But The Government Will Storm My Farm If I Start A Co-op!

in anarchy •  8 years ago 


My video response to the common comment I receive, that if people start a food co-op in their neighbourhood, the government will come raid and destroy it. Allow me to help clear your mind of worry and fear...

This controversy was started by this sign I put on the front door of our home, and ended up going viral on facebook.


Let's be free, and live our lives the way we were meant to!

Much Love,


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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Indeed, stand united against the oppressors, coercers, extorters and fear mongers that want to stop peaceful co-existence.

Yep, being afraid, or complying with them only adds to their perceived power.

I'm not much of a video watcher, so I will just admit to not watching it. HOWEVER. I love your sign!! It's such a great concept! <3 Once we figure out how on earth we can garden in the first place, I will definitely talk with my neighbors to see what they'll grow!

YAY!!!! That's awesome, community is where it's at and I'm sure you don't need to watch the video, as you seem very grounded and fearless, and there is nothing to fear in supporting ourselves, and sharing/trading in our communities. It is more of a problem in the US, but who's to say it couldn't happen here one day. It's all about building strong communities, so that nothing ever can happen to your co-op. We are the many, they are the few.

It's so crazy how different it is in other countries than it is here. You'd think we would have melded better over here. Having had lived in Germany they're a bit more closer to each other there, but, now they're starting to be more like we are in terms of lack of community.

I wish this would change but it's going to be people like you and I that make change for community happen. Community is so important to people doing what we do! Or else it just wouldn't even be fun!

Oooh that's sad about the direction Germany is taking, some of my husband's family lives there, and they boast about their small markets, how people buy food fresh every day. Must be more in the big cities that it is declining. So sad...why does the world want to be like the US so much, must be media or something. I'm so glad to have met you, and know you are making the US a better place by your example!

Yes the US influence is everywhere masking itself as freedom.

Though yes, still many Germans go to buy food almost every day! That's probably why they don't have dinner until 9 or 10 hahaha :)

AHHAHAHAHAAA That's awesome!! I cannot wait to go and visit one day :) :) I hear stories all the time, they always keep their eggs out on the counter, their fridges are teeny tiny. I read that Canada and the US are one of the only places in the world that refrigerate eggs. Because of the factory farms, the poor/dirty ares the chickens are living and laying in, they have to wash the eggs, and once washed must be refrigerated. I read that in other countries, there's always a little mud, or straw in any egg carton.

And the shells are so nice and hard!

Yes, the fridge's are tiny! Hehe. Though I guess they'd be f***** if SHTF without any food stored. Haha. I guess they've just accepted they'd be some of the first to go if the zombie apocalypse hit. Lmao.


fuck the government

Hear Hear @lk666!

Loved your video! Its really great to see you in person & put a face to the lovely soul you type on a keyboard to lol x

Aww, thank you @hattorihanzo!! I'm glad you liked the video, and I'm assuming you are a fellow voluntaryist/anarchist?

I would say i am a activist/anarchist. Is that the same as volunteryist.

Yes, voluntaryism sounds just like the name: That everything should be voluntary. Not forced, and certainly not by threats of violence or incarceration.

Then absolutely! :)

YAY!!! Really all it is, is a word for anarchy, that hasn't been co-opted and destroyed by the so-called "powers that be". They have made the word Anarchy, a dirty word, and when regular folks hear that word, they are programmed to think of death and destruction, not the true meaning: Without Rulers.