It's not okay to tear-gas children, even if you think their parents were using them as "human shields."
It's not okay to tear-gas children, even if their parents are disobeying the commands of a ruling class.
It's not okay to tear-gas children, even if some other politician in a different political party did it before.
For those of you who believe in authoritarian political "borders," would you be okay with a foreign "government" assaulting people inside the U.S.? Or is it only your ruling class that is allowed to intentionally attack civilians when they are in foreign countries?
Did I mention that it's not okay to tear-gas children?
If you try to justify tear-gassing children, you might be an evil piece of shit.
If you think Trump and his mindless order-followers wouldn't also tear-gas you (or do far worse to you), the moment you disobey some edict of his, then you're an idiot.
More generally, if you think the violence of the state is ever used to protect or serve you, you're a gullible twit. You are livestock to your rulers, even when you pathetically cheer for them.
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It's immoral, no matter how you spin it. These aren't people armed with heavy machine guns storming the fences... The medias narrative has been really manipulative.
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You know what put me over the edge recently, and my wife got to see me go on a 6 minute angry man-boy rant.
I live in a town home that I've owned for nearly 10 years. We have a club house inside our complex. The club house is vacant 7 days a week(and has been ever since I can remember). My wife quilts, she wants to start a quilting group there.
She talks to our HOA, they say it's a $200 deposit and then $100 every time you want to use it. So, nobody uses it, ever. It just sits there. The HOA...has NO IDEA what to do about this. My monthly HOA maintenance fee is $300 a month.
I know this doesn't seem to be in the same tangent as tear-gas'ing children. However, I know, that if people won't unite for something as small as using a vacant space within the gated property that they're already paying for because they're terrified to break some sheeple-chain-of command, tear gas'ing children is just going to be one of an endless stream of horrifying headlines.
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LOL, it's "the market". Meeting rooms are expensive, so your association is exploiting market conditions.
You all need more of the communist spirit, to share the space. Of course, then, you would suffer the "tragedy" of having a quilting group in "the commons", competing with other groups wanting to use the space. The horror.
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Good point about the market.
We should change the name from "Club House" to "The HOA's Privately Owned Vacant Space That Residents Pay The Bills For House."
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Damn right!
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Larken is on friggin' target today!!!
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9: If you call yourself a friend of liberty, but cheer Trump's actions in office, you're a hypocritical piece of shit.
10: If you call yourself a friend of liberty, but cheered Obama's actions in office, you're a hypocritical piece of shit, too.
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People always want to believe that there's a good guy and a bad guy. Turns out that it's usually just a bunch of bad guys.
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When in doubt, assume the government is the bad guys and you won't be wrong.
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Yeah! We should totally have a wall with an electrified fence so we can have the media showing children getting shocked to death as their little bodies are used to protect others in their attempt to climb over...
But really, it is a time when we need to take back ability to rule ourselves.
The govern-cements, and those who own them, have sucked the world dry. To where we are having people move / migrate to avoid starvation.
For the most part, if people are allowed to grow and harvest their own food, they pretty much stay where they grew up. So, in the future, there will not be any national borders. It will be a silly concept. "Mommy? Why do these old maps have all these weird lines all over them?" "They were called borders, my dear" ... after hearing the definition of borders... "That's just weird"
Why do we not drag out the owners of the FED and tear gas them for the horror they have caused? Lets bring those chickens back home to roost.
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Or we could just disobey.
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society, please please open your eyes to the fact that children have “it” the worst on ALL fronts and lethal force has been authorized to US military in this operation too so hopefully the American narrative can catch up to humanity’s/people’s/families/children’s actual realities before this becomes fatal and above all, i hope “our finest” can act with their hearts and not their paychecks.
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They're not ours, they're not "finest," and they have been trained to obey rather than to reason. If they start to disobey, maybe they will demonstrate virtue instead.
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This picture of the mother with kids running away from tear gas was a staged photo op. You have bought into a hoax. This migrant caravan was organized by Marxists and is being funded by globalists like George Soros. This is a hoax that is meant to tear at people's heart strings. It is a manipulation tactic. These people are being used as pawns to increase the state, and bring about the New World Order agenda.
Hoaxed: The ‘Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids’ Photo was a Setup – Another Staged #FakeNews Production
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children are off limits no matter what the cause, their parents should not put them in harms way either. In my opinion all of them are at fault. The government and parents.
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The parents are fleeing harm. They probably weren't expecting to get teargassed.
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i agree
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A, tear gas the parents, who chose to bring their kids as a bargaining stock,
Looks good on the newspapers and gets the sympathy.
A wash afterwards and the kid is ok.
B, use deadly force, the now dead parent and child are dragged away and disposed of
Any small, short children are now orphans, they will starve to death, be sold on the child market.
C, allow mob rule, where if enough people decide to do something they can, need some money? Rob a bank. Need food, rob a store,
Gix the reason WHY the people are marching and the problem of teargassing kids is solved.
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D. Stop pretending government borders promote civilization, and recognize the natural right to migrate. National borders are not analogous to the boundaries of your property, the walls of your business, or the front door to your home.
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You missed the point.
WHY are they maching? fix that and they won't march. therefore there will be no tearjerking reports in the newspapers.
the old "fence at the top of the hill, or, the ambulance at the bottom"
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If I'm not mistaken, the US gov't arrogantly trying to "fix stuff" played a significant role in why they ARE marching NOW. Their march isn't a threat in the first place though. It isn't really a problem to be fixed. The economy is not a zero-sum game, and more players in the economy means more opportunity for everyone. Immigrants are statistically less prone to crime and less likely to use the welfare state system. They don't steal jobs from US workers.
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From the deep south, the word correct, truthful news is claiming the marchers approaching the Southern borders are leaving their homes because they have no food, the USA has food, lets go there. they cant shoot all of us.
if 10% for a number, of the excess crop was sent there, free, delivered by USAF C130s , issued by the US Army, or Marines, so that everybody gets the same ration, people wouldn't have to march anywhere, no teargas, no outrageous front page news.
the cost would be covered by the less amount of USAF and Army involved in manning the borders. no great expense in razor wire, posts etc
there would be a lack of graft, it is food being given direct to the people, not money for the locals to pocket.
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That level of "charity" fails on two fronts. First, it robs the taxpayers and skews the market prices here, and then it wipes out any attempts to start a successful agricultural economy there. Interventionism always has unintended consequences.
Meanwhile, immigration is still not fundamentally a problem in the first place.
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The US has always stood on the side of capitalist exploiters in Central America. The rougher the people have it, and the safer the profits are, the happier the US has been.
This has been the case since the early days of American imperialism, when we used our military to support fruit companies installing governments into Central American countries. That's why they were called "banana republics". (They were not even republics. They were more like virtual slave plantations.)
We were beyond "fixing stuff". The United States was helping to break stuff down there to make money in bananas, pineapple, and coffee. The businesses created a state capitalist government, creating extreme poverty, where the masses of people didn't own land, and were often dispossessed of their indigenous land.
The last incident was the Honduran constitutional crisis, when the left-leaning president Zelaya was pushing to revise the constitution. It was a leftward tilt revising a pro-business constitution. The military were undertaking a coup, the US knew about it, and didn't intervene to preserve the government.
After the coup, the government began attacking protesters. Opponents of the coup were beaten, killed, and tortured.
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Have you read Smedley Butler at all? War is a Racket.
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I've read some excerpts and some pages. I found a link to a copy so might read the whole thing soon. https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html#c1
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Read it. Smedley Butler exposed the military-industrial complex and the corruption within US foreign policy the way John Taylor Gatto tore away the veneer of legitimacy from the education system. Both were decorated and renowned within the system, but stepped away to reveal the inside story when they could stomach it no longer.
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Just because the state performs a function, it does not automatically invalidate the function. There are good reasons to keep these people out of the country. This caravan was organized by hardcore Marxists and is in fact being funded by George Soros and the Ford Foundation. They know that all, or most, of these people will end up on welfare (they will likely even teach them how to get on welfare if they have not done so already), and if these people were to become American citizens, every statistic indicates that there is an extremely high likelihood that they will vote in increase the welfare state and enact more gun control laws. This is why the leftists and globalists want to bring them into this country. It is a divide an conquer strategy. Sure, maybe there are a few decent people in the mix who are being used as pawns, but I'd bet money that the political leanings of the people in this caravan lean heavily to the left, as in that these are people who Marxist wealth redistribution, government healthcare, and gun control. They will also be more accepting of global government. It has also already come out that some of the people in the caravan are criminal thugs. Also, some of these people could be carrying communicable diseases (especially given that they are from a third world country which are known for spreading diseases).
The fact of the matter is that the government has a monopoly over the borders and immigration policy, and the government also has a monopoly on managing all of the taxpayer funded public property and infrastructure. The private sector is prohibited from "regulating" property borders. We live in a democratic welfare state with forced association laws.
Given this reality, granting these people access to the country increase the level of force and fraud a lot more than shutting them out does (and I would argue that shutting them out is an act of defense).
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"Just because the state performs a function, it does not automatically invalidate the function."
Agreed. Bastiat discussed this in 1850.
However, you lose the plot as soon as you continue your argument. National borders are not analogous to property lines. Other people are not your property. Government does not represent you. Whether the allegations of immigrant criminality are true or not (and statistically it appears they are less likely to be criminal than 'MURKANS) the fact remains that government is inherently criminal in every aspect of its operation. And if you reject the legitimacy of all usurped centralized power, there is no danger of marxists siezing it.
The allegations that they will be welfare whores are not supported by statistics at all, and the root problem of the welfare state is the same state apparatus that claims we need to fuss about its borders.
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I'm not so sure anymore.
I think it might be time to tear gas more children.
I also think we shouldn't limit it to just foreign children.
We should probably start gassing children in all major U.S. cities.
And of course there is no need to limit the fun to children.
Also, perhaps we shouldn't limit it to just tear gas.
I hear chlorine gas is pretty effective at getting rid of plebs.
If gas doesn't work, we could call in an airstrike.
Or we could just play moral fag on the internet.
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I'm kinda disappointed. I thought this JSwift troll would get all kinds of people mad. :-/
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Why are they bringing their children into harms way in the first place? Is it our job to help anyone? If so then where does it say that? Do not conflate your mindless altruism with libertarianism and anarchy.
No one has an obligation to take anyone in if they don't want to. Perhaps we should all teach those migrants to stop voting for shitty politicians that fuck their country up so they won't have to come here. There is a mexican town called Cheran and they're living in complete peace ever since they stopped participating in elections. What the state did was purely reactionary in response to rock throwing as you can see in this video with the battle with mexican authorities:
So do i like the state for shooting tear gas? No. But even if there wasn't a state, then the migrants would clash with the locals that were in the towns that the migrants were destroying. The locals' response would resemble that of the state's response if they had guns or crowd control equipment. And before you call me gullible, remember to yourself that you're believing what left leaning mainstream media tells you. They tap into your emotions all the time by trying to make it seem as if the situation is way worse than what it really is and by using imagery. and you keep believing them. I'm looking at video evidence of these violent caravans and if you're not taking that into account, then you're in denial.
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"But even if there wasn't a state, then the migrants would clash with the locals that were in the towns that the migrants were destroying"
If the state did not exist private property owners could mow them down with machine guns. There is no right to trespass onto private property. A privatized anarcho-capitalist country (or region/zone) would not have "open borders," it would have private property borders, and property owners, including groups of property owners working together, could use violence to defend their property borders against trespassers/invaders.
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"If the state did not exist private property owners could mow them down with machine guns."
Just to clarify before anyone freaks out, I was engaging in a bit of hyperbole here. Property owners in an anarcho-capitalist society should of course try to ward them off with fences or walls or tear gas or some other non-lethal means first, but of course if that does not work and the situation escalates, deadly force to defend property rights could become necessary.
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There is plenty of manipulation of reality going on all sides here.
So lets say Adam K. pays a train car full of people of all sizes and shapes to come overrun your home. take it over. and make themselves at home in your home. Do you just invite them in?
I believe in letting peaceful people cross borders freely. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole mess was being paid for through the back door by the current administration to set up the wall. but that being said violently storming the gates is for the show. the official judge endorsed policy right now is if they walk up to a gate and claim asylum they are in. They are in despite what the fuhrer says. So why storm the gate unless you are just trying to create a show for the camera .
If you knock, I will likely invite you in. If you storm my door, I am likely on the other side preparing to defend me and mine.
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There is no analogy to be drawn between private property boundaries and national borders. Government territorial claims are not property rights as defined by homesteading and voluntary exchange. You don't own other people or their property. Governments don't own people or their property despite their claims to the contrary. Nationalism is intellectual sloth made manifest.
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I am familiar with the philosophy and for the most part subscribe to it. But my point was that these folks could have walked right in especially if they have children with them. They know they could have and yet they rushed the boarder. It was a show in my opinion.
Not saying it was ok to use the gas canisters.
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Trump was making a big show of defending the imaginary line in the dirt specifically for his own propaganda purposes. Why do you think there were people to launch tear gas in the first place? And this was a small group from the migrant caravan, the majority of which had changed course. What is the "rushed the border"argument about? people want to cross quickly. And I can't blame them if they did throw objects at the border patrol thugs, which is as far as I know is thus far just an assertion made by those thugs.
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Right now they can have asylum by approaching an agent at the border and claiming asylum. I acknowledge trumps show of force but those poor folks who hiked an extra 5oo miles to rush the border at Tijuana’s port of entry were either really stupid or had there own agenda. Hell trump could even be the ones paying them. I’m just saying they had an agenda.
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Could be a perfectly good reason to go for that port of entry. What's on the other side of Tijuana again? Oh, right, a major US city in a state with a significant Hispanic population and a government that could be perceived as more immigrant-friendly than, say, Texas.
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You own your home. I own my home. Neither of us owns half a continent. Your analogy is therefore 100% bogus.
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You kind of missed my point I think. I probably didn’t communicate it well enough. These people can walk across right now. All they have to do is approach an agent and claim assyilum. So why the rush of the imaginary line, with rocks and sticks, having your children lead the charge. I get the anarchist no border idea I am not arguing it. I am saying this was a staged show for the masses.
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So let them rush. Catch them individually, or at locations in the interior. Tear gas is pretty violent.
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