RE: Time-Honored Tyranny (Part 2 of 3)

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Time-Honored Tyranny (Part 2 of 3)

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

"...That's a massive loss of freedom simply for standing ground on a fundamental right..." Yes. You are correct. And perhaps the most important thing that could provide you a "solution" is that you/we try to spread the idea of "freedom is a good idea" far and wide.

You see, this is how it could work..... If everyone went to the train station and refused to have their bag checked for example, the control system could not cope with the volume of people defying their orders. (The court system and prison system would very quickly become clogged up).

What would likely happen is this... The severity of the punishment for disobedience would become less severe, until they would only try to extort you $10 for refusing to have your bag searched. No longer would you be threatened with 6 months in prison.
If enough people refused to pay the $10 then they would have to go to court or prison etc. but the court could not deal with so many people so they would reduce the $10 to $5 until most people would pay it.

Eventually, if enough people began to realise that they outnumber the psychopaths and the psychopaths are actually very weak, then people would begin to ignore them.
I think perhaps, that is why it is in your interest to try to persuade as many people as possible to refuse to enable these violent people.................. (I didn't say it would be easy).

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When I see a film like "Please remove your shoes" I realize that we are running out of time before they let one 'slip through the net'. How much harder it will be to get through to people when there has actually been a 'terrorist attack'. People have been trying to spread the idea of "freedom is a good idea" far and wide since before Spartacus. It's often hijacked by politicians to pursue their agendas. That's why I wanted to get a bit more specific and provide and example that we can all see happening around us on a daily basis and then perhaps an opportunity to reflect on how we all respond as an individual when the time comes.

I haven't seen the film. (I can probably imagine what it's about).
"...How much harder it will be to get through to people..." Yes, you're probably right.
In order to "...let ONE slip through the net..." there has to be ONE to begin with.
Since for example when the TSA at airports in usa were "tested" by FBI, they managed to let 95%+ "slip through the net" it's a fairly safe bet that any that do "slip through the net" would likely be false flag type operations.
This "searching people" stuff is pure theatre and propaganda. (It seems to be effective on a high %age of people)
Now, like I said, education can be important if you can persuade people to look at evidence etc etc. but it's not just an information or problem. It's mostly a psychological problem.
As you are no doubt aware, it doesn't make much difference to lots of people how much evidence you show them, if that evidence challenges their world view etc.

This is why Larken's "Mirror" project looks pretty interesting.
Remember we don't have to persuade everyone that being free is a good idea. 10% or less is probably a good enough start.
A few yrs ago, you didn't have the knowledge you now have (I'm guessing). With some research, you began to realise what's going on. There are many more people out there, willing to do the same, given the chance.
Anyway, I think it's pretty cool that you seem concerned about it. Keep on Rockin'

Likewise, my friend. After invading other countries based on lies people are supposed to be shocked that there might be ONE out there. The first rule of preventing 'terrorism' is not to blindly swallow lies. We're living with the aftermath. No doubt many are following Larken's Mirror project closely. Looking forward to seeing how it functions in practice. Understanding the psychology and how to deal with it is key (I'm still learning). I do recommend watching the film. If it's genuine it's the security types themselves telling us that it's a pantomime and that everything possible is being done to allow an 'event' (false flag or otherwise) to occur. For anyone who might be reading this the 'chance' comes from re-organizing your life so that you have the time/energy to research and think for yourself. This can take years, but it is worth it.