The Liberal Argument For Disarming Jews During WWII

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

This is one of my favorites from the March For Our Lives protest in Washington, D.C. The interviewee actually went there in making the claim that armed Jews would have fared worse during their subjugation.


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In Texas we had a different kind of march..... Got 4 different suburbs in SA to reverse their unconstitutional long gun open carry bans. Because #freedom

Welcome to Steemit

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wasn't it Schindler's List that had a bogus ending, and in reality the people took up arms against the guards? They couldn't show that in a movie though, right? hah!

The best way to stop a bad person with a gun is for a good person to have one. Also, I'd rather have a gun fight than a massacre!

Welcome to Steemit, friend! I am looking forward to seeing your success here. Let me know if you need any SP to get started. I can temporarily delegate you some to get around the limited bandwidth if needed.

P.S. I'd be all for insurance if agents of the government had to have the same.

Is this Kal Molinet himself?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hell yeah! :) It's the one and only YT rock star himself. haha

Ok I wasn't sure.
He has indeed a great youtube channel. I've used his three questions he asks people, sometimes.

Thanks finnian :)

I have no idea why, but I wasn't following you... /sigh I am now, right?

Looks like this is his first post. Welcome @kalmolinet! If this is really you it is recommended to link to another social media site for verification or a picture of you with the date.

I fell into one of your videos and then binged on all of them over a few days. Hope this is you and you keep posting :)

It's me! Just linked my Steemit account in my latest video.

Awesome! Again, pumped to see you here. You have a wonderfully concise way of explaining anarchism to people, keep the vids coming and try Dtube or Dlive instead of youtube. I can only imagine that your content is being demonetized there.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's him. I talked to him face to face a couple weeks ago over some mead. He was finally convinced to join the social media revolution. LOL ;-)

P.S. A link back to this new account or a mention of his new account in a YT video would certainly help though!

Lucky you man! Good to know it's not a crap account ;) Tell him to keep em' coming!

I'm still waiting for him to write up an introduction, but he's a busy guy...