The Trumpites seem to be getting quieter and quieter, as their hopes and dreams of “real change” fizzle, and instead Trump is being just another puppet of the “deep state” (ya know, the one he pretended to be fighting against?). Pushing for federal "gun control" (I guess he doesn't like the Second, Ninth and Tenth Amendments after all, huh?) is just the latest—but won't be the last—flip-flopping betrayal from the unstable narcissistic megalomaniac. Some of us are not at all surprised.
As I’ve pointed out before, the Orange Fuhrer never even pretended to be libertarian, and said damn near nothing about freedom during his campaign (while saying plenty about giving the jackboots more power). Nonetheless, via some extreme wishful thinking, even a number of supposed voluntaryists inexplicably got their hopes up over the prospect of “God Emperor Trump” (it’s so damn pathetic how many people said that not as a joke) holding the reins of power. (Apparently they believed that a crass, arrogant, obnoxious candidate must somehow be anti-establishment.)
The honeymoon is over for the dupes of the latest blowhard fraud, even if most of them still don’t want to come out and admit it. Those making excuses for his continuing pattern of authoritarian flip-flopping bullshit are getting weaker and quieter.

By why rub it in? Why not just let the disappointed dupes slink off into the shadows, hoping people don’t remember how thoroughly they fell for the same old tricks that politicians always use? “No, this time he’s really anti-establishment, and cares about the people, and will make real change happen!” How many embarrassed, humiliated dupes are remembering with shame saying such things? Why make them feel worse? Haven’t they suffered enough?
No, they haven’t. Not by a long shot. The fact that they fell for the Orange Fuhrer’s sales pitch in the first place shows that these people understand nothing about history, nothing about philosophy, and nothing about freedom. And that means that there is every reason to expect that, next time around, they will be cheering for whatever new pompous buffoon promises to be their Big Daddy Savior.
But more importantly, such people demonstrated that, if they think it will serve their own interests, they will eagerly cheer for authoritarian power and violence. If you actually believe in self-ownership and non-aggression, do yourself a favor, and remember which people so quickly sold their souls to the Orange Devil. Why the hell should you ever trust them again—their wisdom or their intentions? The “alt right” wannabe Nazis will be a flash in the pan, a trivial fart in history, but they are a very clear example of fear leading people to cheer for “government” violence and control. And that, whatever label it wears today (“liberal,” “conservative,” “alt-right,” “communist,” “moderate,” etc.), is the primary threat to humanity.

The people who eagerly voted for Trump are the same as the people who eagerly voted for Obama, and the same as the people who eagerly voted for anyone else trying to grab the reins of power. The particular flavor of statism isn’t the problem; the statism is the problem. And the Orange Fuhrer is every bit as much of a statist control freak as Hillary, or Bernie, or Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or any of the other puppets or would-be puppets that have ever gotten anywhere near the throne. And if some people still won’t learn their lesson, after all these variations on the same stupid clown show, then when those same people pretend to believe in freedom, you should know better than to believe them.
Hilariously (or depressingly), the very people who cheered for someone who was openly an authoritarian, war-mongering fascist (look up the definition if you need to) complained and whined at those of us who kept advocating actual individual liberty, bizarrely calling us “purists,” as if that is an insult. They insisted that not selling our souls to the Orange Fuhrer would mean the end of the world, and that their own ability to be “practical” and “realistic”—their terms for throwing principles out the window and kissing the ass of the latest aspiring tyrant—showed how wise they are.

Personally, I would be very hesitant and reluctant to put any trust or faith in any supposedly “pro-freedom” folks who zealously pushed to get Trump onto the throne. If they fell for such predictable crap this time, even when so many of us were warning them at the top of our lungs, why is there any reason to expect that they wouldn’t fall for something just as stupid next time? The entire Trump campaign and presidency has been a sad example of how even people who ought to know better can have their brains melted by fear, and can fall right in line as cheerleaders for a new megalomaniac.
Don’t forget who fell for that. And don’t forget who didn’t.

pics are nice :D
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The deep state never changes. The president is just a facade.
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I don't know. When's the last time you seen so many deep state agents fired, resigned, or demoted. Sessions looks like he is warming up and about to let the dogs loose. Looks like a second investigation is coming in to investigate the investigators. Say that fast 3 times... Gowdy has a little twinkle in his eye, watch out for him! He wants justice for something, I know what yet...
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C'mon. Some fishy agents aren't the deep state.

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I agree we are seeing some changes, and we are also seeing the trouble of using corrupt organizations to “investigate” themselves. What we really need is military tribunals. I think we will see them, and see them soon. Definitely before the midterms.
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they all are big talk before - and all puppets after
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He behaves like a clown
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Larken...I love you ❤️ ☺️ just had to get that off my chest
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Saw Larken speak in Mexico recently and he is simply amazing live. He had a voluntary interrogation of the hotel manager and it was a very interesting discussion. Turned out the hotel manager is an anarchist and didn't know it.
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Lol sweet wish I could have made it
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I can only think of one word to rebut your post. HILLARY
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Are you still pretending that Trump and Hillary are fundamentally different?
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It is no pretense that Trump and Hillary are fundamentally different. You are kidding yourself if you want to think otherwise.
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And to rebut that statement, less than 50% voters means illegitimate gov, not that any percentage makes them legit, but you are guilty participating. Doesn't matter what puppet they stick onstage there are the same people behind the scenes choreographing god damn
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In which country does "less than 50% voters mean illegitimate gov?" And "no percentage makes them legit?" And "I'm guilty for participating?"
Are you one of those whiners that doesn't participate and then sits back and complains about the outcome?
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if bthebest7 and i gang rape you, all we need to do is vote to make it right. 2v1 democracy, bend over.
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So your participation only applies to group sex?
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Ok, Ive known this shit since I was 16, you are officially dumber than me as a 16 year old girl. I apologize for being blunt but that's just a fact
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Good piece @larkenrose. Better people wake up now and realize we all need to be working together to depose the elite and their Deep State puppets, of which Trump is definitely one. The elite have always used the Hegelian Dialectic as their main tool to produce their desired results and keep the people at each others throats. All is always smoke and mirrors. The onion has many layers.
Beyond The Divisive Agenda – Defining Donald Trump As A Tool of The Zionist-Elite And Why He Was Really Placed In Power To Wage War on Iran
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But Trump is an economic genius look at all his money!
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I got you to thank for having me not vote at the last presidential election. Your video at the time was talking about why should I vote for someone that will force my idea on someone else thru a representative, as if that was even possible. Even though I was hoping he would do some good things, I am not surprised he disappoints.
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Are you kidding me? Have you looked into what he has accomplished this last year? And against all odds and both parties let me remind you. The man is brilliant. It's like all the people on this site have there heads in the dirt....
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Let's see, we still have obama care, still killing people in the middle east and now tariffs. Give me a break.
Brilliant or not, I don't need a hero, I'll take care of myself thank you.
I shouldn't say that I'm disappointed however because I never expected much in the first place.
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SO as a response to this and other articles like this (you could say some of mine included) Why ar eyou so angry at yourself for being fooled? (yes a philosophical question)
And what is the odds of 1: the once this messege is aimed at wil see it and 2: actually read it.
Something to think about as to how to get the messege accross to the intended recepiant.
Unless hte intent is simply to get some anger out by ranting out your reasons for being annoyed at the world.
But then i dont know how manny places links to this article is shared to.
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Believe it or not, when straight reason doesn't work, there is value in shaming people who fall for stupid crap. I fell for crap in the 1994 "Republican Revolution," and it still took me a while to acknowledge it. And at least those people were pretending to believe in freedom, and speaking of actual principles (unlike Trump).
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And here you are again getting duped by the deep state? Were you watching CNN back then too?
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How the hell was he watching CNN if he was a republican?
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Trump has got to be the final nail in the coffin, if folk do not wake up after Trump and realise THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE, RED OR BLUE = MORE OF THE SAME then we are really screwed. Should Oprah be the next puppet then we may as well pull the shutters and call it a day.
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I agree, two factions to the same evil. I still have hope Trump will break the 2 party system, and it is looking very strong for the Demicratic party to implode. GOP is pushing back on the tarrifs, they are going to pay big political points for this in my opinion. How can we loose at a tradewar? We're $800 billion down already, can't lose any more....
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Two party system or a more party system makes no difference at all.
I live on a plantation that has 28 parties. Nothing ever changes.
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Why do you think you need to be governed by someone?.
I do not feel I need anyone telling me what I can and cannot do.
We need only 1 law. Universal Law/sovereign law trumps all others.
No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts I'm a party to not giving full disclosure to me whether signed by me or not are void at my discretion.
I may use force in self-defence against anyone that violates Law 1.
There shall be no exceptions to Law 1 and 2.
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Larken needs $$$$. He is lousy at asking for help.
If you have any spare cash or Crypto you can help him out.
He is trying to finish "THE MIRROR" and needs $$$ to free himself up to do it.
Every Little Helps -->>https://www.patreon.com/user?u=347021
Crypto. He is so bad at asking for donations that he does not even have crypto donation buttons on his site.
Mail him for his crypto addresses -> [email protected]
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nice shitpost
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Maybe there is still someone deluded enough to still keep making excuses for the Orange Fuhrer.
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48% of us actually. He has a higher rating then your lord Obama. Somebody has been watching to much CNN.
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Did you read the post?
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implying lolberts have ever been right about anything
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Excellent piece!
I've been continually trolled for a while by a group of the very same people who've been labelling him a god-emperor (they didn't like me making a meme mocking the claim he'd have run into a shootout unarmed - possibly the daftest thing he's said in his life).
I struggle to decide which is worse: Trump or those who still actually think he has their best interests at heart.
I think I'll send all my 'thoughts and prayers to them' - lol. I can't help but feel sorry for them, all the same.
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A younger Donald Trump? Not half as fat as he is now? The same Donald Trump who dodged the draft for Vietnam? The one who nearly shat himself sat next to a bald eagle? You think would have run into a school to take down a shooter? Please.
Snopes rate it unproven. It's not like he's not known for exaggerating / making shit up, is it?
Do you actually believe the story? Do you think he'd run into a school to tackle a shooter?
You'll be in the minority if you do.
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Nah, I don't think he would either, but I did think the arcticle was pretty cool for the Pres. It does show he is a much better human being than the media gives him credit for. Just for the sake of honest, You know you would of jumped to if a big ass bald eagle came at you!
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Lol. I'd rather be sat next to a single bald eagle than be trying to prune a pear tree in an enclosure with eight Eurasian eagle owls pissed because they didn't like my singing. Did I mention I was on uneven ground, up a step ladder? With massive shears that were wearing me down? In shorts / t-shirt as it was the height of summer?
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Pak nek lage buy
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What is OperationMockingbird? It's like two different realities out here. What Trump has accomplished so far is unbelievable, considering the opposition he has weathered. I urge all of you on this thread to take a step back and look at the big picture here. Even if you don't like Trump, you can not deny his personal convictions to truely make America great again for the people. Every move he makes is in opposition to the establishment, and in favor of us. Be careful where you get you news, the powers that be do not want you to see his successes. Why does the deep state, and mainstream media not want you to support Trump? How sure are you Trump is Establishment? Why does Trump make his own way, pushing back on both GOP and Dems?
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Um, I can absolutely "deny his personal convictions to truely make America great again for the people." To EVER have believed that takes a huge level of willful denial, and to STILL believe it requires a complete disconnect from reality. You've been lied to, used, duped and abused. Yet you still make excuses for your abuser. It really is sad to watch.
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Funny, you have identified your own fears in your own post. Maybe it is time you follow your own advice. Just saying... It is sad to watch.
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Trump is so obviously for himself (and his family and his cronies). Remind us what's happening in Puerto Rico, where American tax payers do reside. Is the electric back on? No, he'd rather be playing golf / holidaying in Florida half the time to getting round to them.
He's sucked up to Putin. And staved off an appointment with Mr. Mueller to discuss said sucking up to Putin.
Threatened a nuclear holocaust with that NK joke of a leader. Now, he's supposedly claiming credit for the winter olympics being a success.
Got a supreme court judge or two in that the Republicans might enjoy for a generation or two (they are positions for life).
Pushed through a tax bill that polls suggest isn't as unpopular as it initially was (why's it gaining in popularity - fuck knows?)
Started a trade war with the rest of the world. I want that unfair $800 billion dollar trade deficit that you claimed breaking down please. That at least one of his friends has apparently benefited from.
Built a wall on the border with Mexico and got those pesky Mexicans to pay for it! Come to think of it, he's not got funding off anyone for that yet, has he?
Made numerous attempts to block muslims from visiting the country. I've lost track of where we are with that. Are judges still overturning his rulings?
He's praised the Chinese premier for finding a 'job for life'. He's even 'joked' it'd work well in the US, too.
He's surrounded himself by great people. People who've called him a moron (etc.) on occasion. People who are leaving every other day through petulant firings / resignations for the sake of their sanity.
He's convinced his voters that the mainstream media is the enemy. Is there not something in your constitution about the importance of your media being allowed to do their work?
He's given 'thoughts and prayers' to the victims of the NRA massacres. Like that does anything.
Pulled out of the PARIS CLIMATE ACCORD after dismissing it as an expensive waste of money aimed at protecting Paris? Or something daft like that - you tell us what he was wittering on about. SMFH.
He's survived a 20-odd woman scandal when everyone else has succumbed to '#metoo'. How impressive is that!
He's come out against chain migration like the hypocritical shit he is. How did Melania and her family gain permanent residence?
Trump's presidency's 'success' is the American dream personified, eh?
Maybe not. Unless you've lowered the bar.
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These are all CNN talking points?? Do you really want to break all this down? I will if you are really interested. I'm just curious if you are familiar with Operation Mockingbird, that's probably the best place to start. You have to understand that indoctrination is a very real thing though...
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Just quickly googled op Mockingbird. It was the 50's? Run by the CIA? Something to do with McCarthyism? The nonsense involving the 'aliens'? ;) Nah, I don't know. Is it really relevant here?
Break them down if you like, your call. But are they just CNN talking points? Really? I'd say every news agency in the known world has covered the majority of them at some point or other. Taking some more seriously than others. I mean Trump's war of words with the leader of North Korea - is that really worth any news agency around the world covering? It's playground nonsense (on the world stage, admittedly). But I guess Trump wants to help sell papers so he has to tweet something in the morning....
Are you still insistent that Trump's presidency has been a rip-roaring success? Because the expression will probably warrant re-defining if you're able to justify such a claim. And if you are, then yes, it is probably for the best that you do break it all down, please. Because I'd love to see you and your wizardry in action. And I'd love to be able to love Trump if I'm brutally honest. I just have a gag reflex that says I never will be able to.
You did say what he's done so far is unbelievable.
And I do think you meant that as in what he'd done so far has been impressive when I'm sure a lot of people would disagree vehemently with that. And I'm sure you know they would, too. With good reason.
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Mockingbird was/is a CIA operation recruiting news journalist for deep states propaganda. Why is the MSM 95% negative news on Trump when polls have Trump at 49% approval rating? Why is the deep state trying to indite Trump on Russian Collusion when there obviously isn't any? Why does the deep state ignore the real Russian colluters? Who paid for the Steel Dossier? What is Uranium One, and why is there no one being charged here?
North Korea is as good a place to start as any. Why is the president of South Korea praising Trump?
I am no wizard, I am just a humble citizen that has lived the last 40 years of politics and lost hope. Trump gave me a little hope, so I'm hanging on...
Here is a list of accomplishments... http://www.magapill.com/#trump-government-accomplishments
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Wow! Did you see Trumps last tweet?
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
From Bush 1 to present, our Country has lost more than 55,000 factories, 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs and accumulated Trade Deficits of more than 12 Trillion Dollars. Last year we had a Trade Deficit of almost 800 Billion Dollars. Bad Policies & Leadership. Must WIN again! #MAGA
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Well said!!
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I disagree... This clown is the first one in a long time that was actually elected by the people. Proof is in the pudding. Hillary was so awful she couldn't win the election even though it was rigged in her favor. She was supposed to win... Hence the Russian collusion narrative. Hillary's email from wikileaks says it all. "We all will hang if that sob gets elected. "
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Hillary Clinton Officially Wins Popular Vote by Nearly 2.9 Million
Electoral College SELECTED the trump clown 🤡
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Because we all know Hillary would never cheat! Did she beat Burnster fairly? Dude, let this sink in. She lost a rigged election. One that was rigged for her. Thank god for the Electoral College.
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Okeedokee. You keep thanking God for that then. Nice argument buddy.
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No need to be mean. Good chat.
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🙏 ✊
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I’m sure his job is difficult, but it’s time for ppl to wake on up
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What do they need to wake up about?
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Yeah, I need help waking up. Hit me....
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I was hoping for the best but knew better. Someday yellow and black will rule the land. It's good that more people go against Trump as it will force him to completely shed his patriotic skin. The great news is that both the democrats and republicans are in free fall. Yep, not much time left. Better buy some silver, gold, guns, food, water and popcorn!
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I wouldn't give up yet patriot... Do a little research on a phenomena called Q anon. This is a very exciting time to be alive. Have you looked at the polls? Trump is at 48% approval, that's higher than Obama at same time in office. MSM is a huge false reality.
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Sure but he is still way better than Hillary. I quit the NRA when they endorsed Trump because I knew that if he won he would actually be able to usher in new gun control schemes. It's hard for democrats but easy for republicans to pass gun restrictions. the guy literally called for assault weapons bans back in the day, a NYC city boy is obviously never going to understand gun rights.
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You started by saying he is better than Hillary, and then explained exactly why he isn't. That was odd.
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she was openly calling for doing away with the 1st 2nd 5th and 14th amendments, she would have appointed a justice that would have upheld a false interpretation of the second amendment, maybe 3. Time will tell if Trump actually presides over any creeping gun control schemes. For sure it should give anyone pause about electing him to a second term at this point. Consider that in Obama's first term his only actions on gun control were 2 minor bills expanding gun rights, it was second term Obama that came after the guns.
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For a guy like me, the worst part will be in the next "selection cycle" these same people will get fooled again. So very sad. Folks who won't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
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they are all puppets always have been always will sell out their souls for fame power and duping the average person into cheer for violence against his/her own fellow man/neighbor.
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I've felt this way for a long time to... I found this a few months ago, Q Anon. If you like puzzles, and need a little hope. Pretty cool community of patriots trying to change the world.
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Great stuff Larken. I have listened to many of your speeches on youtube and other online sources and find all of this very interesting; how can you disagree with self-ownership and non-aggression? I mean anarchy would be frickin awesome for you and me! We are moral enough to self-govern and we both likely have made good decisions in life so as to not be screwed in such a scenario. But what about all the sheeple? I mean there is even resistance on this post to what you are saying here and we are early Steemians for the most part... the types that are inclined to be in alignment with this type of thinking.
However, I think many can agree with me when I say that it is just not practical to do away with government and let the pieces fall where they may. Just like as in 'The Matrix' - some are too far gone and cannot be awakened to the truth. Those of us who have thought about anarchy and are in alignment with the non-aggression principle and self-ownership are a small minority working against a sleeping mass of people who are (like in the Matrix) so blinded by the system, they will fight to defend it. So in the spirit of Anarchy, let the fools have their government. This meme says it all:
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Larken great post! The selections (elections) are like the option between being killed by a bullet to the head or a bullet to the heart. There are still people that cheer for the choice.
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Metaphorically, the mask fell off when, during the 2016 electoral campaign, the face behind it spoke of "tariffs" - essentially just another synonym for taxes.
relevant info link: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jun/21/donald-trump-has-floated-big-tariffs-what-could-im/
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Taxes for jobs? I don't think it will hurt the country or economy to get it's steel and aluminum markets going again. Not sure it is even safe or practical to build our military with Chinese steel.
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It won't hurt the country, but tariffs are theft
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The struggle Trump is fighting is between the military industry elite and the financial elite, between the DIA/NSA and the FBI/CIA. It is a real battle, there have been many real casualties, and many more to come.
You can’t ignore the 18,500+ sealed indictments that have been filed in the last five (5) months (when the yearly average is 1,077). Something is obviously happening, you just need to pay attention to see it.
No, it is not a fight between statists and anarchists, it is definitely a fight between two types of statists. But that’s exactly what we expected. Trump may not be the change you want to see, but he is definitely changing things.
Wait until the Murller charade ends and the indictments begin to be unsealed. There is a whole lot of corruption and foreign influence in DC, and the military are about to clean it up.
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I still encounter people who are enraptured by the orangutan.
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