to properly introduce my self to you all. It's awesome to have you all be a part of the movement! CON is a great idea and I'm just throwing this out there - if you guys ever want to chat or just exchange info and bs then feel free to add me on telegram (has encrypted chat) or even hangouts by using [codeyourfreedom at gmail dot com] ! I've followed you all and will keep a close eye on our future endeavors! I got your backs if anything! Cheers.

Good stuff @kafkanarchy84! As more people join, the possibilities would be endless!

Hey man!

Just a few updates:

Name: Nick Sikorski
Location: Saku, Nagano, Japan
Family on Steemit: wife, waiting for account to be created
Occupation : farmer over at @potager-cerfs
Email/Contact: [email protected]
Wickr (encrypted chat) Username: nicksikorski



A good post and useful to learn I really like your post.

Wow it is really great information about CON (Circle of Noicemakers) I read it fully because its too interesting. You are very good in writing. Thanks for sharing this with us. I get more information about CON from your post. Keep updating us on shsring such type of amazing information with us ❤️

Wow it is a really generic comment that really sounds like a million others written in exactly the same fashion containing absolutely no substance and you are a great writer I really got a lot out of reading it thank you for sharing your empty comment with us!

The way to talk to your readers is very rude. Sometimes I judge people so wrong. Before you reply to my coment I was thinking you are a good person but now you are a normless and valueless person. Thanks for giving me a reason 😁

You are not one of my readers. I don't care. Trying replying with some substance next time, instead of bs flattery. One look at your comment tab tells the story.

Its your first post I read. And I am sorry I will never read the post of such type of person like you.

I write what I get from your post. The thing is that you have no respect for others and this make you valueless. Sorry for the language. Bbye

Right. Buzz off.

Oh really great information about Circle of Noisemakers really it interested me to know about it. Your writing style was also very good to understand easily. Thank you very much for sharing this post with us. Really it was informative, keep it up.

Really great comment, keep it up.