Peak Stupidity

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

In the ongoing avalanche of dumb shit coming from the victim-disarmament crowd, the dumbest yet might have to be that whiny little twit, David Hogg, saying, "If you listen real close, you can hear the people in power shaking."

Yeah, the people in power are simply terrified of the thought of ..... them and their thugs being the only ones with guns.

Deluded, boot-licking jackass.

"We're gonna insist that the schoolyard bully tie all of our hands behind our backs! That'll show him!"

Good grief.

(P.S. To anyone tempted to complain that I'm being too hard on the little Brownshirt, I'm not. The little self-righteous, self-important control freak is literally cheering for the initiation of violence against millions of people he doesn't know, including me.)

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Don't blame the little piglet, he is just being used. The true culprits are the moronic, flouridated, indoctrinated masses who fall for this bullshit and demonstrate against their right. Sometimes I think these suckers don't even deserve any better. They will get what they are asking for. Or actually yelling and chanting for and aggressively demanding their own enslavement. Can't cure stupid.

Do people in America still believe that fake shooting really took place?

Peak gullibility...



Now my serious response. anyone talked to any school kids? do you think they're capable of organising this size of a rally? this is being organised by the anti-gun side of politics. The most coherent students that can memorise a speech and talking points are being ferried from camera to camera and being trotted out like they speak for all kids.

and yeah i love the fist in the air, remind me again what revolutions are won witthout guns?

You are, of course, right. This "movement" was planned and orchestrated by the political class, with these duped twits following along like good lemmings.

You're just paranoid! You see, in barbaric ages it was one thing, but now, in democracy, government is good, and police and armed forces are there to actually protect the people, not oppress them. Don't let your life be put at risk for the benefit of the gun lobby! Still want to carry a firearm around? You really can't resist it? Well, as Heinrich Himmler said, become a cop! So your being armed will be in the service of the State! Problem solved!

(I want to see how many people upvote your comment, oblivious to the irony and sarcasm therein.)

Hahah! I think people will get the, I think the chances of actual anti-gunners frequenting this platform are pretty slim...

I am fully in support of gun control on the condition that government, military, and law enforcement unilaterally disarm and turn in all of their weapons to me first.


The only people with guns in the UK are the police and criminals. People are utterly defenceless against violent crime, which is on the rise and the police are insufficiently resourced to respond most of the time. It's a ridiculous situation that's getting worse.

And if they say anything about it then they are speech criminals!


You should put up his comments complaining about clear backpacks and name tags. Or this picture:

I wrote about how these kids are useful idiots yesterday


Brilliant and so true!

The media is like the pied piper leading the rats through the streets using this idiot kid. This is the rise of the Beta Male that we're hearing so much about now.

I keep seeing this child everywhere I look. Why does being in a terrible situation make their opinions any more valid than anyone else? Why does being close to a tragic event make them an expert, safety, defense of property... I don't know what, anything? I don't know where I'm going with this so....

Thank you @larkenrose, that summed it up nicely & wrapped up all of the loose ends I was hanging out in the breeze. You are the man!!! I love your work by the way.

"Why does being in a terrible situation..." What do you mean?! Nobody cried, nobody died at Stoneman nor at all the other fake terror attacks / staged lone shooter events. Time to wake up, and take the red pill!


I love how you are so blunt. It shakes people’s foundations

Poor brainwashed youngster...his gonna be a good CNN host one day


that's funny, I have been calling this Soros children's crusade!

It's not peak stupidity. It's peak mind control.

That's really a great pic of Hogg. It's like he's trying to channel Che, but he'll never have the testosterone for the facial hair.

I guess there are people that he's speaking for, but I can't understand them. How do you fail to realize that disarming law abiding people leaves them at the mercy of psychopaths and criminals?


That kid is always frowning. Must be stressful having no soul.

You're being too kind in my opinion. :P

we are not even close to the peak, lol

Some people's kids.

I wonder if you could watch a movie with a projector aimed at that forehead. It's huge.

This vid offers a viewpoint on this... Hogg is not "deluded." He is playing a role to create the illusion that giving up Our rights to the psychopaths in control puts Them in fear...


I agree with you 100%!

Very good points, Larken! Keep up the good work