What Anarchy Isn't

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

An "anarchy for beginners" video, originally released in May of 2013, refuting the most common misconceptions about what "anarchy" means, and what a stateless society would be like. (Animation by Poxodd.)

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Nice discussion of autopoietic systems. I hope to make it down to Anarchapulco, would love to interview you for a video show I want to make!!

What anarchy isn't is this^^^ The ideas espoused in this video are completely removed from the philosohphy of anarchism which has a rich history. The word 'anarchism' is used to label this ideology. Anarchy island would have been a society within which individuals freely co-operate together as equals. As such anarchism opposes all forms of hierarchical control - be that control by the state or capitalist - as harmful to the individual and their individuality as well as unnecessary. Your example of people "working voluntarily" in the grocery store is the first falsehood. The grocery store workers are forced to find employment from the capitalist class or starve and die. This is called wage slavery. They cannot just "make their own grocery store" or live off the land because landlords stole collectively used land everywhere. Their claim of ownership uses a violent police and military to uphold this claim. (this is a very simplistic refutation but we are in a comment thread on a very simplistic video so..)Also "the people growing the food in the supermarket" have had literal death squads forcing them to grow food for cheap prices. You have never heard of United Fruit Co/Chiquita Banana? Thats the most famous example but there are tons of others. Anyone actually interested in the philosophy of Anarchism should listen to the words from those who created and fought for it not middle class americans who think their property taxes suck. Here is a 3 part documentary on the history of anarchism and what anarchism is, titled 'No Gods No Masters':

Don't bother your self, gutter, this guy is a shill.
I called him out a year ago, and had to quit following him because i was becoming a troll.

He isn't interested in sharing the truth, he is simply here to misdirect those that don't know any better.
He doesn't want anarchism, he wants to be the new boss.


Read a book morons,...

I feel obligated to comment simply because if you search for anarchism or the more used tag 'anarchy' this is what fills the first few pages. Hopefully some people who are actually interested will run into the comment but you've been here much longer so I'd probably be sick of it if I was here longer too.

It is certainly an uphill climb.
Rule by force has a big head start.

We just have to put out better content, the fools will have to do what they do.
It is unfortunate that these agents of misinformation will lead so many astray.

There are many of them here, they are pretty popular with the dupes.
I don't think trolling them helps the cause, better we build the new and offer better options.

These shills do, at most, expose the idea of anarchism to a broader audience, we have to have faith some few of them will actually read the books to learn the history of struggle to be free from the parasitical class.

We need to import a bunch of dirt onto the pacific ocean garbage heap and start a blockchain governed free island.

proof of concept:

just on a way bigger scale.
I heard there were some anarchy islands out there, but they all seem to be headed up by a rich dude. like the doll banana guys island. Its like a supposed to be a utopian project.
In Math I trust.

Or, we could just refuse to obey where we are?

Sure. All roads lead to whatever is going to happen anyway. I just dont want to be around people who try and make me obey.

Posted using Partiko Android

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

It's an "anarchy for beginners" video and patently doesn't pretend to be anything but. The ideas espoused are not "completely removed from the philosophy of anarchism". It's purpose is to refute the most common misconceptions about what "anarchy" means in a clear and accessible way (much needed). Most people have not heard of Chiquita Banana (including myself until now). No-one watching a 'beginners' video expects it to encompasses the activities of every dubious organization that ever existed. Before getting into specifics it is vitally important to remove very broadly held misconceptions (e.g. one's linking anarchism with violence) so that specifics can be properly discussed in perspective. 'No Gods, No Masters' is a good recommendation as well but the presentation of alien concepts needs to take many forms because different people's consciousness is structured differently. The points you raise are fair for debate, but 'completely removed ... from anarchism' - I disagree.

sorry for the spam, just in case you missed this, life sucks sometimes

I appreciate this video, I had a lot of misconceptions on what anarchy truly means, thank you for clearing them up!

Would you agree that Steemit is an anarchist social experiment?

Yes, but then again, most of what people do, and how they interact on a daily basis, is anarchistic. If it's not done via coercion, then by definition it's voluntaryist/anarchist.

Nice post

I'd bet you could post everyday here for at least a year without ever having to create any new content & do very well. I'll be supporting your channel as you gtow it. $teem on!

I will vote for this ... cause only here i vote , upvote i mean .
Not or never for any government ;-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The differences are laid out so well in this video, I could not explain it any better myself. Uv & Rs

Yes.... unbelievable how many people don't truly understand this.

Yes.... unbelievable how many people don't truly understand this.

This was an incredibly impressed by the video, I am already a voluntaryist! Keep on Larken, push this movement far! :D

Thanks a lot for your post sharing us, and personally i like dtube channel. i want your next post sharing us, all the best my dear friend

Very well explained, @larkenrose!

Two part divided water ,,I think..

Well put. Loved the graphics.
